Uh... NOS is force induction meh?
Dude, it's not force induction related at all.
It's not legal. Getting caught with it will probably land you a fine but they can't do anything more than that (like ask you go inspection).
Anyway - to the thread starter : I have a friend who ran his modded NA Wira 1.6 with NOS. According to him it was the biggest mistake of his life. You'll constantly get tempted to pretty the 'happy button' and the addiction is worse than a smoker going cold turkey. Unlike Turbo/SC cars, you'll get used to the power eventually. But with NOS it's instant gratification with a push of a button. Until you have to refill the can, which is about RM280 per refill, and in the case of my friend - it was a weekly refill. Lekat kerusi feel is very tempting.
In the end he took out the set and now it's with another friend of mine in his Accord. I don't know if he kept it there or not but that was his daily drive. Oh and btw, the NOS did havoc to my friends Wira internals. Pistons were burnt crispy on the top side and the piston ring wear was terrible. It really kills the internals and halves or quarters the life span of your engine.
Anyway, lesson learnt is if you're gonna spend money installing a NOS kit for your daily drive and have shitloads of money hiding under your bed, go ahead! Install it! Instant gratification!
If you don't have shitloads of money, suggest you spend it on a FI kit or getting a bigger turbo for bigger kicks.