14th of 7th month in lunar calender today


9,000 RPM
Senior Member
Sep 2, 2004
near 7-11
today is 14th of 7th in lunar calendar today,
go home earlier and stay at home tonight...
hahahaha. ciao!
BlackSamurai said:
today is 14th of 7th in lunar calendar today,
go home earlier and stay at home tonight...
hahahaha. ciao!
Don't park your car outside tonight!!!

If you share carpark with other ppl, they will burn those paper stuff there.
haaha....no need to scared la....ghost only ma.....not recession or economy downturn. LOL....
Hahaha.. You know wat i was thinking...

What happen if you go outside and do burning offerings with ur family or whovever.. Then across the road there also u see people burning things and dancing around happily laughing.. All wearing white.
Then u tell u mom/dad .. "Heyy, look at them like so happy only doing offerings hehehe, like partying only weih.. so cheerful."

Then ur mom look at the direction u're pointing.. "Who u talking about?"

*Then u notice that side the people all one by one start to turn and stare back at you pointing at them already..*

you say : "Er.. those people over there??"

mom : "There's no one over there la boy."

.......... Boo.

Pickcell said:
Hahaha.. You know wat i was thinking...

What happen if you go outside and do burning offerings with ur family or whovever.. Then across the road there also u see people burning things and dancing around happily laughing.. All wearing white.
Then u tell u mom/dad .. "Heyy, look at them like so happy only doing offerings hehehe, like partying only weih.. so cheerful."

Then ur mom look at the direction u're pointing.. "Who u talking about?"

*Then u notice that side the people all one by one start to turn and stare back at you pointing at them already..*

you say : "Er.. those people over there??"

mom : "There's no one over there la boy."

.......... Boo.


great imagination u have there boy! wondering, they burn so many thing to the dead, load of money.... when all is richie rich like Bill, whats the use of the cash. Nobody is selling down there. all so rich! Other races I guess?

Oh, what petrol they are using? I have not see any petrol station being burned before. What is thos mercedes run on? make two hole beneath and move it like flinstone?
Crashvenom said:
great imagination u have there boy! wondering, they burn so many thing to the dead, load of money.... when all is richie rich like Bill, whats the use of the cash. Nobody is selling down there. all so rich! Other races I guess?

Oh, what petrol they are using? I have not see any petrol station being burned before. What is thos mercedes run on? make two hole beneath and move it like flinstone?

Thank you..
And they don't use petrol.. They fly/float, remember?
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