Anyone lost their civic?

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500 RPM
Senior Member
May 19, 2005
Spotted this outside Lim Kok Wing today
Parts was stripped off and vandalised







I curse the individual who damage the car. May this individual get "vandalised" too, with his/her body parts dismembered, scarred and his/her internal organ removed...and left at the roadside to rot

da drawing is nice~~ lolz~~
but pity the owner
i cant believe they strip the car at da roadside only
Fucker low life...:mad::mad:
pity the owner...:bawling:

Bump: Fucker low life...:mad::mad:
pity the owner...:bawling:
those scumbags had even converted the engine...from what i can see, it is 1.6 Sohc engine non-vtec in da hood. i believe it was dumped there....and they didn't dismantled the parts on the roadside.

pity da owner.
wait more 2week,more will strip down...later tinggal tulang saja...

hope the owner dun faint after found his/her car in this condition.
pls get a vehicle security system frm captor

Bump: gerald frm captor for vehicle security system pls call 016-2014285 TQ

Bump: gerald frm captor for vehicle security system pls call 016-2014285 TQ:nurse:

Bump: sorry about the vehicle. must hang those bustard a life:mad:
this is madness .... i seriously cant believe my eyes....
Erk... what's up with the art on the car? :hmmmm: maybe it was dumped there, and found by crazy kids who later vandalized the car...
what? they do it at roadside very brave theif to police ar bro then they can tow to police station yard..
looks like the artwork is pretty creative... must have been dumped there, and the artwork added by the creative LKW students...
haiz...maybe if some1 notifies the police at least they can notify the owner? but i guess its pointless seeing the car that way...

yeah the vandalizin was probably from students.It wasnt very smart what they did..imagine if the cops caught them..they would have been blamed for the robbery...lolx

Bump: haiz...maybe if some1 notifies the police at least they can notify the owner? but i guess its pointless seeing the car that way...

yeah the vandalizin was probably from students.It wasnt very smart what they did..imagine if the cops caught them..they would have been blamed for the robbery...lolx
pity to d car but as a 'Well learned student' will think bout the consequence not vandalizing d car....That shows their student attitude & wat they've learn from....:stupid:
this ES still there??
i wonder what's left behind as of now...
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