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just my 2 cents....

I would say you're a much richer person to buy a Brand new AUDI A4, even lowest spec, as compared to buying a R34, 350Z, or even a 2003 360 Modena if you can afford the installments. Why?

See, for most of us, having a performance car is not to own it forever, except for mr yong who had his R33 for "almost" forever:biggrin:.

This also means we are renting the car i.e. baring the depreciation when reselling the car, with interest from the bank, exclude modification and other costs.

A GTR33, GTR34, 350Z, Evo 7-9...are amongst cars that has deprecisted to a market value which we can safely rent them for 2-3 years, without hurting the selling price later on. A 2003 Modena 360 will roughly costs you 700k if you're a serious buyer now. Depending how much you can get from the bank so you can afford one, i reckon you ownt have to even lose RM100k in reselling it 12~18 months later. 355 still costs 350k, a M3 will still costs 400k, even a SLK is sitll at low can the Modena go in the next 2 years??

Same goes to GTR34. A decent R33 will easily fetch 100-120k, a know la. Even the Z now are stuck at 100-120K, newer ones at 150-170k. Getting a GTR34 now with 180k, have fun with her and probably be reselling her off within the next 3 years...i dont think you'll lose that much!!

go for it bro, own it while you can afford one. Getting a brand new 5 Series and AUDI from their showroom?? know what happened once the number plate is on the car..30k off at least??:burnout:
Anyone want to buy a year 2000 model V-spec for 160K with Z-tune kits. Few mod has been done up except- Turbo, injector, engine internal, Else then that all of it are not stock. Sorry lazy to type out the list.

Autronic ecu sm2/3
Autronic CDI
Nismo Suspension
Blitz cat back system
120mm Jap Border Intercooler
and bla bla bla.

Call 017-671 8888


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Same goes to GTR34. A decent R33 will easily fetch 100-120k, a know la. Even the Z now are stuck at 100-120K, newer ones at 150-170k. Getting a GTR34 now with 180k, have fun with her and probably be reselling her off within the next 3 years...i dont think you'll lose that much!!

go for it bro, own it while you can afford one. Getting a brand new 5 Series and AUDI from their showroom?? know what happened once the number plate is on the car..30k off at least??:burnout:

hhmmm.... another opinion... where would i find a gtr which is 180k?? in the ads nowadays... all is above 200K... ijust dun feel like i wanna drive a continental car yet... brute force is whut i'm goin for... so i should go for it...?? n make it as a weekend car huh...?? should be okay... lower down on the fuel guzzling...

Xack, I think you are still young, and unmarried with no commitments.

So I think to be on the safe side, and also to really enjoy r34 gtr ownership... you will need cash reserves up to 50% of the car's value.

Last time I was also in your position, no commitments, I owned R33 gtr... my cash reserves was 33% of the car's value. I still think it was a bit tight, esp. after getting married.

For old man like me, married with kid, with asset commitments, I have allocated cash reserves of 200% from gtr value... but only R32 maaaa LOL :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

exactly bro... i am not married... but commitments with banks i got... so u're saying... i'll need around 100k reserves after buying a gtr?? walawey... i was thinkin of gettin 1 b4 i got married... coz when i do (get married)... i'm not saying the dream will fade.... but u'll tend to haf other commitments in life... naggings apart... heee... :biggrin: i was thinkin... b4 all that... i'm intendin to get 1 or i dun get it at all... :hmmmm:
y no one included spa cost wan?


This budget comes from undertable money! hehehe... Buat jahat, mesti buang 'suay'!

Anyone want to buy a year 2000 model V-spec for 160K with Z-tune kits. Few mod has been done up except- Turbo, injector, engine internal, Else then that all of it are not stock. Sorry lazy to type out the list.

Autronic ecu sm2/3
Autronic CDI
Nismo Suspension
Blitz cat back system
120mm Jap Border Intercooler
and bla bla bla.

Call 017-671 8888


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R32? R33? R34? GTR? GTT? GTST?

