police ops.

I think most of us opted for kopi money rather than summons is because we are either too lazy to go to offices to pay up or the thought that you can save alot by paying 50-100 compared to a summon 150-300 dollars. Unless youre really pissed with him, i m sure majority will just pay the kopi fee instead of taking the summon
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Your friend have a NISMO R34 Skyline Z Tune? :confused:

i mean z tune body kits n nismo stikers
kind of weird actually when i 1st saw the car

if driving R34 for sure need to pay Rm100 instead of Rm10..... :thefinger::thefinger::thefinger:

Bump: if driving R34 for sure need to pay Rm100 instead of Rm10..... :thefinger::thefinger::thefinger:

no la
R34 rm 5o can settle
bmw or merc sure hundred
i try b4 ad
in kesas driving bmw 318i
nv put sit belt
illegal GT spoiler (higher than rear wind screen)

~ eh u tak ada sit belt ke??
! ada bang
~ kenapa tak ikat??
! sori la bang
~ u punya gt wing mana u install
sunway ke rumah u??
! kat sunway la
~ mau settle tak??
! mau
i passed him a rm 50 under my ic
~ tak cukup untuk makan la

i passed another rm 50 to him
~ ok la
jalan la
:adore: 100 for bmw
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i mean z tune body kits n nismo stikers
kind of weird actually when i 1st saw the car


no la
R34 rm 5o can settle
bmw or merc sure hundred
i try b4 ad
in kesas driving bmw 318i
nv put sit belt
illegal GT spoiler (higher than rear wind screen)

~ eh u tak ada sit belt ke??
! ada bang
~ kenapa tak ikat??
! sori la bang
~ u punya gt wing mana u install
sunway ke rumah u??
! kat sunway la
~ mau settle tak??
! mau
i passed him a rm 50 under my ic
~ tak cukup untuk makan la

i passed another rm 50 to him
~ ok la
jalan la
:adore: 100 for bmw

higher than rear wind screen?? Dude thats freaking high :biggrin:
"tak cukup untuk makan la". WTF, it seems they are Chilies Regulars :thefinger:
is not wanna giv them angpow la..pretty annoying when kana stop n keep nego there..ask them to summon then they say this n tat..last time the officer said me "if i summon u u tukar cermin balik juga.."keep standing there n nego...wasting time n bringing along frens too...so better faster settle n go away ....haiz..dono wht to say ad..like b4"s comment those robbers don wanna go n catch n kacau normal citizens there..
1 thing that annoys me the most in this country, there should be only 1 government body that has the power on the road! Each and every one of them has own law and contradict each other causing nuisance to the public. Imagine 1 big roadblock ahead, i bet u this 3 dept for sure will be there

1. Traffic police (They should be the only one rule!)
2. JPJ (Duplicating Traffic Police Job!! Siap bawa pistol? only in Malaysia!)
3. JAS (Many factory polutting and they find easy way to do the job by the roadside!)
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no choice la
if v nv settle by angpow
they do mani thing to kacau u

Bump: juz kena a summon at mrr2 highwy cause gt pirqte cd in car
nw they hunt for pirate cd
b k ful
1 cd rm400!!!:thefinger:

Bump: juz kena a summon at mrr2 highwy cause gt pirqte cd in car
nw they hunt for pirate cd
b k ful
1 cd rm400!!!:thefinger:
1 thing that annoys me the most in this country, there should be only 1 government body that has the power on the road! Each and every one of them has own law and contradict each other causing nuisance to the public. Imagine 1 big roadblock ahead, i bet u this 3 dept for sure will be there

1. Traffic police (They should be the only one rule!)
2. JPJ (Duplicating Traffic Police Job!! Siap bawa pistol? only in Malaysia!)
3. JAS (Many factory polutting and they find easy way to do the job by the roadside!)

Welcome to MALAYSIA bro....1 good example is, JPJ approved your muffler diameter but traffic police give you summon saying that it is too big!! Another 1, PUSPAKOM passed the fitness test, but JAS and JPS summons you for the black smoke!!! WTF ?!?!?!? :mad: :mad: :mad:
S-Tune, the 3 dept scratching each other's back mah....Hahahaha:rofl:
got this from email...

Subject: Fw: Road block at coastal to catch the pirate CD
Dear Friends,


Friend confirmed this true...pls be careful

Please do not keep any pirated or burned CDs, DVDs, or VCDs in your car.

Police and Domestic Trade & Consumer Affairs Ministry's enforcement
division have started the operation to search and fine anyone who keep
pirated disc inside their car especially through road block at all main
road and expressways.

If any pirated or burned disc found inside your car will be charged
RM400 per disc. Example 30 discs found means the fine will be RM12,000.

So be extra caution & careful....

Remove all pirated CD from your car immediately. One CD fine RM400.


Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 1:57 AM

This is real. Another friend from Seagate, today during
lunch time, 5 CD x RM400, 2K lor........

One of the Plexus colleague brother-in-law caught by
Police due to pirated CD in the car on the way to town for
lunch with his friend in the afternoon. One CD fined RM400..oh no.
got this from email...

If like this, i have discard all my cd and start using FM Modulator!!... I actually hate using that thing cos sure someone will tune same channel as my radio frequency and i had to bear listening to their awful songs!

This shows how stupid our police is. They catch ppl burn pirate cd. Wat abt ppl copy to their MP3 player, pen drive, handphone? If like this, whole IT industry collapse by this buggers.
jacek, i stay near there. there are frequent police blocks (blue uniform) and recently, jpj also joined in the fun. they usually target 3 places.

1. after casa indah condo on the way to petronas/a&w/maybank
2. windy road at sri selangor golf course (coming from casa tropicana but sometimes both sides)
3. after shell/pelangi damansara condo on the way to dataran sunway

the irritating part is, they sometimes conduct blocks on weekends from 9:30pm to about 11pm at night. imagine the jam if you are coming back from the curve, tesco, cineleisure, 1 utama. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

if they were sincere in catching the rempits or drunk drivers, they should wait till after midnight and not torture law abiding citizens like us. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

you forgot another one.. the road going towards the polo club from sunway damansara shoplots.. the straight stretch which faces guardian/old town kopitiam

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