find tis guy out

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Best thing to do at the moment (since he threatened you - kill you, is the word) is to monitor, or keep a record of all his calls to you, or your gf. If can, pick up the call and record what he says. If he's still persistant, report to the police and all the records/memo of his phone calls, conversation etc can be used as secondary evidance to charge him.

I suggest you don't try to meet him. You don't know what sort of freaks you are dealing with. Make sure you and your gf are freak with each other with what's going on. Concern for the safety of yout gf, and also YOURSELF too ... There's no hero in situation like these, only losers.
just change number, everything solved.......

Bump: just change number, everything solved.......

Bump: just change number, everything solved.......
just change number, everything solved.......

Bump: just change number, everything solved.......

Bump: just change number, everything solved.......

Bro, his GF number given to a stranger by a fren... once his GF changed number... then the fren whill give the new number to the jerk again.... so no point changing right?

hehehe... juz my 2cent ler... but can try to change as well ler... no harm ma.. :biggrin:
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sum 1 gave this guy my gf number
v also dunno hu
1day v r going for shopping then suddenly tis guy call n say wan meet her
thn my gf juz rejected him
after a few day he say he liks her
thn my gf say she hav a bf tat's me
thn he say he will find sum 1 to kill me cause he wanted to chase my gf
thn i call n sms him but he dun reply or answer
sumtime midnight he call my gf n say i luv u bla bla bla
i can giv u tis n tat
i'm better than him
thn suddenly he say
i stay near ur house de i stay kepong indah de
i driving a pink myvi cause my ex gf like it
i break wit her because of u also
WTF !!! i so damn angry bout him la
i warn him mani times but he juz wun stop doing it
eyong i sure will check properly be4 sum 1 get hurt
btw i nv plan to wreck him up
i juz wan to know y he wanted to do tat
ask him to stop it
i hope v can meet up n discuss bout tis isu
K.L hav mani of gurls y he wan my gf 4??
btw my gf rejected him few times n say nt interested on him few times already
but his face as thick as a dictionary
i also dunno how la

ask ur gf get him out to yumcha, then u can sent a few thugs kaotim this sohaila, u can also add more spice to the scene if you can arrange some fella to tow away his nice car and strip off his car, nowadays money can settle a lot of thing, i m sure this one will make his "legs" cacat :thefinger: for a while.

some kid need see some "red" color before he go into hibernation.
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FuiYoo, the tai tai kor has spoken....Tohsan, :adore::adore: You really taikor of the taikors...

What Eyong said also right. Record everything down. tell him u will report police if he kacau again then see how things go.
ask ur gf dont answer his call, jz ignore it n dont chat wif him la. u too, no need call him anymore. dat more u n his gf layan him, the more 'steam' he gets. he's a pervert lei. jz ignore it n continue wif ur normal life... such kacang thing n dis type of person also wanna kecoh2 meh? da more u kecoh, dat pervert more shiok la...
thnx for the advise every 1
i hav report to police
n they say is no use cause record can't b a afficial avedens
i was very angry to wat he say to my gf
btw he stay near to my gf
so nw i was think of sum way to make his ass to jail
lik ask him go yam cha
thn callenge him 1 on 1
let him make the move 1st
sure prepare sum police b4 tat
if they saw tat
4 sure he's going to jail
last time i received a sms even worse. he said tat he is gf's bf, not me n askin me 2 leave them. thn i replied da sms sayin me n my gf wont hav dis kind of prob as v stick real wel. thn he sms tat he had hav sex wit my gal many many time n ask me 2 wear his old shoe. hehe, another sohai oth thn pinky myvi driver.

nowdays thr r many sohai feel so high 2 disturb ppl
FuiYoo, the tai tai kor has spoken....Tohsan, :adore::adore: You really taikor of the taikors...

