Kelisa Gathering

taikor...last saturday u drive quite normal high rev or high speed....

both of us lucky leh....nearly kena block...hahah..i already know that road sure got road block wan..lucky we didn't speed

we don't risk our life...we enjoy or life to the full...that y u can see all the taikor here so happy...

Which way u used to go back home? Which place got block?
Which way u used to go back home? Which place got block?

u know after tesco Extra....before taman one uphill one then later downhill...that road only 90km/j

so usually ppl will go more that the speed limit..further to the front...sure got road block wan...that the place last time i kena speed trap...need to bayar RM200 for that kopi money...

so never never speed there during night
Ooh road near the cemetery 1 right .... i think i know where.... Last i encounter something similar to u in seremban where 1 down slope very straight. I speed down almost 95km/h then 1 cb fella hiding behind tree trapping sohai like me... end up pay RM200 summon !!
me also kena once... but i pay him RM50 only then go... haha

u kena RM200 if not the whole car kena tow to police station

wow jpj or polis....?

police lar

Ooh road near the cemetery 1 right .... i think i know where.... Last i encounter something similar to u in seremban where 1 down slope very straight. I speed down almost 95km/h then 1 cb fella hiding behind tree trapping sohai like me... end up pay RM200 summon !!

usually the hide before the flyover start...
u kena RM200 if not the whole car kena tow to police station

police lar

usually the hide before the flyover start...

I know y he kena 50 n u kena 200 .... His car n face look stock n ori, your car looks yeng n kaw kaw mod 1 !!! N driver face sumore pretend to look innocent, so he tulan mah charge u 200 lor :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I know y he kena 50 n u kena 200 .... His car n face look stock n ori, your car looks yeng n kaw kaw mod 1 !!! N driver face sumore pretend to look innocent, so he tulan mah charge u 200 lor :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hahaha, no maybe KM face looks funny..that's why the police charge him RM200.:rofl:
I know y he kena 50 n u kena 200 .... His car n face look stock n ori, your car looks yeng n kaw kaw mod 1 !!! N driver face sumore pretend to look innocent, so he tulan mah charge u 200 lor :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

nope...because i really speed that night...i only manage to stop my car infront of the that fellar say u bawak banyak laju ni...kena i ask minum kopi lar bang..then he say mahu minum RM200...this is the cononversation

Me: bang...RM200 banyak lar..tak ada begitu banwak wang leh...
P: U punya pasal...siapa panggil u bawak laju ni...
Me: Saya ada Rm50 sahaja...itu boleh bagi lar...
p: u ingat saya police Penang ah...RM50 makan apa...
Me: start to tulang liaw...macam ini saya ada Rm50 sahaja..u ambil..kalau tidak isu saya saman..
P: saman saya tak akan isu...u mahu ikut saya pergi balai...
me: ok loh..saya ikut...balai mana u mahu ambil saya...saya panggil orang pergi sana tunggu saya...
P: u tunggu sini...saya tak ada masa bincang dengan u...saya nak cari makan...u tunggu
after 15 min...

P: sekarang u mahu ikut saya pergi balai..?
Me: ya..
P: u kena tinggal kereta dekat balai...esok Christmas...Tak ada u kena tinggal kereta u untuk 3 hari...u mahu ah?
me" think and think..shit if my car park at police station..what will happen to it...later kena stolen all my stuff mah chia lat...

then i say..aiya...RM200 ambil lar...tak ada masa layan u lar...later after reach home..kena cuci bi siham top to bottom....

Thanks you all for the celebration..Thanks.. need to thank us..thank ur siham...she is the one who arrange...we just follow

so apa macam..her leg ok ah?

u got service kaw kaw or not?
Thanks you all for the celebration..Thanks..

No prob, at least we get to c some live kissing scene....:dancing::dancing::dancing::dancing::dancing:

---------- Post added at 05:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:15 PM ----------

nope...because i really speed that night...i only manage to stop my car infront of the that fellar say u bawak banyak laju ni...kena i ask minum kopi lar bang..then he say mahu minum RM200...this is the cononversation

Me: bang...RM200 banyak lar..tak ada begitu banwak wang leh...
P: U punya pasal...siapa panggil u bawak laju ni...
Me: Saya ada Rm50 sahaja...itu boleh bagi lar...
p: u ingat saya police Penang ah...RM50 makan apa...
Me: start to tulang liaw...macam ini saya ada Rm50 sahaja..u ambil..kalau tidak isu saya saman..
P: saman saya tak akan isu...u mahu ikut saya pergi balai...
me: ok loh..saya ikut...balai mana u mahu ambil saya...saya panggil orang pergi sana tunggu saya...
P: u tunggu sini...saya tak ada masa bincang dengan u...saya nak cari makan...u tunggu
after 15 min...

P: sekarang u mahu ikut saya pergi balai..?
Me: ya..
P: u kena tinggal kereta dekat balai...esok Christmas...Tak ada u kena tinggal kereta u untuk 3 hari...u mahu ah?
me" think and think..shit if my car park at police station..what will happen to it...later kena stolen all my stuff mah chia lat...

then i say..aiya...RM200 ambil lar...tak ada masa layan u lar...later after reach home..kena cuci bi siham top to bottom.... need to thank us..thank ur siham...she is the one who arrange...we just follow

so apa macam..her leg ok ah?

u got service kaw kaw or not?

Walau, pay 200 get to wash by siham.... so song... I wander if i kena summon, who wash me !?!?!
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