police ops.

Got stop few time for HID, my bad cos I was using the 12k colour gamma range but was let off with a warning. Anyway the HID has been changed to 5k range and never been stop ever since other than so-called speed trap even when im going 75km/h on a 80km/h zone. Funny how desperate these guys are nowadays...
I bump roadblocks few weeks ago after midnite run with Nismo S-Tune and Semperfi. The 'banjingan' JPJ say my exhaust is huge! and ask me to rev the engine. I dont give a shit and just stare at him as if i wanna wallop that guy. After a quick look at the exhaust, ask me to leave. Dont even inspect my driving license neither do roadtax.

There's 1 time we were testing my fren fully mod miata and bump to JPJ roadblock. Same scenario and the 2 of us give our 'To hell with u' look to them. Let us off within minutes.

My worst experience in my early young years, I was caught for racing and hold up in balai for couple of hours. They can't charge me since no proof, no picture. Try to intimidate me, until the end give me summon for driving recklessly. This summon if u accident with anyone, for sure masuk jail. If not, RM300.00 my humble contribution to the government. Off course it was the biggest catch for them. 30 fully mod car to fit a puny balai!

Even though at the wrong side but still mafia........dashyat la u guys
best way to deal with roadblock is, to hav friend in jpj..
if there's any ''operasi bersepadu''. he'll sure highlight it to you..
FYI , the normal GD police ( in blue ) CANT write you a summon for tinted glass or HID lights. Only the traffic police and JPJ can do so....
FYI , the normal GD police ( in blue ) CANT write you a summon for tinted glass or HID lights. Only the traffic police and JPJ can do so....

Anyone got summons by normal police before?1?!? :hmmmm: :hmmmm: :hmmmm: They should know better than this ah...as this is VERY commons sense lah....:stupid: :stupid: :stupid:
ya do it illegally
jpj nt appove 1
hav to cut body la

lanevocool, Perdana can masuk EVO5 engine?? :confused:

jpj nt approve 1
nid to cut body

Beware of roadblocks at Kesas (after the Awan Besar Toll, toward OUG).
There was a big JPJ roadblocks there on Tuesday (28/04) late evening, they checked my engine and asked funny questions like :" Is skyline engine same as the aircraft one ar?", "This is HID ar?", "What is the top speed you ever drive?", "Got play drift ar?", "Tyre expensive ar?", "Skyline quicker then Ferrari ar?" etc...........
I was like:hmmmm: huh?!...ya ya ya...tak ada la...lebih kurang la....tak tau la.......
Finally they let me go....:burnout:

is because gt sum sohai modified a wira cum KL callenge a skyline at merdeka square
make u guys kena ask mani mani thing

Bump: who know there's is a 2 door gen 2 owner's car
located in Kinrara area???

Bump: who know there's is a 2 door gen 2 owner's car
located in Kinrara area???

Bump: who know the owner of 2 door gen 2 located in KINRARA area
indian driver
if gt can intro??

oooo good enough la tu...
hahhah where r u staying ah bro??sri petaling is it??

i staying in OUG la
I saw in Newspaper headline. Big block at Dataran merdeka. Izit?
Hahahaha~~~ S-Tune you joking right...hehehe:biggrin::biggrin:

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