evo owners - sharing bad experience

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i was about to say the same thing.....i am more than welcome for them to post more coz i need all to read on this interesting topic.

even a thread that Fxxk me upside down also i restored so i don think any mod here will delete anything......kindly find out if there is any missing posting due to data glitches...pls restore for him.....important to have their posting in here...FAIR ma......thanks
ehem..fighting/flaming here is not a solution,thus tearing MLOC apart..all the hard work the president n his guys did is useless if members treat members like this..plus,there is no court in MLOC club also so if keep on being like this,i think until tua also nvr solve..kesian to leslie also,he like the father in this club then if we fighting,he also headache

from my experience,every1 has problems with their cars,only need some knowledge to identify the problems and survey at any mechanic shop..dont have any ideas about the problem? then post in forum and ask..can also call all the taikos for opinions,that is what MLOC's for :itsme:

-whats past is past,forgive n forget-

MLOC rules! >.<

p/s : its only my 1kupang :driver:
i really really REALLY don't understand...

chronology of events
1. CPG ask evoz for business
2. evoz decide to give CPG the business
3. CPG job not satisfactory
4. evoz complain
5. people blame evoz for being demanding, blame gymkhana, blame everything except CPG

does this even make sense? if you were in evoz shoes, YOU NEARLY DIED because of a stupid mistake. you think you can accept (5)?

the grease stains on the car i agree happens all the time when we send it to workshop. did you know that evoz has his own seat cover? the mech could have used that seat cover to cover it up instead of the current bucket seat having a huge spot of grease on it. evoz seat cover was thrown to a side collecting dust.

and what does changing clutch set have to do with a mechanic leaving finger prints on the roof, dashboard and gear? i changed my clutch set recently, and my car had no grease stains all over the interior.

maybe you guys think evoz is very picky or difficult but if such 'little' details can be ignored, don't you think that the loosened intake piping is possible also because of the work attitude? why always think evoz facts are lies? till now, no one has directly proven what evoz said are lies. ALL the replies against evoz are based on assumptions.

now, skyc has finally apologized to evoz and wants to resolve this. why are you guys still banging evoz?

i don't understand. who are you defending? what are you defending? your pride? :rolleyes:
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:listen:Chris, luckily we dun have this kind of fren....luckily his is not a MLOC President. MLOC Sure dabao.
thanks thanks thanks.......
Call him for what...hear his story bla bla bla ah....I only call someone that i know. Sorry, no place for u to put in my phonebook.
Who never face any problem for his car....Maybe transformer lah.

What are you trying to do here? trying to be funny and make the situation even more fury? We don't need this kind of comments. Please don't act like a kid.
past is past....so y not all of MLOC members sit down, minum teh tarik,
shake hands, call CPG mechs, skyc as well.......
no point flaming/fighting between each other.....

as spoken to skyc just now, he will rectify EvoZ's car without any charges.
he even apologize & admit his mistakes....
it is not EvoZ, CPG, skyc or any MLOC members fault.
am not bias to anyone or belongs to which group.

since we have replies from the workshop (skyc-the mech handle evoz's car),i think we could make it in this way (regardless of those comment from other parties,just between evoz & workshop):

from the mech's point of view:
1.every parts have to change from time to time to keep the car running in good condition.
2.we charged cheaper
3.we tried to solve the problem but we failed,it has something to do with the driving style

from evoz's point of view:
1.after i saw the way you handle my car,my parts would last longer if you fix it properly,the way/attitude you handle my car does not meet my satisfactory level and it takes my time & money.
2.charge cheaper does not means you have no responsibilities of the effect/failure after your service.
3.i could drive whatever style i want,the problem comes after i collect the car from the workshop,not before i send it to you.

pls correct me if im wrong.

my advise is,points have to state to get the answer from the workshop instead of leave this thread to some hooligan to perform.

this thread is for someone to share his bad experience (with fact & proof),not for you guys to release your tension with dirty & offensive statement.in this case,evoz share his & workshop come in to talk about it.leave it to them unless you have your own bad experience to share.we make it as sticky is for both driver & workshop to alert on what was happened & what is the solution/how to improve,zth never encourage flame or blackmail...never!

in case you have any idea on which workshop is good & you would share your experience,you may just post at http://www.zerotohundred.com/newfor...owners-club/324476-evo-specialist-garage.html let the workshop talk for themselves,it's not fair for both parties if ppl like us who is not involved/witness comment who is right or false unless proof & fact provided.

I am Neutral and independent party here!
just advice to Workshop (i think now is time for advice and problem solving).
please dun make customer car dirty. sometimes is so sakit hati when i bring my car to service, they leave oil mark here and there especially cushion. and they scratch my dashboard... ouch..
**fyi: not cpg did that to my car.**

Thanks for all your info, I will know what to do next time .

---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 01:03 PM ----------

Ha ha,

Everything was fine with me now, no worries....
I am lately bz with a lot of work ler....lets go take chicken rice in one weekend.


