CoNgRaTuLaTiOnSSS to Blackie ;)

I heard during the convoy, the black Supra pulled up along side a Ferarri and smoked the prancing horse back into the stone age...Fast and Furious style
EcstacyElmo said:
congrats taikor

then next time u all call him yamchar how?
"cannot la, wife dun let..."

Suppose it like this:

One day in Friday's afternoon..... Someone is calling Bryan to join a TT.

Some one: Bryan, TT at Mohsin....

Bryan: Cannot la, not free le, got to wash toilet later..... some more my Immigration officer not allow. Nowadays, very difficult to get VISA for joining you all la. Eh, my baby crying now. Gonna feed MILK already. bye (then you can listen the baby's crying in the phone)
ka ka ka ka..........

So Bryan.....1 year X 2 little Bryan juniors. so 6 years....Got 1 dozen of small little Bryans. ke ke ke ke (can do convoy already)

Just joking okay......COngratulations.........

Julian: When is your time? ke ke ke
wow wow wow....darn nice envy leh....i also prefer sports car over conti as wedding car..hehehe...nice monster there!! i mean...alot monster!! hehe XD

blackie, wish u both have a everlasting n lovely marriage...hope u upload more pic. =)
Thanks to all for yer wishes and thoughts :)

Wedding sounds great isnt it? wait till yr turn comes.. then u'll know how tiring it is.. d shits, the events, bla bla.. etc etc.. then u'll feel so shitty.. not even a week of rest can put u back on track.. moreover, my company was making noise when i took leave... i only took 3 days of leave.. dat itself --- like cabut gigi ... ish...

Nonetheless, it was great....

So far, it's been d same... last friday.. went out to JSOC TT.. (to return something to someone, else i'd be sleeping... too damn tired n still had a bad hang over)... ..

NOS -- hahaha.. another Toyota? not really... :) when's yer turn?
congra!! ur the man!! lolx....

tire nvm la.. now got ppl massage for u redi mar.. hehe... see its good to be in zth big family, so many wishes, if all attended ur wedding, i tink it will be in malaysia's books of record...
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