SIC Track Day

is that petronas green colour ek that bang me, went i go talk to him, he and his group of friends talk like samseng, some more say i langgar his car, this group from Penang one.
Later one of them more gentleman, pull me a side and talk nicely to me, i also dun want make matters big, so i left them and go arrange tow truck for my car.

there are two maroon(red) Neo yesterday, one of them from that Penang group also.
I'm driving a black neo, i think i didn't offend anyone on the track yesterday.
kee bro...

no worries..that neo got his stick by going into the gravels..
its okay...

How did your car got into the accident?
same goes to bang from left side when approaching turn 15...hmmm :hmmmm:

bro, i think i saw your car, white colour one ngam boh??
your car and my car kenal bang on the same spot, rear right tyre there...

---------- Post added at 11:51 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 11:43 AM ----------

kee bro...

no worries..that neo got his stick by going into the gravels..
its okay...

How did your car got into the accident?


i notice that ek on my rear view mirror since T5/6, you can tell that he driving not steady one, at T9 he getting very close to me liao, then come to T11, whn reacing entry point, he try take inside line high speed, i agak-agak he will lost control, so i slow down let him pass, true enough he understeer into the gravel then shoot back to the middle of the track, he didn't brake and counter steer one more time, his car coming slightly up hill and bang me even though i steer into the gravel to avoid him.

my rear suspension is out of place now, cannot drive, don't know how long it take to repair.
sad la, no car to drive now =(
yea..i saw 2 very very aggressive EK yesterday..

sorry bout the accident bro..hope your car could recover soon too..
So,u were involved in dat accident w dat green EK track car.caused quite a long red light.@ 1st i tot it was my sifu's car whn i heard ppl say a green civic track car was involved in an accident.la8 only i realised it's d sifu was driving d green EG.dats very ungentleman of dat bugger???!!!push so darn hard,got a trophy waiting 4 him @ d finishing line isit?or is coz of ego,a track car just can't accept d sight of a street car in frt of him?i think i'll go back 2 RCA track days frm now slightly more 4 peace if mind.
That group from penang brought along a load of old used slicks for hentaming and finishing off, which i tot was a little dangerous... case and point, their green EK got into trouble becoz of a tyre blow out and another one from their group also same case.... this was what i was told by a friend there la...
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i actually quite admire their a whole loader 2 transport their cars all d way frm penang,charter a bus 2 travel down,got a whole bunch 2 come all d way frm penang.i tot i was crazee enuff 2 drive alone frm Kuantan yesterday morning n go back right after track day.dis Penangite's spirit is even higher thn mine.but after d track EK's incident,i really feel it's veru ungentlemen-like n also unnecessary.....not sure wether it's d same group,but shudn't haf happened in d 1st place.

besides dis too gung-ho ppl,der were other complaints abt ppl goin TOO slow on d track!yes,v understand,stock street cars r allowed on track too.heck,my 1st drive in SIC was in an automatic 1.6L Civic!but pls lar...stay off d racing line n dun simply weave into ppl's line.....a fren told me dat he was blocked by 2 Kcars,probably on a cool down lap..but d problem was..dis 2 Kcars were driving SIDE BY SIDE!really not a nice thg 2 do ler......
there is 2 Kelisa. 1 of them spin off while I am behind them..Side by side which is not good to do in track...
i dun think i 1na get specific ler.....AFAIK,der were only 3 Kcars(dat i know of lar).pls take dis comment offensive coz it IS really not d right thg 2 do driving side by side while cooling down...if it's a dog fight side by side,i'm all 4 it!yyeeeeehhharrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry akuma...

as of what i remembered i nvr la...but what car was it first?maybe it was me ? if yes pai seh pai seh...soli
eh,dun say sorry 2 me ler..u din block was my fren...2door Ek w CF bonet....he keep telling me abt it in d pits.....
i was the only miserable kenali...hope it was not me...

based on what i've recalled..i nvr block la...but if so..pls help me apologise to your friends...please forgive k-car for slow pickup...

---------- Post added at 03:10 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 03:09 PM ----------

talking bout Evo 5 so hell slow and jamming break so early...and dun wanna let me pass...sial...
dun worry grudge.....coz if he did,he wud haf gone over n prolly burn ur car..!!hahaha..jjk.....u were parked beside me n my fren only ler............

n speaking abt slow cars.....i almost kena frm a blue WRX after T10....coz i seriously duno whr he/she 1na go.....only whn i crept up really close behind it's left,did d co-pilot signal d driver 2 go right n lemme pass...i think he was teaching d driver how 2 drive in SIC........

hahahaha..watching my videos manu interrupted runs...not only due 2 handphone holder snapped glove wasn't strapped lar.....fuel surge lar......oil pressure goin up n down lar..hahhaaha......hancus!
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dun worry grudge.....coz if he did,he wud haf gone over n prolly burn ur car..!!hahaha..jjk.....u were parked beside me n my fren only ler............

nvm...even if he did burn..i would get an excuse to change car too...hope it wasnt me.. :slug:
hermm.. but i c that the 1 off white keLisa have perodua stiker in front screen.. his drive ok..
1 of d Kelisa yest can b considered a track "veteran" dy ler....not his 1st time oredy...if u remember his num plate,u'll know who he is....6009!heheheheh
haha..that 6009 taiko said he wanna retire wor...keke..

he is the 69 taiko..hahaha...
there is another veteran one...with the no. plate of PFLxxxx one...

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