CoNgRaTuLaTiOnSSS to Blackie ;)

i give angpao with pop-pop fire crackers inside... x 2 biji
zephy: laff.. hah hah hah... soon it's yer turn... i heard from a very reliable source - NOV 06??
Bryan, Congratulations to u & ur wife on ur wedding! I missed out ur wedding dinner as i've got last minute project rush from Shell M'sia. Welcome to the familyhood life buddy!

Jules, when's ur turn? Looking forward to ur wedding dinner la! Hehehehe.........
congrats blackie .. hope that your florist bussiness getting good with ur lovely wife next to u ngeh ngeh ngeh
zephyr3d said:
hmm... a little hint... i'll be at overseas. hahaha.

What u mean? U mean u will marry at oversea? This Nov'06? don't like that la

Please give me at least 3 months early notice as I need to collect angpow money ma. ke ke ke. DOn't too suddently....i'm poor guy le.

How about you ND4ever? When its your turn or married with 3 childrens already? ke ke ke ke

Bryan, this time can't attend your wedding as I'm in Shanghai. But nevermind, when your small little Blackhowling junior full moon, then we convoy again.... ha ha ha
ah hock SAP specialist... damn fat pay check each month.. u one month salary can cover my wedding dinner liao lohhh...
no lah, name after baja hitam better still. LOL
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