callin all ..not fast but furious gurls..=p

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Jul 30, 2005
subang jaya
where r all my gurls..??!
any gatherings lately..?no..?
come have one!
dont let all the 'guys' or 'buaya' darat tapau Us..! hahaha
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sigh... no girls crazy bout cars here- wish there's girls like you, Jesz~ crazy about cars, and mods, and stuffs like that...

all the best! Girl power!

by the way, i'm in your Friendster friends lists and a member as well, first saw u there le...

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who says NO girls crazy about cars here? you want us, the girls to ta pau u is it? hahaha..
aiiyor, early morning saw your early said wanna 'bungkus' me already! only that forget about the chick modder... but there's no other liao... just hoping that this forum topic is full of gals le... it'll be cool seeing the gals talking bout cars here... showing off their 'hubby'... COOL!~ penang still got a few heheh~ to be honest , cars is not their main priority~ MAN are their primary target akekekeke....

got MAN eventually got CARS akekekkeekk~ slowly devoloped poison plan akekekeke :_:
guys? why want to depend on guys? i'd want MY own car.. mod the car with my own money and buy it also with my own money.. haha
vladimir said: penang still got a few heheh~ to be honest , cars is not their main priority~ MAN are their primary target akekekeke....

got MAN eventually got CARS akekekkeekk~ slowly devoloped poison plan akekekeke :_:

u sound so sexist wei... :emoticon_U:

i like cars although i dun drive.. i think my car knowledge are sometimes better than guys.. guys who talk shit n try to brag in front of gurls la.. :shades_smile:

so are we havin a tt?
nicole_nic said:
guys? why want to depend on guys? i'd want MY own car.. mod the car with my own money and buy it also with my own money.. haha

u're DA GURL!!
anytime anywhere.. opps.. aiyak.. next week got assignments due n mid-term exams.. =.(
nice idea
but u gals are most in kl ler...
i'm in pg...*sigh*

- xand kneeling down at the side seeing the girls do the talking~
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