DIY CD HU installation - wiring colour code


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2005
near steven's
Hello fellow DIY maestros...

Ok, here is my current mission, I wanna DIY a HU installation.

I have one Sony CD HU, which i intend to install into my wira... I have already removed the wira's cassette deck...

but now i realised that the wira's clarion double din doesn't have any description of the wiring codes... i managed to isolate the other socket, which are all the wires to the speakers.

so now left is the 2nd socket, which is the power source wiring. So, i was hoping that anyone can tell me what the colour of each wires represent so that i can tap to the new Sony HU, which has different wiring colour code to represent the same thing. Attached is the pic of the wira clarion socket.

by the way, the wires are,

1) red
2) blue
3) black
4) white/black
5) green/white

1) red - constant +12v
2) blue - remote to amp
3) black - ground
4) white/black - not sure... (should be ACC)
5) green/white - small light remote (if not mistaken)

for power wires.. it is best to test with a test bulb.... to avoid any short circuit...
dang.. i think i'll just bring it to the accessories shop this weekend.... radio'less for a week then.

last time my gf's kancil and my charade was ez to work wit coz the cables all got fuse.. so wrong tap also just blow fuse.. but better not take a risk la.
u don't have the manual with u ah????

when buy new CD player should come with the installation manual mah!

the cable from car can be check easily by test bulb

but the cable from player u must try and error

buy few fuse to stanby

last time i install my cd player JVC come with manual so i can install it easily
ori wira clarion tarak wiring plan wan..

i have the sony's wiring plan.. all different colour code.. need to trace. My other 2 cars i also DIY.. straight forward. But i dunno why wira wan like additional 2 wires.. somemoe different colour code.. thatz why i scratching my head.

nvm la.. i htink this weekend i'll send it to the shop.. after seeing one member's posting on his car caught fire due to short circuit... better not risk la.. just pay 20 or 30 buckz.
u can do it if u know how to... but if not sure... just send to shop....

for those who know wiring... u'll just need a test bulb to trace which wire is power wire... remote wire...

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