Initial D - The Movie (How was it?)

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thteh86 said:
no point going for this movie if u're an initial D diehard fan....most girls will go there for the actors that's all

Initial diehard fans? They should avoid it because HK buggers butchered the storyline / characters!

I'm an Initial D hardcore fan since Day 1... never have I seen such insulting work in my entire life!

Manga fan? Avoid it.
Anime fan? Avoid it.
Ah Beng / Ah Lian / Lala? Go for it.
They should be original and use other titles otherwise, they will still be known as HK bootleggers.
acbc said:
Initial diehard fans? They should avoid it because HK buggers butchered the storyline / characters!

I'm an Initial D hardcore fan since Day 1... never have I seen such insulting work in my entire life!

Manga fan? Avoid it.
Anime fan? Avoid it.
Ah Beng / Ah Lian / Lala? Go for it.

sure agree with u guys.....i've watch Initial-D since stage 1 to stage 4 (episode 14)...and this Initial-D The Movie sure different! no joy...
TitanRev said:

Its Jay voice..!!
The movie moves too fast like StarWars III, also you must know a bit of the anime to totally understand the story line. Also the way they describe the cars means you need to know about cars to understand what they mean.

GTR: Skyline GT-R
E3: Evo III
damn nice way to end the movie! hahaha. the language is funny in terms of everyday concept, but does not do justice for the original anime's composed, calm and polite way of saying technical things. it did however, suit its purpose for the general public, bcoz not every average joe likes goofy nerd tech talk about driving techniques and cars.

edison chen held his own and was OK by my account on his portrayal as Ryosuke. i cant even remember how to spell his cantonese character's name hahaha. being an initial D original fan and from that point of view, i would really hate anthony wong's version of bunta (wen tai). but this does not mean that his acting sucks. all i would say is, he made the best of what he was given/demanded; a half assed, piss poor developed character (producer/scriptwriter's fault). the producers seemed to focus too much on takumi's (tok hoi) character.

the movie would have been more bearable (to me) if it hadn't overused the freeze scene transition so often. either that or my VCD copy was stuttering/pausing often without me noticing it hahahaha. i got tired of that effect halfway thru the 1st CD. i apologize to the cinematography backers if its my VCD's fault :p. the CG parts were shameless and sloppy, i'll admit to that... but understandable nonetheless. i'd forgive it more than the crappy transitions which always freezes the so called "KODAK moments" of every car and character. argh.

i wont comment on the performances of any other character bcoz i was busy waiting for the racing parts. i only car about the cars hahahaha. but i couldnt ignore the ending. i say again.. the ending is hou yeaahhh hahahaha. they couldnt have chosen a better part of the original i-D story as a movie ending. it gives takumi a motive to strive in team project-D.

LONELY DRIVER NEED NO GIRLS! USE THE ANGER! FOCUS IT INTO DETERMINATION TO BE THE BEST DRIVER!! (disclaimer - sentiments are mine, and mine alone. flames will be ignored.)

the lighting work during the kissing in AE86 scene and the drive by at the end of the movie is worth a praise. at least they know filmaking.

let me clarify that i AM an ardent (japanese) Initial D fan, and i hate the butchering. but i do not regret watching this movie, in fact im glad i watched it.. even if its just to know how bad it is. the story writers did try to squeeze in as much of the original plotlines as possible, albeit in different versions/order. i'll give them some credit for trying to bring the racing action into the live action realm, and i'd say they gave a good effort (except for the obvious CG crashes, and bunta's sloppy drifting :p)

maybe the filmakers were just trying to take advantage making easy money over an iconic japanese story, maybe not. we'll just have to surrender at the end of the day bcoz they did it, and they dared to. the consequences of this movie maybe dear, but if there's something i'm against most; its the effect on toyota cars and parts. poor man's car lah, dont go tipu ppl this car fast liao... hai lat oledy kekekekek

