Guys...What do u prefer??HID or Halogen Bulbs??Should JPJ Ban HID??

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we just cant simply blame ppl on using HID... its a New Innovation for more safety in night driving... just only those idiots who doesnt care to re-align their lamp make others suffered..

and i saw many ppl using Halogen bulb also make us blind when their headlamp shoot just right on your face...

and Govt just simply banned a product without analysing its features and how usefull it is.. i really got nothing to say... Boleh Land everything "Tak Boleh"...

Gov shld banned all the lights in/on cars..ahahahhaha...:rofl:
Actually, most HID conversion kit is not suitable to put on the ori non hid light. That's why so 'eye blinding'. And some after market light also did the same thing, which bypass the standard spec and make the product just for more profit. I dare to say those light can even stun a tiger which is trying to attack you.

All cars are designed to provide certain level of safety. The original lights are bright enough, even proton car or kancil. You have to know few things, if you change the bulbs to cheap bulbs, sure not bright enough. If your lamp already old and the lamp cover become blur or too yellowish or change to non ori lamp, you will have the same results. The earthing system (for old car) also effect a bit. If not bright enough, can straight go to the root cause. Putting a HID conversion kit to your car will only blind your opposite drivers or the car in front of you. Kindly please check with the shop if there is any paper that certify the kit won't blind peoples' eyes.

Please don't use safety as an excuse. In stead, selfish is the reason. My car come with ori HID light. And compare to another car with halogen, it is way left behind if driving at night while raining. Those 5000k-12000k bulbs are just a joke if taking about safety.

The real safety starts from visiting an optical shop and check your eyes 1st before even think about changing a bulb.
Well said.

Its ok if u want to trade LIFE for LOOKS, Nobody will blame u except urself :D
Retrofitting HIDs into reflector headlamps meant for halogens are illegal in virtually every first world country.

If you want to do something, do it properly. It's not just the HID kit, you need to replace your headlamps or retrofit them with projector capsules (and even that has its share of problems, not to mention legality, but then again, this is Malaysia, we're no first-world country, are we?).

Otherwise, like many have said, you're just spewing light output everywhere with your reflectors which is extremely dangerous for oncoming traffic.

We don't blindly "hate" HIDs like some people have mentioned; in my opinion HIDs are a great improvement both visually and functionally over standard halogen bulbs, but they only serve as a road hazard for your fellow road-drivers as long as you don't do a full retrofit.

The only local car here that you could throw a HID kit in and not have these teething problems immediately would be the Waja which comes with projector headlamps.

So before you throw a set of HIDs into your car, think twice lah. Besides the fact that JPJ/Police are now pulling people over for light-related offences, think of the other people on the road... that might be somebody's life you're toying with there.
so, until now haven't heard of any kind of accident happen coz of HID... so... is it really harm..??
my personal opinion is.. in every road block, just measure the beam level of HID, if higher..then can summon...if lower just let go...

coz now even halogen..still people dont mind to align the beam after temper with it..
Highways now are no longer safe because of these bad HID users. Either the car is behind me or in front of me makes no different. Especially when being tailgated all the way along the journey.. I wish I have a gun and shoot their light.

I know some users do align their light properly, but when many users don't, it becomes more harm than good in general.
The new Civic light also glaring, white bulb, but it's OEM. So how?
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