GT-R Crash

wat? head to head? so the opposition sure die la...unless he drive a tanker or lorry...

TQ,teamadvan~ TQ u~~~:love: hehehehe...........
this one--->:thefinger: is good...hahaha...

yala....thought the thread died and cincai post something to make it alive again geh...
see see, no appreciation with ten-q also never mind...kena kick at the face sumore......
really have to-->:thefinger:

haha..owner of this GTR didnt die as the wreckexotic web didnt state driver dies...
but stated the accident were a high speed head to head crash...
and the best part is the car is less than 1500km(500miles) done...-->ouch!

halfcut oso dun wanna left for malaysian... shit...:mad:
halfcut oso dun wanna left for malaysian... shit...:mad:

hahaha....very true...

wat? head to head? so the opposition sure die la...unless he drive a tanker or lorry...

TQ,teamadvan~ TQ u~~~:love: hehehehe...........

most wellcome my friend...

Looks like a majority of the crashes were from the US ... :hmmmm:

Maybe they should keep to their dung-box GM's, Chrysler's, Ford's and Chevy's :mad:

because most of the game of theirs is abit out of mind...
maybe they have big balls...

like bungee jump, BMX, mountain bike, roller skate, skate board and so on and jump off the roof
untill bone crack, skull crak and balls crack till half die at hospital's I.C.U also no sked....
after recover, they jump again...haha....:stupid::stupid::stupid:
same like Mat Rempit... after half dead, send into lokap... after come out... Superman again...:thefinger::thefinger::thefinger:

Bump: same like Mat Rempit... after half dead, send into lokap... after come out... Superman again...:thefinger::thefinger::thefinger:
another year..another wreck
this might probably b the 1st crashed GT-R in 2009..
not total loss but it'll cost a bomb to repair it:banghead:


The accident happened at the Bahrain International Circuit. Rumor has it that it crashed into a porsche gt2 while racing. The guy is fine, costs of repairs comes to around ($146,550 USD)

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each time saw a updated crash...always feel the needle stab my heart..:banghead:

To all GTR owner pls drive safe ler...
i think shell still got promotion on their ferrari
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