green colour washer nozzle


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Senior Member
Jul 9, 2005
hi to all,
can i know that where can i buy the green colour washer nozzle in KL or selangor??
thanks a lot...! :D
haha u want to buy green colour? i want to buy blue colour.. not the want at brothers..
blue can find at anyway but green is damn hard...
many shops i was went but can't get it...even in johore...
haha.. currently my washer is green but i want to change it to blue. but u want green colour? for what hehe..
what are you all talking about? what kinda washer are those?
hi ccipan,
can you tell me that where were you bought it...?i want...
thanks...hear you soon :)
haha sorry frcgrey.. it come with my car. i don't know where the previous owner get it.. while i searching mine blue washer i will try asking about the green colour also for u.

simefly.. washer nozel la.. the one at the hud that can pancut water to your windscreen la.. no no not your co** la hahaha..
Oh... just spray it green la... or are you all talking about the ones with lights? blink2 ;)
hi ccipan,
thanks for your reply...i already found it so no need to ask for me...thanks...
don't worry,blue are very biasa...sure you can find it...

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