ARSENAL FC, best club in england, the world and

Ronaldinho and Christiano Ronaldo on the same team???? scary man!!!

anyway, how about Pablo Aimar? i know he's been linked to be going to Liverpool but wouldn't he be a great addition to gunners? but i also like this midfield from Greece, forgot his name la.. but played great defense and can try from far. haiyaaa... what's his name laaaa.. damn it!
i've seen pablo aimar play a couple of times. i must say he's very skillful, quick and agile. i think he's in some argentinian league or something like that. he's a similar player like henry, not a typical striker but creates lots of chances.

which greece player? angelos charesteas?!? to be honest with you, i don't know much of greece players. also, you're always buying players who are overrated and overpriced after each major football competition. they probably play the game of their life during the few matches while failing to live up to expection later on.
oh shit, must have gotten my facts wrong again.

this summer is gonna be quite interesting with many top players linking to various clubs. real madrid's favourite son, raul is linked to liverpool and i must say winning the CL really boost liverpool's ratings with so many players wanting to join them. del horno and essien is quite sure of joining chelsea. wonder where will they field essien coz makelele and lampard is almost already a sure starter.

on the other hand, this neverending 'colegate' thing is hurting arsenal as a team. cole almost seem like leaving arsenal after his contract ends but doesn't look likely to leave arsenal for chelsea, maybe to spanish league. a new twist says that vieira had a part in cole's tapping up, telling cole he should not accept anything lower than 80K per week. argghh, all this mess. can't they all concentrate in winning back the league.
haih... dunno what to say la... i never liked vierra... but sometimes in big games.. he's experience is what's needed by this team. I can see him only another year with the gunners... we should move on to other player who can actually defend our mid.

i might be wrong about the greece player... and i still haven't figured out who yet.

dude... watch aimar closely... if liverpool gets him.. i think die la everyone else. hehehe...
bad news, cole looks set to leave arsenal this season, or maybe for free after his contract expires. a very dissapointing end to his arsenal career. i always thought cole will be one of those one club man like maldini, and he was improving so well under wenger. i actually saw him rise to the top after silvinho left and he was this young hardworking chap who runs up and down the flanks to support the striker and centreback. argubly one of the best left back now and half way thru his journey to be one of the arsenal greats, he's embroiled in a controversy and by the look of it, his arsenal career is gonna end.

its rather straightforward the way i see it. ashley decides he deserves a bigger pay packet and david dein decides not to give in. cole decides to evaluate chelsea's offer thru the agents, namely pini zahivi and jonathan barnett. dein is pissed off with cole's attitude and decides to make it into a big deal and say chelsea tapped him up. knowing chelsea didn't make a formal request, dein sees this opportunity to fuck up both cole and chelsea. i mean come on, david dein won't be that stupid to harm his own players without first thinking of the consequences, moreover if the player has got no problem with him in the first place.

but the fuckup thing is chelsea is acting like a typical rich bastard, shoving money up peoples ass and expect people to work for them.
selling ashley cole for da big $$$ now is better than seeing him go for free later... if chelsea wants him, let them pay big!
no point keeping an unhappy playa on the team, affects the team morale and spirit.. its also interesting to read that cole felt there were more team spirit in chelsea & some uneasiness over the french legion in arsenal... ;)
let him go if he searh pasture new....such an arsenal boy he claim he is....if someway he decide to still play with arsenal....he better play like there is tomorrow to get back the fans trust on him.....currently...personally...phuck ashley.....
i doubt arsenal gonna sell him for big bucks now. i mean which club will wanna pay so much for an unsettled player as they'll take advantage to buy him at a knock down price. my opinion is, sell him cheap cheap at 6 or 7 million pound to some spanish team or italian team and let him know what hard life is.

i really don't wanna blame him or arsenal over the fall out coz we don't know the full story. but one thing for sure, loyalty doesn't exist in the football world anymore. i agree that keeping an unsettled player will only let down the team morale. as it is now, ljungberg is complaining arsenal lacked ambition. to some extent, its true because every year wenger is only buying young kids and as much as they show potential, there's only this much they can contribute to the team. no matter what, big name players will still shine on the big day and when it matters most. unless of coz you come across young kids like rooney who's able to live up to expectation on the big day.
its a pity, arsenal has gone a long way in building a strong & competitive team.. disgruntled players can affect the strong foundation, man.. unfortunately also, arsenal has not much money like chelsea, can go pinching other teams' good playa..
sending cole to spain is a good idea too.. :D .. can get some tips from becks, owen on the language.. :)
ehhe this year im not gonna worry myself dead over players which might or might not come/go...if it happens. it happens right? i wonder when will reports come up that real are interested in vieira again...

hopefully wenger will continue to find more gems in the transfer market
i think real will be that stupid to show interest in vieira. he's no longer the midfield powerhouse he used to be. real should be looking at players like lampard, gerrard, xabi alonso.

wenger have been really quiet in the transfer market. haven't been hearing much about players linking with arsenal.
todays soccernet said emre probably heading to arsenal...if thats tru...tht should be a good news....left wanker...can also play in middle of the park....seasoned campaigner...and only 24....should be agood buy
hleb, guti, becks, SWP, robinho, emre...heheh i say keep em coming......without all these rumours off season is damn boring

confed cup anyone?
yeah..i'm hoping 4 some big names to drop in as well..pity though that pires is leaving..but knowing wenger's taste..he probably wont go spending on stars..
£14m for Robinho.....biar benar....

but if its really coming through.....woooo...we already lethal up front andif really this deal can be hook up...its madness visible....
Sounds too good really. But do Arsenal need another striker or reinforcements somewhere else? I think somewhere else is the answer.

Anyway, how would the diminutive Robinho handle life in the rough and tumble of the English game and the wonderful man love he is going to get from tough tackling defenders.
agreed with silverfish

what arsenal need is a good, strong, dependable defensive midfielder and another centerback. Sol Campbell ain't getting any younger and he's been having health problem all season long. Sanderos might be the answer but he still needs at least a season or two to become someone as Campbell was.

I still think we should let vierra sees out his contract instead of negotiating a new contract extension for him. Now that Pires is thinking out, who else do we really have? Freddy might be good but you can see that his body is not as strong as he was. believe me, what we need is elsewhere, not striker.

another striker would be a good addition but find someone who can head the ball and take challenges from defenders, instead of dribble_friendly guy. Don't get me wrong, i love watching henry or V.Persie but i do miss the strong, challenging type of striker, which Bergkamp used to be.

just IMHO.
i'm back!

whats with the rumour pires is leaving? haven't been reading about this at all. anyways, just read that juventus might be interested in vieira. i think the best choice now is to sell vieira for a big fee. buy robinho and put him in front of gilberto. gilberto has got a few good years ahead of him before the likes of fabregas or flamini take over. anyways, pires will be missed if he ever decides to leave but i do think reyes will be a natural successor to him. either that or reyes plays alongside henry and arsenal get another left midfielder.

there's just too much rumours about arsenal and other players but nothing concrete at the moment.
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