Hello bozz, how r u doing lately? Hey, jangan la ni macam... Nanti ppl misunderstand tht Me n u pakat n play fire here like OTHERS!!! Sensitive le... I sincerely wanna to ask clearly, so tht no more misunderstanding here anymore...

Jus hope tht all issues will b cleared soonest n effectively without worsen... ^.^
mizunori77 Please Quiet, from beginning to end only because you are dissatisfied with
Affect other people's emotions,Has repeatedly provoked the Everyone's bad mood.
thank for help ........I hope you aslo can calm down and ponder the same with evoz

5115。You are also pulled out of the their own from now pls.....thank for help
Overall only misunderstandings and technical problems

evoz, receipt of your Pm .when will you come in.and so sorry to u bcome a Victims。

and Many respondents also chatted with them before, they are not partial to any of the parties in the reply speech, that we should not mess up the development of this topic

###my english upgrade to grade c+......hope when finish this i already be grade b
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Ok, me jus after lunch and now got more time to write to u... Pls dun get me wrong, as i said b4, me not looking for a fight!!! Nor did i fight for CPG or defending for them...

Ok, let's look back into this issue from the start... U expressed yr dissatisfaction as in how CPG mis-handle or mayb oso spoiled yr parts (in yr opinion)... Everyone is fine with tht... But b4 some of us started to post anything, there were alredi many flaming posts, non-helping posts n add fire-posts ( as term by some here) filling this thread!!!

Ok, my point is why they too, add lotsa "salts", "herbs" and "sugar" into all this?! Especially they didnt even get both sides stories?! Is tht the right way to judge for them abt CPG?! I didnt say CPG did nothing wrong... They might b wrong or they hv done something wrong... And all this ppl oredi started to post without knowing the full story!!! I believe at tht early stage, u hvnt posted out all the story of yr side too... But few of them oredi concluded tht CPG is sucks n everyone shldnt hv go there!!!! And u dun call them flaming?? Add fire n etc?! I'm jus trying to b fair n talking abt the facts...

U mentioned CPG name being revealed was bcos its being provoked!!! Ok fine... But why dun everybody here think abt the same thing why ppl provoked?! Bcos they were being provoked by some of u here too... Tht's y they came in with such a sensitive comment!!! From then on... There is oredi no way back...

Another point... If u think clearly n calmly abt what i hv wrote in the 3 posts!!! Jus 3 of them... 1st is tht i share my own experiences over the past 5 yrs where i sent my cars to CPG... And oso some of my personal view on my experiences n opinion... I didnt say a single words abt yr n CPG problems... Did i?!

In my 2nd post, i discuss abt the bolt head broken problem onli when others whom i believe didnt get the full picture of the incident, came in n comment and some here "Thx" his writing... Fine... Put i jus try to point out something where he might hv left out, such as how the bolt might hv been under stress... If other car n other bolt, i might think his way of taking out the bolt might b right... But we r talking abt Evo... U n me oso drive Evo... Sometimes myself really thrashed the car kao kao, but deep down my heart i got to know tht wear n tear for Evo might b higher than other cars... Did i wrote something wrong there?!

As for the 3rd n last post, I ask u few questions!!! Why i asked?! Bcos this thread been shifted from MLOC to G.Talk then back to MLOC again... And the topic of it did changed too... Right?! So in order to make everyone clearer abt who shld n shldnt post in here, tht's y i rised the Qs... Yep, i saw some of the posting r very unnessaccery jus like u too... If u answer me, then i think those who did all those unnessaccery postings will stop n keep quiet since this thread is no longer relevant to them...

From all my posts, i didnt look for 'fight'!!! I really need to make this clear!!! I hope u understand too... Many hv asked others to stay in yr position to look at this issues, but do they themselves stay in other position to look at this issues b4 they throwed in their comments?!


Good posting!!! But i think some of DD05 posting oso do not contribute much especially with some funny wordings... I hope 1 stop, others will stop their funny posts too... Thx a lot for helping to keep things clean n fair!!! Bravo!!!


Agreed with what u wrote, cos others didnt get the full pic of the whole story of Ez and CPG... Tht's y in yr eyes, ppl blame Ez for what he did or what he didnt... But did u too, get the full story?! Pls, again, not looking for fight but wanna to get things right... If u said those ppl defending CPG b4 they got to know everything and every details btw Ez and CPG by getting both sides explainations... Then r u defending Ez?! Jus asking, i might b wrong!!!

Too bad tht Leslie n Ben tried to get both sides sit down n talk n hope to settle everything if possible... But failed to do so... If CPG, the mech, other posters n mayb myself r to b blamed for making it impossible for the 2 parties to sit down n talk... Then do u think u too?!

