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yearrgghh!!!itu dier..dier MUNCUL LAGI!!!hahahahaha

LARI Woiiii.!!!:LARI!!!
sei edi la u.. next year TA better do plastic surgery to cover ur handsome face.. suddenlly kena rape in the starting line till finish only know.. hahahaha!!!!!!!!!
GRA Rd4 WILL b my last autocross event...whr got road mister???hafta mod d car?maintain it..n now hafta do plastic surgery just so i can enter d event safely??lari budget wor!!hahaahhaha
money not a problem nor an issue.. can find anywhere wan..
if that fella really wanna 'main' with u then u charge him money la.. all the earnings
can go modd ur car edi ma.. kekeke =p
u sure u wanna rape his car ar? scared his exhaust not big enough wor.. hahahaha!!!!!!

pls keep thgs btween u n teh under wraps ok????wether his 1 is THAT big o not(my exos=5Zigen Fireball) v dun wanna know...especially how u know my exos cud b not big enuf 4 him LAGI v dun wanna know..
n abt ur money-finding method...ooo..i get it..dats how u afford d RS*R exos ei?KAKAKAKKAKAKAKKAKA
how lar wei?i m d car..d car is me...u can't haf d car without having me...u oso can't haf me without having d car...tough choice,no?i make it simple lar..u gif me RM39,999.99..i gif u d car...siap w all d user's manual n how 2 unleash all d 238ps in d engine,ok o not?heheheheh
wei !!! u guys think where is here ??? autox forum lar.... u guys better go to www.kena-tiu.com n talk about it lar ...... apa la lu all !!!! sad .... later i ask MCASS come n diu kao u all den u know ..... !!!
wah....look at ur face also know u r gay lor ...... lagi tak mengaku ke ??? aih... berani buat berani mengaku lar... apa lar lu....
so WHR is ur fren mcass???aisey..was expecting him/her 2 come in n bombard us here after SOOOOOO much bullshitting in d past few days....i'm deeply dissapointed coz i expected 2 start ANOTHER war here!!ngua ngua ngua...n yeah..i agree w u abt teh...c oso know he gay boy dy hor?ahhahaa

lu confirm dun wan my car dy ar?ok sui....finally can plonk in my stage2 mods....280ps package..woooweee!!!!!

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