How to DIY change door's glass mirror to plastic?

aiks if seem like bro 7 also takut hujan hor...never hear him said b4 until i mention it out ...
actually easy only...use a cloth and stuck it lor....wahahah jkjk
haha raining can make our car rust ma hehehe...
im done up all my rear door, now begin to do front part(painting)....
ya here is the pic that i done the door....

DSC00481.jpg seem like bro 7 is a hardware shop or sparepart shop tauke wor...
then how bout the front window?? no idea ah .....
yup im selling spare parts and do service....

front door oledi got idea, but still need to do some experiment 1st, after test ok then will try to do lo....
hey bro, how thick is the acrylic tht u use? 4mm? gona do my back door since i dun usually fetch ppl....

planing to do the rear windscreen if any1 got tools. :P
that's a good idea also, but how if raining?

Bro, put a slide, when rain just close the slide...but your car also got big big problem...your car will auto tinted when rain hehehe, so you need also to consider the problem you are facing...last time told you to buy the anti fog spary, have you bought them already or not? If still no, i have 1 bottle that i bought last time for use at swimming goggles...will search and pass to you when next round in Kelantan...
Bro, put a slide, when rain just close the slide...but your car also got big big problem...your car will auto tinted when rain hehehe, so you need also to consider the problem you are facing...last time told you to buy the anti fog spary, have you bought them already or not? If still no, i have 1 bottle that i bought last time for use at swimming goggles...will search and pass to you when next round in Kelantan...

haven buy wo, how much per bottle? how many L or ML?
should need a hot air gun to make those plastic curve rite for the rear windscreen?

how did you cut the plastic? saw it? 3mm strong enof or not?
use machine to cut lo, if u use 4mm it will be too thick bro, scare will break when it being curve and more heavy ler... sure wan it be moe lighter ma...

rear windscreen i think more diffecult to do lo... since the curve so much...
use heat gun also scare will "lari bentuk"
wow FOC ka? betul betul member ni!!!
ok i belanja u eat nasi lemak everyday till u back to penang ya hehehe....
daily use ah ???? won'y crake meh if kena sun and rain for sometimes....scare JPJ kacau also lor ....
Friend, you use acrylic of Perspex?
If I make an exact replacement if my window & put it back using the original brackets, will it scratch badly?
Will it warp in the hot Malaysian sun?
Will tinting help reduce the scratching & heating problem?
What do you use to cut the acrylic?
Finally, where's your location? Wondering if can get good discount on parts :P
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