Calling for Mitsubishi Mirage 88-89.

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hai guys..nk tanye korg.kalau enjin 4g61t kalau nk upgrade sikit2 slowly2 mcmana aa..ader sesape taw step dia..kalau ader pls share..nk taw..
Hanif-aku try call tapi x ada jwpn. line d cut off half way....kul 11.30am today.
nanti aku try lagik by the way welcome to the family. stay mana?

mista m - byk bole buat henjin nih...up grade i/c besau ok gak buat permulaan, pas tu intake manifold and throttle body. kalau manifold cyclone tukar ke efi. t/body tukar ke vr4 atau evo tapi kena pakai ecu dan wiring evo gak lah ... pas tu leh tukar turbine lagi besa single fin tukar ke double fin tapi bukan leh tukar sebarang fuel regulator kena make sure bole support fuel yg d perlukan utk upgrade nih. kalau supply tak efficient enjin knocking. kena ada lak fuel regulator boleh laras... fuel pump pun kena bagus gak.. banyak lagilah.....tunggu kalau ko balik nanti boleh sembang panjang....interesting.

aku pakai henjin 4g61t perfomance wise so-solah...kalau nak best pakai terus evo enjin atau vr4 200hp memang lazatsssss.....kalau x salah aku la ni price utk evo3 dlm 7k-8k vr4 dlm 5.5k - 6.5k.

betul ke ko nak jual kete? rege brp nak tolak nanti aku cari buyer...tapi kalu ko tak tolak lagi bagus....

wah meriah dah ni ramai participant...syok....
oowhh..adoi bes nih kalau bwk bincg nih..dh ar dh rmai plak..adui..nih yg buat nk balik cepat nih..haha..ader org offer vr4rs hafcut cm nk rompak je hafcut nih..ahahha..nk kene kire2 duet dlu br senang..huhu..tanx azman..skurg2nye dh ader role model..ahaks..

tuh ar rmai dh family mirage nih..haha..syok oow...
sblm balik tu rerayau le kat mana2 car junk yard yg ada kat situ manalah tau jumpa lak bebarang baik leh bawak balik....nyaman gitu....

alo bro apa no nak contact? nak update family mirage ni....
-cantik gk idea tuh..xterpikir plak..ader gk nmpk 4-5 biji mirage kontot kt standad mahh..huhu..sini bersepah lancer mx..sygnye org sini modyfai luaran xcun ar..mgkn brg sush nk dpt kot..itu ari ader gk g kedai performance dia..jauh beza malaysianye terlalu power...brg byk carbon fibre bersepah2..

y not? everybody are the way where is your location?
mind to share you n your car profile...he..he..get to know each other and make new friends....please proceed...
WELcOMe To DE neiighberhOOD......
u r about to be pimp'd ma fwen......
hehe.. :)

oiiiiii xsabanye aku nk blk nih..
Thanks bro...:regular_smile:
Btw im from Ampang.
Mine is the 1995 Mirage Cyborg ZR...
Engine - Stock Mivec only...

Any TT coming soon?
tt? will arrange asap but need to wait at least 4 or 5 owner to confirm if i can't get all of them to joint. Any convenient date pls propose....
owh ampang..nice wats ur name bro??

damn cant wait loo to come back..already too bored ere..still didnt go too junkyard..haha..but lookin forward to..nway ade sesape yg ade stok side skirt mirage kontot x?
hey does anyone got second-hand rims that wif tyres and bout RM600 like tat pls tell me


ade x seape yg ada stok lebih spoiler yang lekat kat body...empat tahun sudah wa carik...x dpt2
lg 1, kalu ade2 jumpa twin sunroof utk c53 yg terselit di mana2 kdai potong..."kontot" saye dah naik kudis kat bumbung...nak juga tengok langit dari dlm keta....rasa mcm syok jer...
haha..brader bufori jgn kate syiookk ooww..manyak2 shiokk oww..aku punya twin roof yg tang blkg nye xleh bukak klip dh patah..ape lg kalau mlm minggu sunroof depan naek sunroof blkg cabut simpan dlm dok terjenguk2 jer..hahaha...aku ader sedar satu kontot kt ttdi.keta cond cunn lg..bersihh jer..owner xpkai kot..dh agak lame paking kt lua keta nmpk sehat..1.6na nye..nk usya2 ar kot2 dpt murah2 ker..haha.siap twin sunroof tuh..haha..
mirage 1.6(A)dohc 89 fr sale
sunroof.moonroof.clean interior
rM15500 sms 013 3010 188
ehh jap..mcm nihh je keta yg aku nmpak kt ttdi tuh..dh kene culik ker keta nih..hrmm..nway keta nmpak sehat jer..
hey bro u wan sell the car arr?
can u just swap the engine wif me i m interested of he engine only.... i swap wif u larrr
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