17 Hurt in Drag Crash at Million Youth Rally 2012

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omg.. he's a goner!
after reading the vulgar replies from him, I am pondering about the possibility to not attend/watch/any MUSC event, or even bother about it. sorry dude. it has become more and more unprofessional.
he seriously need a shrink to scan his brain:stupid:... why need to be so tight up and try to make war with all people inside the motorsport event? simply can't take advice or comment when things not going on your way...it really shows the attitude of that person...sponsors will be running away from this kinda of organizers...you think anak dato' kebal ka?:banghead: even a "tun" also nowadays can be prosecute at the court...no more kebal2...and last piece of advice admit mistake have been done and take it as a man...make more friends and less foes...peace no war
after reading the vulgar replies from him, I am pondering about the possibility to not attend/watch/any MUSC event, or even bother about it. sorry dude. it has become more and more unprofessional.

Just boycott watever events organised by him..Spread the words..
A little bit of humility goes a long way. Sadly it's the one trait that I find non-existent in the motoring fraternity.
maybe he can't take THAT much pressure? :adore:
The incident already happened.Don't pour RON 97 fuel into fire.Don't provoke too much.
I hope our motorsport scene can be more peaceful.Plzzzzzz........:adore:
IMG00270-20120531-0931.jpg :congrats::congrats:

I know how pressure and anger gets to all of us, but one should refraint from commenting till he or she has calm down ..so tht a better damage control can be executed
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The incident already happened.Don't pour RON 97 fuel into fire.Don't provoke too much.
I hope our motorsport scene can be more peaceful.Plzzzzzz........:adore:

Who provoke who?..
Once an Idiot always an Idiot, trash talking others with racist remarks just add the flames. Boast about ur 600hp lancer better boast about ur 600hp mouth since like shooting ppl, go back n play hotwheels instead Drag are for the Big Boys. :driver:
Is all comes down back to him on how he responds and the way he show his concern to the fans/spectators on that day..
If all these were handled professionally and with a professional reply with some sympathy to those who were injured on
that day...

People, fans and car enthusiasts will not be this mad and felt offended if he were to refrain from those comments and
racist remarks. Yet, is a big issue since those comments and such remarks comes from a Professional Organiser...
which is unacceptable.

17 injured and show no responsibility for what had happened. At least some concern and sympathy to those involve? Blaming others
and being so defensive that he is not wrong at all and bear no responsibility to that incident. Which has draw lots of attention from
the public.

Other than giving bad impression to this EVENT, I guess a lot would try to avoid it from now...
He chose to react this way, this is what the public would most likely see in him...

Oh well, just have to see what happens next in the papers...:rolleyes:
anak datuk no wonder so cocky le......
600hp machine for drag....so wat.....come to TTA & test yr car le...
i think the black myvi also can tapau him..haha..
anak datuk no wonder so cocky le......
600hp machine for drag....so wat.....come to TTA & test yr car le...
i think the black myvi also can tapau him..haha..

Turn1 hit the gravel straight, 600hp too powderful cannot brake on time. :adore:
Turn1 hit the gravel straight, 600hp too powderful cannot brake on time. :adore:

what turn? his cars meant to go in straight line only. that also got problem going straight that's why langgar.
what turn? his cars meant to go in straight line only. that also got problem going straight that's why langgar.

Lolz, that's a good one... Let's wait till tmr to see what this baboon has install for readers like us.. :driver:
Motorsports Is Dangerous u can Die Easly At Sic But No One Talk Shit About It...My My Drag Racing Events Everybody Talk Shit About It...Go Fuck Your Self And Talk Rubbish To Show Your Concern La Konon...Org Buat Utk Belia Dan Negara...Shit Happened And Accept The Fact...Give Moral Support To Us To Improve Our Mistakes...Not Condamm Us...Pls Support Us La Guys...Dun Put Blame On Us La...Nobody Like Ghis Accident Happened Rite...Give Moral Support a Bit Belia Like Us Guys...Dun Bunuh Our Passion And Our Mission...The Mistakes Happened And We Admit Our Mistakes...Gibe Support Dun Point Finger Here Amd There K Guys...I Dun Like It K...If Hear Anymore About This...I Swear Wack Your Face Infront Lots Of People Trust Me And Try Me...I Dun Give A Damm And Dun Give a Fuck With You Guys K...Just Stop The Story Or You Be Facing Me...Budak2 Gua Ramai Der...Sendiri Mahu Ingat La...Ehhh Ni Ezzat Tahirannn La....

there is a lot people want to meet him...huhhuhu...

so scared man.. ramai budak2 der.... huhuhu.. i hope i can meet him..uhuhuhuh

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