4G93T Club

Boost Canser................

Wanna ask about this thing.
Last night my check engine lite at low rpm ie bellow 3Krpm or 1/4 trotle and goes off at above 3.5Krpm 1/2 trotle.. slow it lite up.. is it the trotle position sensor or the T/B itself.

maybe it could be air flow problem also
when air flow sensor rosak it will on the check engine light also
popofufu: why ur fren didn`t show the 1st saman to the police?? 1 day cannot more than 1 saman le.....

check already..0% trottle got 0.453volt and 100% got 4.982volt. So my tps okey kut!


I think if air flow the check lite always on if sensor got problem??? or on and off when different trottle pressure?


Let say we are driving at high speed(let say 160kmh) on the hiway and sudenly infront got a police radio car, Police PErdana V6 Patrol car.. can we overtake them or reduce speed to same speed as their car (140kmh)?? can they saman us??? for overtake or follow them at 140kmh?? or reduce to 110kmh???.

jacky gsr
sure or not I got 2 speeding ticket Marang Terengganu road. different place same road.

during your check engine light right, do you feel any difference with your engine performance? it is always consistence as the problem u described?

these are the few things u may consider checking, Because all of these could trigger the check engine light.
1. ECU sockets may not be in good contact, ECU capacitors may be leaking.
2. Engine Relay (located at the rear of the radio)
3. Air Flow Socket, Wiring.
4. Crank Angle Sensor Socket. (Check for idle timing) Base timing is 5° advance.
5. Throttle Body TPS Sensor position.
6. Ignition Sockets. (Located on the right side of the intake manifold when u are facing your car) Please note these are not plug cables... but ignition sockets which is connected to the ECU.
7. O2 sensor failure.
8. Injectors failure.

That is what I can think off for now. Check whatever stuffs u think is the easiest first, gradually check to more difficult stuffs later and narrow down the possiblity.
musang: if speed trap...i donno...if hand saman,1 day 1 only.my fren as a police man told me....

during your check engine light right, do you feel any difference with your engine performance? it is always consistence as the problem u described?

these are the few things u may consider checking, Because all of these could trigger the check engine light.
1. ECU sockets may not be in good contact, ECU capacitors may be leaking.
2. Engine Relay (located at the rear of the radio)
3. Air Flow Socket, Wiring.
4. Crank Angle Sensor Socket. (Check for idle timing) Base timing is 5° advance.
5. Throttle Body TPS Sensor position.
6. Ignition Sockets. (Located on the right side of the intake manifold when u are facing your car) Please note these are not plug cables... but ignition sockets which is connected to the ECU.
7. O2 sensor failure.
8. Injectors failure.

That is what I can think off for now. Check whatever stuffs u think is the easiest first, gradually check to more difficult stuffs later and narrow down the possiblity.

1. Ecu socket allready check ok. capacitor.. need to open ecu not yet.
2. Engine relay? I found the fuel relay only.
3. Airflow socket check...wire check.. need to find airflow sensor replace the old one.
4.not yet.
5.Done... wire and TPS spray with contact cleaner.
6.not yet
7. O2 how to check??
8. Injector.. Hmhmh plug look okey.

I got this problem when check engine lite on.. from 2.5kRPM to 3.5kRPM the engine feel heavy tu rev.

Fuel can obnly go 340km before 380-400km tankfull.

Still drive the car to work....

1st scenario... the police can chase u and flag u down and ask u to go roadside and hand u saman or ask some duti kopi

2nd scenario....i dunno they can do this or not... take ur plate no. and straight give u saman ekor..

3rd scenario... they malas to kejar u... they just let u go...

but they kejar u or flag u down... dont ever ever ignore or try to speed of... if not sia sia mati katak kena tembak... seriously... hehhehe

ftzone: email u edi thanks...
all bro i got some question to ask how to diffrent the ori trust wastgate n not ori trust wastgate?????? thank............
Thank you X1000 Times..wahahaha problem solve. I check the wire from tps,maf and o2 to harness then saw a wire socket to knock sensor push the socket then hear clik sound.. reset ecu and go jalan jalan no more check light. power are back...

hahaha kalau takdak aral melintang aku sampai... But if kena jadi nanny what to do can bring my baby twins ka???... wahahahahaha

before u install the metal head gasket, i suggest you skim the cylinder head as well. if you have removed the head for more than once, replace the head studs too.

others is as usual top overhaul thingy.... since you are removing the head.
thanks for the advise...by the way item received last night...

actually before 2 years back i already open the head and skimmed it due to my gasket "terbakar" due to over heatting.. but that time no $$$ to install metalhead...menyesal jugak le... hehehhehe

ok bro...trhanks a lot..... i guess i better make top overhaul 1 shot lah....clean the tappets also...

actually i am not in a hurry, my belting still can tahan 25k until 70k to change... (limit 80k)...in the meantime i am colleting stuff for my engine...
injector, fuel pump, FPR, bla bla bla...(normal mod only... not monster2 like sifoos in here heheheh)... 1 by 1.... man man lor... hehehehe...
bro jacky: 1 saman 1 minum teh hahahahah..specially the HID & exhaust...

just change to S-flow.. very quiet and no pick up..but high speed good :burnout: !!!
but now air-con rosak liao lah, the fan dun wan spin already lah..aiyaaaa!!! at this busy greeting CNY times man!!! after CNY must spend money again for air-con. should i buy the Halfcut GSR cooling coil or use back the new cooling coil?

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