Trade in?
Same goes to GTR34. A decent R33 will easily fetch 100-120k, a know la. Even the Z now are stuck at 100-120K, newer ones at 150-170k. Getting a GTR34 now with 180k, have fun with her and probably be reselling her off within the next 3 years...i dont think you'll lose that much!!

I agree, R32 and R33 prices would be quite strong but I'm not so sure about R34. R32 and R33 prices have fallen quite a lot because banks don't finance them anymore. But there's too big a gap between R33 and R34....

Euro cars are depreciation monsters.... even here in UK. E60 M5 from £70k to £25k, Porsche 996 turbo from £90k to £25k... there's even worse, Mercedes 500, 600 series, AMG 55, 65, Audi RS4, RS6.. Bentley, Rolls Royce.

What's worse, in Malaysia, you will suffer TRIPLE whammy, even QUADRUPLE whammy....

High price
High road tax & insurance
High maintenance/parts
High depreciation

So considering Msian situation, rice-rocket is best....unless you are mega-rich.

Anyone want to buy a year 2000 model V-spec for 160K with Z-tune kits. <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">

GTT issit? Sounds too cheap for GTR :adore:

exactly bro... i am not married... but commitments with banks i got... so u're saying... i'll need around 100k reserves after buying a gtr??

I said to really enjoy your gtr, and also to feel comfortable, you should have RM100k before buying R34 gtr.

But even at your current situation, I think no problem can buy one.
160k is too low for GTR (based on the price askin for gtrs) and too high for GTT haha unless its in really bad condition/accident etc then it might be 160k (GTR) ...:biggrin: ...if its a acc free authentic gtr = bargain
GuysSee, for most of us, having a performance car is not to own it forever, except for mr yong who had his R33 for "almost" forever:biggrin:.

Errrr ... I hope that "mr yong" wasn't me you are referring to ... Hehe ... :hmmmm:

As for me, I don't really like selling one for another ... Typical chinaman style ... Driving is one thing, but most of all, I enjoy testing and doing things. Basically experimenting on it. Let's hope it won't turn into Taiko TeamAdvan one day ... :biggrin: In fact, I still have my Celica GT-4, ST185 CS heavily modded in Australia ... Still trying to find the heart to release her :bawling: I really enjoy cars but 2-doors is off limit for me (I STILL WANTS AN E46 M3 CSL), but maybe have to settle for a CLS 350 instead ... :love:

Well, how I see it is you'll NEVER be able to afford any cars unless you commit into it ... Then, naturally you will find was to get by with the installment, mods, family etc ... But then again, that's just me ... :proud:
GTT issit? Sounds too cheap for GTR :adore:

we spoke over the phone... he said... car belongs to late father... plus the engine blew... so he's tryinna find another 1... but additional 5k... or sumthin like that...?? should i fellas...?? but heck i know it'll costs me a whammy to tune it up back again...

160k is too low for GTR (based on the price askin for gtrs) and too high for GTT haha unless its in really bad condition/accident etc then it might be 160k (GTR) ...:biggrin: ...if its a acc free authentic gtr = bargain

it is a gtr... with the engine blown... we spoke over the phone... if i were to pick up..?? it's gonna costs me later is it..?
i dont think its gonna costs you that much to build back a stock engine. RM20-25k should be more then enough to do so.

RM180K is too low for GTR??? well, tht's may be the car is too good for those current pwner to let go..and this again suggest is a good car to buy now init?:biggrin:
we spoke over the phone... he said... car belongs to late father... plus the engine blew... so he's tryinna find another 1... but additional 5k... or sumthin like that...?? should i fellas...?? but heck i know it'll costs me a whammy to tune it up back again...


it is a gtr... with the engine blown... we spoke over the phone... if i were to pick up..?? it's gonna costs me later is it..?

First check the car:
Real GTR?
Accident/chassis damage?
Other parts - suspension/transmission/electronics?

That's why I told you need good cash reserves!

If everything else is ok, the blown engine cars will give great bargains! BUT you will need to have cash and patience.

