police ops.

we'r on rush for a mother days gathering
so nv ask mani
juz settle fast fast go la
i nt pretty sure hav he call jpj la
nt 100percent sure:rolleyes:
hoho...100?? wah..very KAYA of u..100 can be my petrol money for at least 2 week!!:banghead::banghead::banghead:
the police like to " BIG "ppl ,so tat they can trick some $$ from u~~hehe...

they used to be ask me "bang tarik 1st gear tengok"~ohno~~:banghead::banghead:

btw is there anyone knw jpj approved tinted %:hmmmm::hmmmm: mind to tell :adore::adore:thx~
Dont care them la
my rear tinted kaw kaw cannot see at day time
exhaust cipet bising
at 3k rpm many people bukak jalan to me

anything ask them tulis saman saja
they dont want to tulis one since damn leceh since still got paper work to do after this

it just you need to politely ask them to tulis saman. they sure cepat cepat ask you cabut
if i'm not mistaken, only traffic police (white uniform) and also jpj can issue summons. blue uniform can't issue summons as its not in their jurisdiction. this morning on the way to work saw 2 mini operasi by traffic police to cari makan. waste our time on monday rush hour and make us late to work. rempits and snatch thieves never bother to catch, just kacau us normal citizens. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
I was blocked 2 weeks ago in Mutiara Damansara area heading to NKVE.
Surprisingly, sunday morning roadbloack by JPJ! round 11am.

This was how the conversation between me n da officer:
JPJ: selamat pagi taikor!
Me: apa hal, ops ape ni?
JPJ: cermin gelap ops.
then the officer proceeded to check round my car and somehow he squad down in front of my car and try to peep at my engine from the front grill.
JPJ: saya pun pakai EK tau, saya punya JDM punya, jepun mari. u guna engine apa? typeR engine ka?
Me: oh ye ke, u punya kereta mesti power la. saya punya standard saja. jadi ape kesalahan saya?
JPJ: cermin dan ezos. Saya bagi saman cermin, dan inspection ekzos k. boleh ah.
Me: u cakap u pun pakai EK, kasi chance lah, kaki sama ma. member mah.
JPJ: tak boleh, u tau kah, semua pegawai sini pun pakai EK...
ME: (in my heart, i was thinking "what is he trying to tell me, as he keep bragging about his EK and telling me his team all driving the same car model").
JPJ: u punya dashboard sudah tukar ka? wah, u punya meter macam lain ah! (at that time, he almost pop his whole head inside my car window)... brapa you beli itu gear knob...tu ori punya ka...
Me: kalau u mau, u masuk kereta saya, saya bawak u jalan x2 lah...
JPJ: takpah lah, u kasi berapa u mau, masuk bawah buku saman saya. lain kali kita sembang lagi.
Me: i just gave him RM10 ....
JPJ: ok ok, jumpa di hi-way...kasi b16a vtec bukak kuat kuat...ok ok ok....then he show me his thumb up..with his Petaling street Rayban sun-glass..

this is 1 of the kind officer...i think something wrong with him....but i guess it was my lucky day...
anyway, frequent user in this road, pls be aware. i spotted 2-3times roadblock oredi in 2 weeks time.
jacek, i stay near there. there are frequent police blocks (blue uniform) and recently, jpj also joined in the fun. they usually target 3 places.

1. after casa indah condo on the way to petronas/a&w/maybank
2. windy road at sri selangor golf course (coming from casa tropicana but sometimes both sides)
3. after shell/pelangi damansara condo on the way to dataran sunway

the irritating part is, they sometimes conduct blocks on weekends from 9:30pm to about 11pm at night. imagine the jam if you are coming back from the curve, tesco, cineleisure, 1 utama. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

if they were sincere in catching the rempits or drunk drivers, they should wait till after midnight and not torture law abiding citizens like us. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Thats terrible!! ur fren should ask the badge number and make official complaint.

Seriously, another facts need consideration, JPJ so good to open on sunday? Which state is this?

JPJ nowadays 24/7 open...
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This just happened to me during lunch time.

I was talking on the phone along Federal Highway when suddenly a traffic cop in a kapchai appeared and signaled me to pull over. My boss called and mood wasn't that good la. Btw, I thought Federal Highway is off limited to motorcycles. Police got exclusion ar?

I was still talking on the phone while searching for a suitable place to pull over. When I finally stopped, I was still talking on the phone with the window up while the cop stood outside and waited for a minute or two.

Anyway...here is what transpired.