What Eyong said also right. Record everything down. tell him u will report police if he kacau again then see how things go.

me no taikorla just talk cock good nia, not like Taikor TR, the head of Yakuza :biggrin:

well, like the rest of the suggestion,just change the phone number and ignore the sohai, just in case she did lodge a police report, remember to include the word "DEMI KESELAMATAN SAYA AND KELUARGA SAYA, SAYA MEMBUAT LAPORAN INI", tats what the head of ampang police teach me.
Bro, his GF number given to a stranger by a fren... once his GF changed number... then the fren whill give the new number to the jerk again.... so no point changing right?

hehehe... juz my 2cent ler... but can try to change as well ler... no harm ma.. :biggrin:

no use ler bro
v hav change our number twice
but the guy still can contact her
i wonder hu doing behind tis
still finding ~
dun hav 2 change contact number... my fren did mess wit dis prob. she lodged a police report, guess wat da cop did? he called da number wit da police station phone n pretend like a salesman tat wanna send a hamper 2 tat sohai, he told tat some1 edi paid da hamper n his job is 2 send 2 da recipient th n he asked 4 his add. tat fella reali giv da cop his thn askin whn would da hamper sent 2 him...

case close as da police said no point if he din harm u physically, n it is 2 long 2 get a court order which is 2 prohibit him doin tat, thn da cop gav my fren da add n let my fren 2 cari pasal wit him or wat, he doesn't care as da cop oso hate dis kind of sohai
i hav report to police
n they say is no use cause record can't b a afficial avedens
i was very angry to wat he say to my gf
btw he stay near to my gf
so nw i was think of sum way to make his ass to jail
lik ask him go yam cha
thn callenge him 1 on 1
let him make the move 1st
sure prepare sum police b4 tat
if they saw tat
4 sure he's going to jail

Yes, the record can't be used to make an arrest, but if anything more happened to you, or your gf ... like he assulted you, or insulted (physically or emotionally) to your gf, you can use that as supporting evidence for trial. Anyway, it's also up to the police as they are more good at making excuses and asking for kopi-o than keeping the public safe.

Actually, I don't advise you to challenge him. He could have used the same concept as setting you up to. Just don't get backfired.

Like whoever said, just ignore the calls if you can. Else, if it's too annoying you plan the next step. Play as it goes. Maybe he'll get bored and leave you guys ...

It has to be someone your gf knows closely that is setting this shit up ... Maybe she should sit down and think abit harder who could have something against her, and come clean with you :hmmmm:
thnx for the advise every 1
i hav report to police
n they say is no use cause record can't b a afficial avedens
i was very angry to wat he say to my gf
btw he stay near to my gf
so nw i was think of sum way to make his ass to jail
lik ask him go yam cha
thn callenge him 1 on 1
let him make the move 1st
sure prepare sum police b4 tat
if they saw tat
4 sure he's going to jail

Dude, first you should do is CALM DOWN.

Make a police report and do like what Tohsan said. This is no laughing matter and just WHAT THE FUCK ARE THE POLICE DOING? "Just artificial evidence" ?

FUCK THEM! You are being threatened with your LIFE. They still want evidence? They should already be investigating this instead of going mamak n cari duit kopi / sitting in station getting fat.

Go to police station again, make sure you are firm and made yourself clear.

Most importantly, YOU calm down. THINK STRAIGHT.

I know this issue is probably fucking with your mind, health and relationship. But from MY p.o.v , he's just a coward, no-life bastard who's either jealous of you, or somebody out there is jealous of you, hence asking this guy to kacau you.

DON'T hold back your normal life just because of this no-life coward who only dares to sms/call . Just live your normal life , but just be careful of your surroundings. (Aiya everyone, everyday also have to be careful outside la, normal.)

This no-life bastard is probably just No Action Talk Only. They just want to fuck with your mind. So MY ADVISE IS, don't let them break you or your relationship. Be strong. Don't give them the attention they are craving.

The more worried and scared you and your gf show you are, they will just more syok only.

NOTE: How sure are you he owns a Pink Myvi? He could be just pulling your leg, making you chase the wrong person.

Oh, by the way, don't bother asking him to go yamcha lah, he probably won't even turn up. Who the fuck is he that he deserves your time anyway?
last time i received a sms even worse. he said tat he is gf's bf, not me n askin me 2 leave them. thn i replied da sms sayin me n my gf wont hav dis kind of prob as v stick real wel. thn he sms tat he had hav sex wit my gal many many time n ask me 2 wear his old shoe. hehe, another sohai oth thn pinky myvi driver.

nowdays thr r many sohai feel so high 2 disturb ppl

wah lol
y they do tis 4???

