AEM V2 Intake - DIY & Review

did u dynoed the gains on this AEM? 10whp sounds too much for an intake for me tho
did u dynoed the gains on this AEM? 10whp sounds too much for an intake for me tho

no i've not. but Hondata has done it... and according to the dyno video above... you can see that a simple intake + exhaust mod = 35whp up... so i'm certain the intake will make that sort of power.

if you've read through the entire thread you'll know that in Vtec, K20A engines run rich. therefore...naturally if you can feed it more air...combustion will be more "complete"...generating more power. :driver:

i'll be doing a dyno soon once i get my exhaust on and i'm looking at 212 - 215whp... up from the stock 180whp... very attainable as our very own GTI4740 has hit 212whp with a custom intake and custom exhaust mod. :biggrin:

on a seperate note....

LOOK WHATS HERE.... :proud:
What a little elbow grease and autosol will do... :biggrin:

just to let everyone know... the axle back muffler from Fujitsubo DOES NOT plug straight up to the stock piping.
went over the JFA today to try getting it installed without the midpipe.
there is a 5 inch gap between the flange on the muffler and the flange on the stock midpipe.

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guess what i picked up from Singapore yesterday :biggrin:

the system better be worth sgd600 + 840km in 2 days
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A lunchbreak well spent...


1. Louder than stock - straight flow and bigger piping diameter - RM01A: 2.36" (Stock: 2.1")
2. Bassy backflow upon throttle release.
3. Not raspy (the most important point)
4. Not too loud (good for highway cruising)
5. Muffler tip looks abit small compared to stock muffler.
6. Sounds solid at lowrevs, which is important because 80% of my driving is city driving.
7. Better throttle response.
8. Increase in low-mid torque - 2.36" piping explains this..compared to 2.5" for high end.

Racing "feel" achieved! :proud:

Will take her out for a spin tonight when the weather is better and hear how she sounds in Vtec, but so far.... feels, sounds and looks great! Only qualm is that the muffler tip could have been abit bigger... 3" is kindda neither here nor there.

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I miss being civilized by having a silent exhaust... going for 2.7" straight flow once my K24 is complete.. will forever be uncivilized.. hahah..
I miss being civilized by having a silent exhaust... going for 2.7" straight flow once my K24 is complete.. will forever be uncivilized.. hahah..

S.I.C.K! K24 builds are EPIC!


Just to share with everyone the difference between RM01A vs Stock

You can clearly see how tiny the stock piping diameter is, 2.1" is really REALLY restrictive...
Less bends on the RM01A mid-pipe too...

Huge ass stock muffler...and it's heavy too...
RM01A is a straight flow application...but it isn't as loud as say...HKS or Buddy Club...only 99.3db in full race mode...
Quote the guys at Jaafar : "Senyap oh ini muffler..."
My reply: "Bagus laa...:biggrin:"

This was done from before..
The stock cat is a monster... get your car to an exhaust shop and cut it off NOW!


Dyno should be on the way this coming weekend or possibly next week...

Will i hit the coveted 215whp? Stay tuned...:biggrin:

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"if you've read through the entire thread you'll know that in Vtec, K20A engines run rich. therefore...naturally if you can feed it more air...combustion will be more "complete"...generating more power."---->can i ask sumthg abt dis statement?
assuming d car is not running on any engine management yet,aka stock.....feeding it w more air via an open pod filter shudn't promote better combustion coz d ECU will feed in more fuel too to it's preset AF ratio,no?

n errr....DC5's stock exos system is only 2.1"...SERIOUS?

btw,lightningfield,whn lar ur K24 gonna kamb out?embekkk!!!!!!!!!!
"if you've read through the entire thread you'll know that in Vtec, K20A engines run rich. therefore...naturally if you can feed it more air...combustion will be more "complete"...generating more power."---->can i ask sumthg abt dis statement?
assuming d car is not running on any engine management yet,aka stock.....feeding it w more air via an open pod filter shudn't promote better combustion coz d ECU will feed in more fuel too to it's preset AF ratio,no?

n errr....DC5's stock exos system is only 2.1"...SERIOUS?

btw,lightningfield,whn lar ur K24 gonna kamb out?embekkk!!!!!!!!!!

yeah. stock piping is only 2.1". confirmed online at and also from my trusty ruler.. :biggrin:

to answer your question...i've read through the Hondata conference notes, and it was stated that in Vtec, the ECU is preset to dump more fuel in as a safety measure... so by feeding in more air, the "extra" fuel can be burnt as well...

i'm not too sure on whether or not the ECU will detect the extra air and dump in more fuel (this would lead to fuel overload)... but according to the guys at Hondata, more air is better for Vtec.

Need to do more research on this. Valid point though!
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of coz more air is always better 4 VTEC....2 make dat max whp,almost all tuners will try 2 run ur AF as lean as possible w.out blowing d engine...d trick is always der n also wether d tuner has d balls & skill/knowledge 2 take d chances or not....
but dis is of course NOT adviseable 4 frequent track abuse.....
4 drag races,yes,go ahead....go as lean as possible 4 those sub 15s problem......
anyway,how much does a stock DC5R weigh?
of coz more air is always better 4 VTEC....2 make dat max whp,almost all tuners will try 2 run ur AF as lean as possible w.out blowing d engine...d trick is always der n also wether d tuner has d balls & skill/knowledge 2 take d chances or not....
but dis is of course NOT adviseable 4 frequent track abuse.....
4 drag races,yes,go ahead....go as lean as possible 4 those sub 15s problem......
anyway,how much does a stock DC5R weigh?

sub 15s for quartermile? :hmmmm:

urm the stock DC5R runs the quartermile in 14.5 seconds with a kerb weight of 1180kgs. :burnout:
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1/4 mile time is very subjective......not every1 can achieve 14.5s on a stock DC5R.....
so,d kerb weight is 1180kgs.....
1/4 mile time is very subjective......not every1 can achieve 14.5s on a stock DC5R.....
so,d kerb weight is 1180kgs.....

definitely subjective if you're "granny shiftin' and aint double clutchin' like you should boy!" - Vin Diesel....
LOL@ Double Clutching in a drag race!

"Vtak just kicked in yo!" :driver:
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Well... just some comments on the exhaust after 3 days of use...

1. Exhaust really is quite quiet. If you're not revving it, noise levels are very close to stock.
2. Sounds really good once its heated up. Took it for a spirited drive on Wednesday night and it sounded really good after... just a slight blip of the throttle would make a *vroom*
3. Getting used to how it looks, and it actually looks very sexayyy...
4. Not sure about any difference in power at top end... but definitely better low&mid torque.

Overall product satisfaction = 8.5/10

Where did the 1.5 points go?
- It could have been slightly louder. Nothing to screamy... but maybe 10db louder would have been good.
- 2.36" piping isn't enough... 2.5" would have been great. :)
Nice to see someone write about their mods and reviews here:proud: Keep up the good work!
Nice to see someone write about their mods and reviews here:proud: Keep up the good work!

thanks! i know forums helped me a TON when i was a newbie... so this is my contribution back to the autoworld.

not quite useful information for pros. but hopefully noobs can find it useful.

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