What sort of gauge(s) to install on NA cars?

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i aint sure, i ask him he said not standard 1~ i ask him how muc he said DONO... u noe lar, sum rich dad sponsor his kid... car value how muc oso duno... i not sure tat is 360 or not, nvr use b4... da gauge frame kinda different a bit den mine, mine is plain white~ autogauge oso got sell 60mm digital 1, rpm display with digit, not analogue~ tat 1 i duno how muc la, cos kinda hard to find.... east malaysia hard to find latest car accesories, even angel eyes oso no sell~ start engine button oso no sell...
hahaha.... start engine button also want to install meh? hehehe....

for me, i prefer a analogue display than a digital display when it comes to gauges/meters... no idea why.. haha...

need to go out and check out those car accessory shops liao...
having a gauge and can't see it during day time is meaningless, unless you dun drive during day time. :biggrin:

may i know does Auto gauge comes with sensor?
Black Samurai bro, i believe that the gauges will light up as soon as you start your engines. It lights up whether you turn on your headlights or not. So, daytime, you will be able to see it too. :)

Sensors, i believe so. The owner of the shop told me everything "bao ka liao"... hehe...
alexklg said:
correct me if i'm wrong, but that's an RSM right? Other than that, i wouldn't want a Telephone Line adapter or a Lan Cable head inside my car. It will be quite odd. But thanx alot Fluffy. Will be visiting a friend i met on friendster, he works at SpeedWorks @ JB. Will ask for his advise and see whether it could be done.

That's a SAFC, odd is odd, but can prevent from stolen. Btw that is not a telephone cable, is just a lan cable RJ45 from pc.
BlackSamurai said:
having a gauge and can't see it during day time is meaningless, unless you dun drive during day time. :biggrin:

may i know does Auto gauge comes with sensor?

yeah it comes with, 1 set~ cable wire all together inside da box dy... but mine dun hav gauge cup, da latest model got gauge cup lah~ ... those SMOKE gauge only will light up after u turn ur key to 'acc'... turn on headlight wont turn on da gauge... and even at daylight it lightup, u cant c it bcos of sunlight, unless u got gauge cup or sumthing can block da sunlight
defi good choice, but expensive wei. :biggrin:
heh... nvr buy defi b4... btw, i wanna ask, i saw a gauge is air/fuel ratio.. wat izzit?
if you looking for the same performance as defi have ...why not try this want..STRI

this brand is cheaper ...correct me if i wrong it do not need a control unit like defi need...



xbalance2002, how much? can pm me the price? location? :biggrin:

the logo looks like silvia logo.
damn, tat look nice... yeah, wat price? too bad i didnt c tis b4 at KK....
alexklg , tell u la dude... You go speedworks to buy all these gauges n accesories u'll kena potong la. Certain type of things u have to know which certain type of shops to buy from ... Cannot simply just go to one place n buy everything, if not u sure kena chop from some stuffs.

Just my few cents, it ur money anyway. Good luck.
hehe... i went to speedworks to meet a friend... and ask for a quotation on those quotations... of course i will go other places to check out the prices as well.. see whether what he offered is good or not.. thanx for the advise dude...

xbalance2002, your recommendation not bad. But that's not what i'm looking for. Those gauges you dun need to turn it on also can see the needles and numbers... what i'm looking for are those that only viewable upon turning on my engine. I like those... hehehe....
if wan check other place, dun go so far.... later fuel $$ pun tinggi = same story
hehe... i dun mind going around... i love driving around in my Neo.. plus, would like to meet more ppl... always learn new stuff by visiting different shops...

yeah, been surfing the marketplace very often, but i didn't come across this Ftzone's gauges store...
yea,the defi-look-alike gauges must be wired to ur ignition.so when u start u turn the ignition it lights up.:_:

Nieto : so cheap?dang.the last time i saw the prices were all above 100.:P

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