Actually i think this problem isnt tht big, if ppl beisdes Ez didnt add "salts" or "herbs" with their own opinions... I'm sure Ez r very much willing to sit down with CPG to solve all the problems... Tht's all i wanted to say... If u all still think I'm looking for fight or whatever, too bad... I'm jus trying to look at things from neutral, where both sides explanations might b subjective at least until both the parties themselves sit down n talk over it...
pls dont put the blam on Evoz, CPG or skyc or who so ever....
both of them have sorted out the issues between each other,
no point flaming anyone, it would make things worst,
i dont blame DD05 as well, he is also trying to help things out....
pls dont put the blam on Evoz, CPG or skyc or who so ever....
both of them have sorted out the issues between each other,
no point flaming anyone, it would make things worst,
i dont blame DD05 as well, he is also trying to help things out....


I didnt blame DD05 too... I know he wanna to help Ez... As well as Lancerevorry, mayb he wanna help CPG too?! Who knows? But i'm refering to the post where DD05 wrote "kn*****cb"... I measn tht is 1 of the funny post tht u all terms Lancerevorry la... Same right?! Does tht contribute to this thread?!

And pls DD05 dun get me wrong too... I'm trying to fact things out... I know u been a good poster, bcos u wanna to help Ez out jus as Lancerevorry wanna help out CPG... So no hard feeling bro!!! Peace!!!

Point clear?! ^.^
Aikss... i didn't flame anyone ler... my post is about Say No To The Workshop for my own ride..
so what is wrong with the posting saying i not gonna send my ride there?

If can give me a good point , then i've be glad to remove it.

Thanks for ur statement bro... yet u also dont see any wrong with my post. :biggrin:

Storm: knnccb is juz a words... so thats the way i'm talking.. pls excuse me for that.. u might say me ah beng or ah seng lor.. i'm ok with it
me and evoz started Pm, and now he was in a meeting, hoping to be will have an empty time when he will have to call me.

Stormvolution 9 ,5115 ,drift_devil05 ,
DanzEternaLet ,morpheus,TitanRev,insaniac7.5,kampoon,

me and evoz come out to discuss an embarrassing situation at the crack
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me and evoz started Pm, and now he was in a meeting, hoping to be will have an empty time when he will have to call me.

s9 Let me and evoz come out to discuss an embarrassing situation at the crack

Bro, let's sort out with bro evoz...

from 1st page until last page... i never flame u or CPG.. juz as owner myself, i juz say NO to CPG. (i bet i deserved the right to choose which workshop, initially i post Say no to CPG is bcuz before Evoz incident he rekomen me to CPG for upgrade but unfortunately after his incident of cuz a BIG NO posting will be out.

No hard feeling bro... pls dun get someone bang me :biggrin::biggrin:

i'm ain't gonna bend over for you ler.. :thefinger:
Aikss... i didn't flame anyone ler... my post is about Say No To The Workshop for my own ride..
so what is wrong with the posting saying i not gonna send my ride there?

If can give me a good point , then i've be glad to remove it.

Thanks for ur statement bro... yet u also dont see any wrong with my post. :biggrin:

Storm: knnccb is juz a words... so thats the way i'm talking.. pls excuse me for that.. u might say me ah beng or ah seng lor.. i'm ok with it


Hahaha... No worry, i'm fine with yr style!!! Haha... Cos i hv got many hokkien gf too!!! Haha... But jus tht not appopriate in this thread at this moment nia~ Cos Chris was trying to hv a light moment here, but to the wrong effect too... Hehe...

Dun worry bro, me too, Big Time Ah Beng... Tht's y some of the members always call me Chicken Little!!! LOLzzzzzzzzzzzz.... :banghead::banghead::banghead:

I didnt blame DD05 too... I know he wanna to help Ez... As well as Lancerevorry, mayb he wanna help CPG too?! Who knows? But i'm refering to the post where DD05 wrote "kn*****cb"... I measn tht is 1 of the funny post tht u all terms Lancerevorry la... Same right?! Does tht contribute to this thread?!

And pls DD05 dun get me wrong too... I'm trying to fact things out... I know u been a good poster, bcos u wanna to help Ez out jus as Lancerevorry wanna help out CPG... So no hard feeling bro!!! Peace!!!

Point clear?! ^.^

i understand bro...but if wanna help, help both parties, dont only side 1 party...
as his quote should be professional, if DD05 does not wanna send his ride there is also up to him ma, its his car.......
to me, i would like to help both parties to come to an end for this issue.
We should not flame or blame each other, dont side any party, just work this issue out. :wavey:
no hard feelings bro....
DD05 & DanzEterna,

Cheerz to u 2, bro!!! I'm fine, never hv any hard feeling towards any frens here in zth!!! Hope u all too ya!!!

From Chicken Little S9!!! LOLzzzzzzzzzz...
DD05 & DanzEterna,

Cheerz to u 2, bro!!! I'm fine, never hv any hard feeling towards any frens here in zth!!! Hope u all too ya!!!

From Chicken Little S9!!! LOLzzzzzzzzzz...

No hard feeling as well bro... i'm juz protecting my own rights as consumer and my lovely ride :biggrin:

Tenkiu Veli Muchie...

stormvolution9 cheers to u too bro.......
last nite i saw a black evo8 or evo 9 wagon...at old klang road,
does anyone knows who is that?

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