ARSENAL FC, best club in england, the world and

i had a dream a few nights ago, i saw wenger sitting on a bar stool, his back was facing me and i heard him say, "the transfer is not over yet, i am still gona get a young thin guy" ... lol, funny shit but lets see if it will come true :) :) :)
haha, peter's crotch!! please...noooo!

he's always been the butt of me and my mates jokes. he looks rather comical but hey, for his height, he does score a couple of goals. there's this other tall huge player, jan koeller from czech republic. but koeller a huge muscular guy while crouch a tall thin player.
i'm tired of arsenal losing out on so many potential players. everytime they are linked with players, another team end up buying instead. i do think that arsenal's terms are a bit weak and they seem to offer a ridiculously low price for a top player. that turns them off i suppose.

vieira is potentially leaving arsenal this summer. bad news but i guess life goes on. to be honest he hasn't been playing well this 2 seasons. its no surprise wenger will want to cash in on him before he gets old and free transferred. its sad but as i said, thats life as a football player and u have only 10-15 years of competetive football before u enjoy the money u made. i don't know man, with so many players leaving this season, wenger hasn't actually made replacement buys.
then we will again face the long depressing year like 98,99,and 2k when petit, overmars and anelka moved....

but what to do...but winning eleven liveware wendetta and i edited Hleb to arsenal and in that game...dammnn...hes darn awesome....

but for me...viera leaving....Captain leaving....arrrggghhhh....cant accept that me who elz can play in the midfield as calibre as viera....make sure the player cost less then 5m if i know wenger well...
we did saw that he wasn't playing well for last season but i must agree that wenger shouldn't let veira go without a steady replacement in hand. hleb is there to replace bergkamp, too bad v.bommel was already snatched up.
hmm, soccernet says a deal is on the table sometimes this afternoon(london time). i feel nothing but sad that a great midfield battler is leaving. he's been a great player but life goes on. when you're not having a good year and the manager decides he can make some money before you're expired, thats it. off you go to the next club. wish patrick vieira all the best in his new club! but don't play too well if against arsenal!
the inevitable has happened, patrick vieira, the arsenal captain will leave arsenal for juventus for 13.7 million pounds!
Man, that is going to hurt. Big void to replace once captain Vieira goes. And to the shrewd Italians. Juve are pretty good dealers on the transfer market.

Which begs the question. Why not Madrid last season? Would have made a lot more from that.
because last season... we got everything to play for... we have the record... we have the premier league... so we need as much firepower as possible.... but it turns out we just managed FA cup. oh well...

players come and go... vierra has been contemplating leaving Arsenal the past 3 years... what do u expect?

wenger... go get Aimar... :D hehehehe or maybe rosicky... hehehe
arsenal lost 2 midfield holding players in the form of vieira and edu. i hope they don't expect flamini and fabregas to fill the void coz both edu and vieira are extremely experienced players. i'd expect someone in the mould of edgar davids, steven gerrard, scott parker or makelele to replace vieira.
^&*&^%$$ in blardy berlin and saw the german newspaper with viera picture holding juve shirts with his name writing on it....i was like far% what happem since its in german...and now it cost me 5 blardy euro just to find out viera have moved....future is bleek.....if wenger couldnt find ball winner in the middle of the park i just could see one thing....the title english champion wouldnt be visiting highbury for the last season....arrghhh...what was wenger thinking....i could understand if he already bought somebody then moved on....arrghhh.....trouble my mind i am....but as a true behind the manager....

wenger have to find replacement if he tend to set to the existing arsenal type of 4-4-2 formation with fixed center mid and fast centre drifting winger....few names i can table....davids, ballack, hagreaves, Kallstrom, or Baptista. but i got a sense that he would move Toure up the field and put Sanderos to partner campbell at the back....he used to try toure in that position before and he could do that 50-50 with the darn idea...

but if wenger would sacrifice cover for the defence and prefer more robust style of play which in a way almost similiar manner where what makalele do for chelsea...he can used gilberto for that role and get more attacking minded attacking midfielder in a mold like aimar, totti, guti, deco or emre....this also could be done since who the fa%k thought that wenger would play 5 mid in FA cup final....

basically i dont know.....whatever la wenger....luckly while im at london i bought jersey with henry name instead of viera....actually i was thinking bout sanderos tho' but im short of 5 pound to print the name at that moment....

anyway guys i wont be as often as always in the forum coz im in part of Malaysian expedition taking the land route from london back to kl through hanover, berlin, warsaw, moscow, kazan, umruqi, kunming, vientiene, bangkok and to our capital....wish me safe trip and i hope u guys pray for the best for the club we all love.....amen
Saga, just wondering what on earth are you doing in Berlin and your trip back to KL is gonna take you years. In fact i didn't even know its possible to connect Berlin to KL via land transport. Wish you all the best!

I just hope Wenger has a good contingency plan coz Vieira will be hard to replace, definitely not Flamini. Remember the year when he sold Petit, Overmars and Anelka and how he ended up empty handed. Hopefully it doesn't happen coz Vieira's departure will leave a big void in the centre. I'm so used to seeing him muscle strikers in the midfield and his towering presence during corner kicks and freekicks. And not to forget those bone crunching tackles, his legs just keep on going. Not to forget the ugly spats with van Nistelrooy, Roy Keane, Gary Neville, Alan Shearer, Mihajlovic and the list goes on. I think Gilberto will play a deeper role while Cesc Fiberglass will play up front more.
haha saga, gd luck in ur trip and hope ur return to kl safe and sound. Do update us once in a while bout ur progress. Dun forget we just bought hleb, he could be used in midfield altho he'll need some time to get used to the team. Hopefully this season Reyes gonna be consistently scoring gd goals!... :D. Last time i heard something bout buying gattuso. Ehehe.
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