even as a fan (not as hardcore and sot2 like acbc), my 2 sen is; hate it for what it did to Initial D, but dont hate it as it is; just another movie. and dont worry, my 2 sens aint worth much.
Just watched the movie....all i can say is...they butchered the whole thing... is like they didn't do research.... i don't blame them for changing the storyline.... but they spoil the characters especially bunta's...he is suppose to be cool and calm...not a bloody moron father who abuse his son... and something did jordan chan survived that crashed....???I notice something...they dressings shows which team they are, Nightkids members all wear black windbreaker and black track pants, the red suns all dressed like edison chen....lastly Emperor got the worst dressing... who the heck will dress like that?? sigh...overall..lousy show ler...
Since I dont appreciate drifting at this moment... no comment on that side but overall the movie was good, hilarious but it cramped First Stage and Second Stage together. Should make 4 movies out of it like Trilogy but errr... (Forlogy?)
I kept my expectations nice and low and I'd like to report that I thoroughly enjoyed myself, even though I am a big fan of the anime. I was pretty certain they have taken liberties with the plot and storylines so I could live with that. In fact I think some of the changes were good, good for a feature length film that is. It wouldn't have worked out as good if they tried to be as loyal to the source as possible because of the difference of medium and the time frame given. So they had to quicken the pace and make the characters larger than life, which is good. It is also good that it didn't really take itself too seriously and took a light hearted approach. Many bits in it were hilarious, especially with comic relief Chapman To and sometimes Anthony Wong and Kenny Bee as well. The race scenes were not too bad, looked fluent and cohesive enough and didn't look like they put it on Fast Forward. Overall the movie had a very polished look and feel thanks to having very accomplished directors.

Conclusion: I give it the thumbs up for a very entertaining ride.

Observation: I notice a lot of people have problems with managing expectations and are dissapointed far too easily. Same thing happened with War of the Worlds. People were going in expecting to see an intergalactic battle ie Independence Day and of course they went home dissapointed because they didn't get it. Same here. People expect to see the anime with real people and real cars. The thing is, the medium is totally different and to make a copy and paste job on to the big screen direct from the source material doesn't really work (not always anyway). I'm pretty sure if the directors and screen writers and producers have been religiously loyal to the anime, it would have been a pretty sucky movie left hanging and with not much happening. Plus most people wouldn't have a clue what they are on about. Me on the other hand, went in to see a movie. I didn't expect it to be a carbon copy of the anime or the manga and I didn't judge it against the anime. I looked at it as it is, a movie, and I think it did pretty well. It had just enough action, had loads of laughs and I think even the crew had a jolly good time filming it.
too much puking in the movie. Disgusting! As usual, had a hard time btwn reading subtitles and watching at the same time. "Haaa?... oh. Haaaa???..oh... haaa? .. eh! wait!" kinda experience. hahaha!
BUT, why when addressing Takumi, the other characters call him "AhTou" or something.. dun understand. Becoz Tofu-man's son ah? And Y the fish didn't the JAPS actually make this movie? More authentic that way I'd say. Mebbe got comment on this in here.... Didn't see. Went straight to 'last page'.. :p
si|verfish said:
I kept my expectations nice and low and I'd like to report that I thoroughly enjoyed myself, even though I am a big fan of the anime. I was pretty certain they have taken liberties with the plot and storylines so I could live with that. In fact I think some of the changes were good, good for a feature length film that is. It wouldn't have worked out as good if they tried to be as loyal to the source as possible because of the difference of medium and the time frame given... etc etc

yes, i agree. there are still many Initial-D (original) illiterate ppl out there, and movies are just like that. it would have been worse if they tried to squeeze EVERYTHING from stage 1-4 in 1 movie. every movie has to cater to the masses and satisfy EVERYONE at least up to 40%. if they want to satisfy the anime lovers to 100% but end up making the rest -20% (hate the movie), its not good business for them (reality check, its not ALL about what WE want. its also their pocket in the first place ;) )

even the anime left a lot of bits n fillers out from the original manga, and even reversed the order of mako's race and the race against ryosuke. the point is we never knew, so we never complained. it never looked wrong coz we dont know better.

