Jeremy clarkson dumb ? or just making a fool ?


4,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 22, 2004
Kuala Lumpur
there were debates on forums from the states and uk
this is the video they were talking about
its about the EVO 8 FQ-400


peoples opinion on jeremy's views

FQ-400 is more towards a race mode car , Jeremy doesnt know how to start move a car with race clutch ?

with a locked front limited slip diffrential , of course the rotation base for a u-turn would be bigger , both wheels move together

he puts the evo at 6th gear while putting the stilo on a 5th gear , and move them at 30mph , does jeremy know the final drive of both of the cars , wht bullshit is he talking about turbo lag when you put the 6th gear on 30mph ?


thts wht i received from other viewers n just pasted it here ,
btw , guys , of cos Top Gear is cool , haha i know this is quite an old clip hhehehe
just wanted u guys to see it :D
i think he knows about how to start move a car with race clutch, tht a locked front limited slip diffrential car have a bigger rotation base for a u-turn, etc... but the things is if a person want to talk bad about things, he will use many reason to prove tht the thing tht they is talking about is really not good. True? :-)
i think he was demonstrating how impractical the car is for daily usage.

he has just fond for some super exotic cars of his..other cars are criticised like no other body's business...he is just being subjective..
It's just his way of putting things into his typical humourous, satirical manner. I think he expects you to know that he was clowning around because obviously no one launches a car off in 6th gear, so the exercise was merely academic for the audience's entertainment.

If you want to watch that entire episode in its proper context, you would have seen that he loved the car's handling when driven in its proper performance envelope and he showed you how easy the car was to handle even at its limit (power sliding with just one-finger on steering wheel) and how he bully that Lambo into a spin.
What FVel said.

And on top of that, obviously the people who complain about this is the right dumb idiot, for they have the understanding and comprehension of a goat.
hey jin,

no sides here but i think clarkson always had that bias character in him. Just a way he expresses his opinion.

If it wasn't for character, no offence, but another fifth gear? hehe.. peace.
wei gonna shoot u all ,
thts nt my opinion , i cut n pasted, i already stated there lolx

but just wanna add sumething.

if u want info+some comical funny moments, then go for TopGear.

but if you want really serious info, then its Fifth Gear. Tiff and Vicky and its crews dont play2.

but this guy, Jeremy is just.... hillarious. he just the man.

shooting Ken Livingstone on national TV. or blaming Fifth Gear for the burnt studio? and got the guts to poke fun on Jason 'Potato' of 5th gear.( i dont know his real name tho!!)

beat that.

but if you want really serious info, then its Fifth Gear. Tiff and Vicky and its crews dont play2.
I don't think so. If anything, 5th Gear is trying hard to be like Top Gear.

shooting Ken Livingstone on national TV. or blaming Fifth Gear for the burnt studio? and got the guts to poke fun on Jason 'Potato' of 5th gear.( i dont know his real name tho!!)
Actually Clarkson is friends with a lot of the folks at 5th Gear cause lots of them were from the old Top Gear, especially Vicki and Tiff. He's also friends with Jason Plato. Poking fun at each other is no big thing.

Besides, if you look at western media, they poke fun at anything. Clarkson for one isn't shy of stating his mind, controversial or not. And sometimes, instead of just focusing on what they say, focus on why they say it. A lot of times they just choose to say something because its funny.
But Clarkson is somewhat anti acceptance behaviour. I always see him comes across a car which is almost perfect or perfect or even if the majority public agress which buys it by the bucketloads and there he is, shoots his mouth that the car has no soul, not enough this and that. Its almost bordering to an old man bickering for acceptance.

At first i did hate him for that. Who would buy mags and watch tv shows which feature a guy blasting everything which we normal humans deem fit. Well until when i see the many videos in youtube on him that i have a little better understanding on him. 1 word... non conformist. I showed some of his videos to people who never read nor seen top gear before. And the first impression is "Who is this guy? Why is he so fookin crazy?"

Understandably he does all that crazy things for entertainment. He owns an R8 which many of his staff says is too perfect a car. Which is a big turnaround to his anti ways. I always read he hates Porsches. Don't know the reason why.

But for the many who follows Top gear would treat Jeremy as a celebrity somewhat. But what impresses me is his abilty to get tons of cars to trash, crash and burn. Not to mention his abilty to get rocket launchers?!!!

All in all i would like to say what he said in the Dec issue of Top Gear on his review of the VW650W12 golf. "I don't necessarily agree with what they do, but i defend it to death" Or something like that hahahaha.

Oh yeah lest i forget. Many supercars like ferarri can launch from 5th or 6th gear. This one really tested by some guy driving a 512 which stopped by at my mechs place. Its all torque baby!!! Whcih makes me think that Jeremy would go, "I wonder if this thing can launch at x gear? hmmmm........
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That's somewhat true. Sometimes he chooses to be an arse and go against the grain. That's very Clarkson.

But then it isn't that he is anti generally accepted opinions and views by default. Its just that he prefers to form his own. He blazes his own trail. And sometimes you get the feeling that he forms his opinions at a whim, almost according to his mood at the time. Because of that, he may be reviewing an exceptional car, but because of certain things that he may have gone through recently in his life, he might look at it differently than normal.

He also changes his mind quite frequently. Which maybe a by product of him making opinions on a whim. He himself admits as much (in one of his articles, forgot which one, where he admits that he is prone to changing his mind).
Yeh he changes his mind a lot. Even in the Top Gear tv shows. Its the crazy banter between him and his staff or guest host thats really entertaining. Its somewhat like watching David Letterman. The only other guy i think has similar traits. Though David doesn't share love for automobiles.
I always read he hates Porsches. Don't know the reason why.


He did not like them even way back in the really old episodes of Top Gear (when he was much younger and less fatter), so in that sense he was at least consistent about his feelings towards that particular make of car.

The reason why he is leery with most Porsches is he does not like the rear engine placement and weight distribution....too much of a handful if he loses the rear end at the limit. If you manage to get your hands on the Top Gear special DVD 'Jeremy Clarkson's Supercars 2007' he actually mentioned his fears about the car while driving a Porsche GT3 and in fact managed to make a mess of it and crashed that Porsche onto the armco. I suspect that experience only reinforces his disdain for that car.
Well, he doesn't really hate Porsches. In fact he rated several quite highly before. Especially the modern ones (996 onwards). But he has shown disdain for earlier 911s, even killing (literally) an older model with everything but the kitchen sink.

But FVel I think got it right about the reason he dislikes them in the first place. He calls them a jumped up VW Beetle (which he calls nasty arse engined, Nazi mobile, thought up by Hitler himself). So the main ingredients are there. He doesn't like the VW beetle, and the Porsche is sort of a modified Beetle. He doesn't like it being arse engined. And finally he absolutely doesn't like Nazi Germany and Hitler.
he was just plain stupid on complaints .. the evo is a road car and no anti-lag system, i dont think mitsubishi shall produce road legal version perfect race car as a factory standard .. :P
sakuraguy : this evo is a road car, bt its not normal

Mitsubishi UK's motor sports department together with tuning specialists Rampage, Flow Race Engines and Owen Developments got together recently and created a monster of a four-pot screamer in the form of the 298kW Lancer Evolution VIII MR FQ400 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Mitsubishi's entry into the UK market.

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