160k for a R34 Vspec is a bargain, and then you can spec your engine to your own dreams, either rb30 with to4z, or n1 block with hks 2.8 stroker and twin gt2860s, or even tomei or jun strokers with t51 kai (whistling wonder).

Last time I bought my R33 with blown engine... BUT I was short of

so didn't enjoy it at all... then I found out I had to leave for time was extremely short.

So read up or contact the fellers here for advice!

I'm looking at a gtr-34 v-spec II unmod... except for sound system.... 220K... tempting...
You won't enjoy unmod GTR...... Buy a mild modded GTR, you won't have to spend much in the future.....
Hi Guys,

My case different, im driving a conti car. Lately cannot tahan the sound of skyline ( wanted to buy this car b4 gettin married, but that time not enuf $$$). Now considering to trade my C200k w211 for a GTR..hehehe..:idea: Anyone interested to swap..? :itsme:

option B : Get a mod GTT pay at least RM70k d/payment. So skyliners, what say u?

More and more people are talking about getting a Skyline now a days...I guess this thread title will never get an ending again...:sleep:
Hi Guys,

My case different, im driving a conti car. Lately cannot tahan the sound of skyline ( wanted to buy this car b4 gettin married, but that time not enuf $$$). Now considering to trade my C200k w211 for a GTR..hehehe..:idea: Anyone interested to swap..? :itsme:

option B : Get a mod GTT pay at least RM70k d/payment. So skyliners, what say u?


Get a GTR.

If you buy a GTT, for sure you will be wanting to upgrade to GTR.
true dat... was in a gtr last weekend... the car climbed hill like it was a str8 road... sweet ride...

Bump: and gobiz bro... i decided to wait it out... 100k dp is juuuussttt sswweeettt to own a gtr... thanx again for the inputs bro... really appreciate it..

Bump: and gobiz bro... i decided to wait it out... 100k dp is juuuussttt sswweeettt to own a gtr... thanx again for the inputs bro... really appreciate it..
gobiz bro,

thanks for your input. GTR lowest price is now at RM190++ unreg. Used GTR @ RM179k++. cum 2 think bout it, both @ same price taking in2 consideration interest rate now. 3.7% Unreg vs 4.5% for used.

guess hav to b more patient. any news that bank gona reduce the int rate? :stupid:
true dat... was in a gtr last weekend... the car climbed hill like it was a str8 road... sweet ride...

Bump: and gobiz bro... i decided to wait it out... 100k dp is juuuussttt sswweeettt to own a gtr... thanx again for the inputs bro... really appreciate it..

No problem :biggrin:... I think there are 2 categories of GTR owners. 1 group are the lucky ones with not just financial security, they have 'financial freedom'. There are many in this forum (most R34 gtr owners LOL).

I think you and me belong to the second group, slightly lower power in finances but ok also. But you will definitely enjoy the car a lot better when you have a strong 'warchest'. That's why I have waited almost 5 years already.

I think for you, no need to wait as long as 5 years. Furthermore, now is the time of opportunity. Just work hard and invest wisely.

gobiz bro,

thanks for your input. GTR lowest price is now at RM190++ unreg. Used GTR @ RM179k++. cum 2 think bout it, both @ same price taking in2 consideration interest rate now. 3.7% Unreg vs 4.5% for used.

guess hav to b more patient. any news that bank gona reduce the int rate? :stupid:

I think BLR will not go down much more. Even US Fed is expected to start increasing interest rates soon.

Perhaps I have the same advice for you that I give to myself in the mirror :biggrin: - build up your own bank so that you don't need to care about interest rates :driver:
PERSONAL ADVICE....if u really go for gtr34...u must have another low budget car such a myvi or just keep your satria...for insurance policy.....because u really dont know...when godzilla will "lost his temper"...and to make it "cool" ..... will take some time and also slimming your to be save....for daily ride use honda kapcai.... at night or weekend use godzilla.....that is we do here... think before act... :driver::driver::driver:
Gobiz is right...i took 7 years to own it.... go and invest your money this is the best time.
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