Cop: Ahh...cakap dalam telephone.
Me: Boss panggil mesti ambik ma.
Cop: Bagi driving license.
Me: *hands over driving lincese*
Cop: Macam mana? Nak saman?
Me: Saman-lah!
Cop: Ok. Bagi IC.
Me: *hands over IC*
Cop: *walks to the rear of car and then front of car to check road tax. Then came by the window*
Cop: Nak saman atau nak settle?
Me: Saman-lah......paused.....nak settle macam mana?
Cop: Settle sini la.
Me: Yea la. Settle macam mana. You kena bagi tau ma.
Cop: You suka hati la.
Me: Saman berapa?
Cop: Kalau rayu dan kompaun sebelum 22 May, RM150. Selepas itu RM300.
Me: Hmmm.......opens wallet and pass RM10 (yes I'm a cheapskate!)
Cop: *Upon seeing RM10*, tak pe la. You simpan duit you. Saya bukan mau saman you kalau you cakap baik-baik and minta maaf. Mungkin you mood tak da baik atau ada hal.
Me: ......... *kept quiet*
Me: Ok la. Telephone kena angkat sebab boss call ma. Ok la, sorry ya.
Cop: Ok ... *pass me back IC and driving license*. Pergi la.
Me: Ok. Thank you ya.

Sped off in my car. Oh btw, was driving a small little Honda that time and not the R34. :biggrin:
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Thank you guys now I know RM10 also can settle....see we shouldnt have spoiled them... REMEMBER RM10 ONLY :biggrin:
RE, I'm wondering what about showing him a RM5 note...Hahahaha

V-Spec...Hahaha lucky is Honda and not the 34. :rofl:
if driving R34 for sure need to pay Rm100 instead of Rm10..... :thefinger::thefinger::thefinger:

Bump: if driving R34 for sure need to pay Rm100 instead of Rm10..... :thefinger::thefinger::thefinger:
just now kena at police road block on MRR2 (somewhere near Jalan Cheras intersection) at 2am as i was going 100 a police car is driving very slow, so i slow down, but the tactic was for them to spot the plate no. and forward to the road block up a head, the officer asks for 100, then i say issue summon lah, goes to 50 and then 30 (was pissed off cause the im giving him only 10% of the original summon value):biggrin: they stop white R33 in front of me...not sure what was the settlement...
Next time insist the letter. We hear too many stories. We condemn them but many still give angpow to them. Although the damage is minimal, How abt long run? They becum rampant asking money randomly, begging for money.. RM100... RM50...RM30... and even RM10!!!... Come on lah!! You all losing out to the street beggars!!... Sorry to say, but what the point of bragging how little can we give to them, and yet they still being paid salary/ overtime/ bonus/ COLA/ uniform incentive/ petrol allowance/ etc... What do you get?? They are not poor ppl, they are just a greedy maniacs on the street!
Next time insist the letter. We hear too many stories. We condemn them but many still give angpow to them. Although the damage is minimal, How abt long run? They becum rampant asking money randomly, begging for money.. RM100... RM50...RM30... and even RM10!!!... Come on lah!! You all losing out to the street beggars!!... Sorry to say, but what the point of bragging how little can we give to them, and yet they still being paid salary/ overtime/ bonus/ COLA/ uniform incentive/ petrol allowance/ etc... What do you get?? They are not poor ppl, they are just a greedy maniacs on the street!

Next time insist the letter. We hear too many stories. We condemn them but many still give angpow to them. Although the damage is minimal, How abt long run? They becum rampant asking money randomly, begging for money.. RM100... RM50...RM30... and even RM10!!!... Come on lah!! You all losing out to the street beggars!!... Sorry to say, but what the point of bragging how little can we give to them, and yet they still being paid salary/ overtime/ bonus/ COLA/ uniform incentive/ petrol allowance/ etc... What do you get?? They are not poor ppl, they are just a greedy maniacs on the street!

well said.

i think in principle we should all be doing just that but it's tough to be paying summons for something you didn't do if the police are going to be picking on motorists regardless if we're flouting the law or not :mad: ... follow speed limit also kena whack for something else.. all that kinda bs :smokin:
Next time insist the letter. We hear too many stories. We condemn them but many still give angpow to them. Although the damage is minimal, How abt long run? They becum rampant asking money randomly, begging for money.. RM100... RM50...RM30... and even RM10!!!... Come on lah!! You all losing out to the street beggars!!... Sorry to say, but what the point of bragging how little can we give to them, and yet they still being paid salary/ overtime/ bonus/ COLA/ uniform incentive/ petrol allowance/ etc... What do you get?? They are not poor ppl, they are just a greedy maniacs on the street!

true lah, bro but i was at fault (20KM over Diff.) also right, what if he issue a letter and becomes a real thing RM300? :hmmmm:

if i know im right then they are not gonna see a single sen! i'll insist on a ticket...

the funny thing, is the officer ask the R33 guy to step out of the car!!??? perhaps alcohol test?

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