Bump: ok guys
i will listen to u guys
wat i wori is
he stay near my gf house
n he claim tat he know my gf house
tat's wat i so wori bout
i ad ignore all the sms n calls
but he juz don't know how to b a MAN
dunno how to do a right thing
sumtimes midnight 2 am call my gf juz for yam cha
or kip sms her

Bump: ok guys
i will listen to u guys
wat i wori is
he stay near my gf house
n he claim tat he know my gf house
tat's wat i so wori bout
i ad ignore all the sms n calls
but he juz don't know how to b a MAN
dunno how to do a right thing
sumtimes midnight 2 am call my gf juz for yam cha
or kip sms her
well... made a report saying this fella disturbing u. .then police can trace hp number nowadays.. then u rich ma, find lawyer sue him lo... keke...
-he just said he drives a PINK myvi , how true can that be also ?
-he must one of your friend's friend or whatever that's playing on you ...
-since u have change no. and he still managed 2 get it ... dun u think it's time to look around your circle of friends ...
-i bet u can get his address with his mobile no. provided u need some internal help fr those ppl who work in communication centres
-since police tak layan , go to a higher authority Police Station ... Bukit Aman , and lodge a report and complain against the Station which did not layan you.
-u can share the mobile no. with us ...
-he just said he drives a PINK myvi , how true can that be also ?
-he must one of your friend's friend or whatever that's playing on you ...
-since u have change no. and he still managed 2 get it ... dun u think it's time to look around your circle of friends ...
-i bet u can get his address with his mobile no. provided u need some internal help fr those ppl who work in communication centres
-since police tak layan , go to a higher authority Police Station ... Bukit Aman , and lodge a report and complain against the Station which did not layan you.
-u can share the mobile no. with us ...

1. he stay near my gf house Kepong indah
n my gf saw his pink myvi b4 ( can make sure of it???)
2.ya looking but hav no idea hu is it ( cause too mani fren )
3.dun hav fren doing communiction ler ( u gt??)
4.sori la i went briekfield to report ler (they dun layan)
5. 0146141380 his number
1.keep all the evidence,use phone tat could record conversation between ur gf & the fella,try to make him repeat those threatening statement & send it to police.
2.just tell him to stop as u had ald lodged police report.
3.spread this news among ur & ur gf's fren & tell them the one who provide contact no will be charged too.
4.if the above dun work,ask ur gf spend time to trap him down,bait him to fetch her at her place while u get ur gang ready.if he really turn up,tie him up & straight away to police station

anyway,i saw a myvi in sri damansara near kepong area few months back.
once u got this me...let potong him together! hate this kind of ppl!:mad::mad:
a few words of advice :

1. cool down, re-draft a new report about him threatening you and your gf, then go to police station and make a second report. Get your gf to file her own police reports too.

2. bring both old and new police reports to DiGi (go to DiGi center personally rather than talk on the phone)

3. Talk NICELY to the person and tell them you need help.

4. Tell them that you and your gf are being harassed and threatened by the owner of the 014 number and show them the police reports.

5. Ask if they can give you the address and other relevant contact details to help the police. Tell them sad story that the police ask you to do this.

6. IF they really give you the address (which i doubt because they are obliged to protect the privacy of their customers), go back to the police station and MAKE ANOTHER REPORT. Remember to write in the report that you have given the police the bastard's contact details.

7. If they don't give you the contact details, just thank them but remember to write down all the names of the people at DiGi whom you spoke to.

8. Find a lawyer friend and pass him/her all the reports and info that you have.

9. Sit back and watch movie while the your lawyer sends him a letter. Normally one lawyer letter will scare the shit out of him already. If he's dumb enough to continue harassing you, then good luck to him.

DONT EVER TAKE MATTERS INTO YOUR OWN HANDS. He's not worth you getting your hands dirty.
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