ASS landing! ON YOUR CAR!

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Drives a shopping cart...
Senior Member
Nov 14, 2003
Hello brothers and sisters,:regular_smile:

Today, i went to Mc Donalds Taman Buaya Malacca outlet. I was sitting at a full glass section where i can see my car. I was about to finish my last bite of Fillet-O-Fish, a Mc Donald's staff went out and chat with his friend. He was standing at first and suddenly, BOOM! His ass landed on my hood and chat happily there! Choww Haii! Faster finish my food and go away.

Some of you might think i am too much by not letting him sit. :cry_smile: Feel sad lar.:cry_smile: I never sit on my car before also. Sad sad.
ken12292703 said:
Hello brothers and sisters,:regular_smile:

Today, i went to Mc Donalds Taman Buaya Malacca outlet. I was sitting at a full glass section where i can see my car. I was about to finish my last bite of Fillet-O-Fish, a Mc Donald's staff went out and chat with his friend. He was standing at first and suddenly, BOOM! His ass landed on my hood and chat happily there! Choww Haii! Faster finish my food and go away.

Some of you might think i am too much by not letting him sit. :cry_smile: Feel sad lar.:cry_smile: I never sit on my car before also. Sad sad. like tat one la...own car ma...sure heart pain one...i understand....
Yeah, it will say "get lost big ass!" Hahahah! I was thinking of putting radiostar. Start the engine and give him a shock! Hahaha!
ken12292703 said:
Yeah, it will say "get lost big ass!" Hahahah! I was thinking of putting radiostar. Start the engine and give him a shock! Hahaha!

i used to do tat with my radiostar when someone chit chat standing near my car... :D
dont say u do not like ppl sit on ur car... i dont even like ppl touch my car coz after that sure alot fingers print. so am i too much? i know i too 'sayang' my car. :X-:
Lean a bit i dun mind... but dont sit on my car like sitting on a foot resting on my bumper....i wish i have Styer Scout for a headshot!
Lean on the car is stil quite ok for me.. But to sit is damn angry la. I'll either hit the alarm button or scold the fellow who sit.
need to give a lesson to those fucker, i can't tolerate with those who lean or sit on my car.
Hahaha, luckily all of us think alike. Leaning also i don't really like. Wait they lean cars like walls then sure got dented. Tomorow morning must check hood got dent or not. If dented then want to cry liao. Go back there and screw the fella also no use liao. Self suffer. Take care of your car while you park. Really sad day. Think my hood is a chair.
Next time put a microphone and then connect to ur alarm lar! Record " diu niama chao hai"...should good enuf to scare ppl away!hahahah!!!!
Last time my fren got an idea that same apply to our HORN. When u press ur horn 4 times fast fast..then the effect will be " diu diu diu diu niama chao hai"...haha!
Yeah, good idea. I have an extra air horn. Link the air horn with relay to the trigger. Once alarm screaming, the air horn also scream. Can wake up whole neighbourhood. Hahaha!
understandable. me also got the same felling when a stranger use my car for their comfort. brainless act i`d say.
when u ask them move away they think u LCLY but they never think back how about if their car sit by others? brainless human
alot of ppl is like tht one car duno got how many scratches..i suspect all of them is caused by those jeans..those stupid ppl lean on my car!
no worries bro, all in here understand how u felt. my car is ugly, and i dont like even when sumone touching it!! "dats my baby, dont even thinking of leaning on it!! fark off!!" lol
yes, i myself do not like ppl lean / sit on my car, and that's why i don't do the same onto other's car. I can allow ppl to rest their hands for a while on my car, but to sit on the bonnet? Wei, it'll dent la! Most car's bonnet is not made from pure Ti lah! Using an alarm like Viper's or any alarm with proximity sensor and voice module is good, and any 2 way system with auto start. As soon as they rest their plump ass on the bonnet, immediately start the car! it! 'Cause I always do that whenI see someone fishy coming close to my car...

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