the bright side is, after u see it at least its another movie to tok kok about and ketuk for wholesome group fun. :D
si|verfish said:
I kept my expectations nice and low and I'd like to report that I thoroughly enjoyed myself, even though I am a big fan of the anime. I was pretty certain they have taken liberties with the plot and storylines so I could live with that. In fact I think some of the changes were good, good for a feature length film that is. It wouldn't have worked out as good if they tried to be as loyal to the source as possible because of the difference of medium and the time frame given. So they had to quicken the pace and make the characters larger than life, which is good. It is also good that it didn't really take itself too seriously and took a light hearted approach. Many bits in it were hilarious, especially with comic relief Chapman To and sometimes Anthony Wong and Kenny Bee as well. The race scenes were not too bad, looked fluent and cohesive enough and didn't look like they put it on Fast Forward. Overall the movie had a very polished look and feel thanks to having very accomplished directors.

Conclusion: I give it the thumbs up for a very entertaining ride.

Observation: I notice a lot of people have problems with managing expectations and are dissapointed far too easily. Same thing happened with War of the Worlds. People were going in expecting to see an intergalactic battle ie Independence Day and of course they went home dissapointed because they didn't get it. Same here. People expect to see the anime with real people and real cars. The thing is, the medium is totally different and to make a copy and paste job on to the big screen direct from the source material doesn't really work (not always anyway). I'm pretty sure if the directors and screen writers and producers have been religiously loyal to the anime, it would have been a pretty sucky movie left hanging and with not much happening. Plus most people wouldn't have a clue what they are on about. Me on the other hand, went in to see a movie. I didn't expect it to be a carbon copy of the anime or the manga and I didn't judge it against the anime. I looked at it as it is, a movie, and I think it did pretty well. It had just enough action, had loads of laughs and I think even the crew had a jolly good time filming it.

Hmm.. i agree with silverfish on most of the parts. Personally, i really enjoyed the movie (had a great laugh) watching it. Regarding the actors, i thought they did a pretty good job. Jay's acting was considered good for a beginner, i mean it was actually his voice throughout the movie. For those Jay's fans, you should know he hardly move his lips even in real life (i'm not a fan though :D ) As for Anne, she's a jap, so it's normal if she doesn't speak cantonese, and i thought the voice over was all good (sweet enough) :D But the best award goes to Chapman la. Ah shueeee rox !!! Just an opinion :p

Cheers :cool:
I personally think the call to change Ah Shue into Ah Muk who is the petrol station owner's son, is a masterstroke of genius. He really owned as the comic relief.
oi, what are u still doing here.. go away la. u wanna race with this thing?

*pan out to the SUV*

roflmao!! :D :D :D
I must say that as a car movie, it's good. But once u try to compare the storyline to the original anime, then u will be disappointed.

To be realistic, they have to alter the story a bit to fit it into that 1.5 to 2 hours movie slot.

I actually think it was kinda original to alter the Ah Shue character into Ah Mok who becomes the son of the petrol station owner.. he is indeed a comic relief to the movie. Brings a breath of fresh air to Jay Chou's monotone acting.

But bear in mind, they did get a few things as accurate as the the part where the girl ask him to take her to the beach because she wanna show him her new sexy swimsuit. And how she kept reffering Jay Chou as "Tork Hoi Thong Hok" which is exactly how the cantonese dubbed anime version was.

All in all, I enjoyed the drifting scenes.
the only nice part of the movie is the drifting scenes. :biggrin: other parts dun really like it. :thumpdown btw nx yr will come out the 3rd installment of fast n will b about drift races oso. :cool:
yup.. me too.. nice part of the movie is the drifting scenes.
really well done!..
can't wait to watch the next version of fast n furious..:D

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