Jeremy clarkson dumb ? or just making a fool ?

relax dude... it's just opinions. like other people telling u how horrible ur wife might look but u love her.

opinions does matter, it also helps. but at the end of the day, it depends on u.

p/s: the wife stuff is just a metaphor
yup, it just opinion from a tv show, at least he had entertaining us, can't get the whole world to agree even on 1 thing..
For the love of God...

I thought this has already ended.

Stop taking things out of context and discussing it. It's wrong and stupid. It isn't even about differing opinions.

If you watch the whole god damn segment, you would have seen that he has already shown the FQ400's crazy performance against the Lambo Murcielago. That segment against the Fiat was basically just to show people how monumental the turbo lag is. Clarkson's not an idiot, people who make stupid comments whilst watching just that small part and jumping to conclusions are the idiots.

In the latest Top Gear, in one of the segments, they drag raced a tiny electric car (GWiz) against the Shelby GT500. If you watch the whole damn thing, you would know what the hell was happening. If some jackass cut out just that small bit and YouTube it, more jerk offs will be saying these guys are idiots for drag racing a small electric car against a 500bhp monster.
Actually, why bother to even debate about what clarkson says or do. I mean, as a discussion of how stupid or how good the test that he done is, yeah. But getting worked up over it is a waste of time. To me, persoally, I think debating over it is also a waste of time but that's just me. If I get a stilo, it's just a normal drive car. If I get an Evo8 FQ400, it's a performance car, so to speak. Don't need to do any comparison. hehehe
Well if i get any of the cars Jeremy reviews (Not the ones he trashed!) I'll be sleeping quite well i think. hahaha
sorry for extending the topic a lil longer but me not gonna say much about clarkson, ...ok i lie, maybe a little

1. he's a journalist = tend to be biased, but fair enough most humans are.
2. he's an engineer by degree=now anyone with a reputable qualification cant be thaaat dumb
3. he's be driving cars most of us can only even dream of and for a long time (just look at his hair)

but i think theres a bigger picture here:
most of the comments you see on youtube tend to be those from the U.S. of A. as well as from a large chunk of asia.
the concept of humour on these two continents is very very different from Jeremy and his fellow brits. Its very subtle. not the slapstickness you get from american sitcoms. And you dont want a show thats too serious. imagine how dull the show would be if you had Germans hosting it.

-"de gear changes iz goot."
-"we have lift off"
-"de mitsubisi vill not overtake das lamborghini on de straights"
-"achtung! we have spun out"
sorry for extending the topic a lil longer but me not gonna say much about clarkson, ...ok i lie, maybe a little

1. he's a journalist = tend to be biased, but fair enough most humans are.
2. he's an engineer by degree=now anyone with a reputable qualification cant be thaaat dumb
3. he's be driving cars most of us can only even dream of and for a long time (just look at his hair)

but i think theres a bigger picture here:
most of the comments you see on youtube tend to be those from the U.S. of A. as well as from a large chunk of asia.
the concept of humour on these two continents is very very different from Jeremy and his fellow brits. Its very subtle. not the slapstickness you get from american sitcoms. And you dont want a show thats too serious. imagine how dull the show would be if you had Germans hosting it.

-"de gear changes iz goot."
-"we have lift off"
-"de mitsubisi vill not overtake das lamborghini on de straights"
-"achtung! we have spun out"
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