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the saga is ST or BT?
the jeep sound not like 4x4 anymore.hehe.lunching like frog oso...
sud get d action of d Jeep n action... not bad juak la..
sud do a match wit d HIlux Supra frm bintulu also..hehehehe

dah ku nangga hilux 2J in action.

iboh jak lah celen. kedak mok terbang jak hilux ya starting.

by the way nice vids and pics. the saga engine is nice! bersih gila babas!!

sud get d action of d Jeep n action... not bad juak la..
sud do a match wit d HIlux Supra frm bintulu also..hehehehe

dah ku nangga hilux 2J in action.

iboh jak lah celen. kedak mok terbang jak hilux ya starting.

by the way nice vids and pics. the saga engine is nice! bersih gila babas!!
comparing jeepra kg with hilux..whch heavy..2j vs 1j wut do u expect?same like u comparing vtec 1.6 with vtec 2.0 lor......2j is 3kcc 1j just 2.5kcc la bro
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haha..hilux 2j and the 1j jeep are both good fren of mine.both the hilux and jeep project got different aims and reason,so i dont think trying to match them is fair.in fact the hilux 2j owner just contacted me today regarding his slick tire for his another project.and i tested my car with both hilux and jeep for drag race..hahaah..makan asap kamek.:love:
The Video. Sorry for the quality :adore:


And the pictures:























The Jeep is a 1jz manual.

waseh... long time no masuk and found zth miri is many kaki sudah.... ada mc kaki here too!!!
hey, may organise mc's zth kaki yamcha or cck sau pao liao!!!!!!!!!!!!!
comparing jeepra kg with hilux..whch heavy..2j vs 1j wut do u expect?same like u comparing vtec 1.6 with vtec 2.0 lor......2j is 3kcc 2 just 2.5kcc la bro

so u mean u want to see an Evo vs an Evo, n Impreza vs n Impreza, Skyline vs Skyline, Supra vs Supra, civic eg vs civic eg??? YAAAWWWNNNNNNN :sleep::sleep:.... if drag racing is all abt the same make and model,and not abt the fun of it,motorsport is gona b bored...
i hav seen kancil L2 keeping up wit a 1.6 vtec... 660cc vs 1600cc..
and there's this thing call youtube where u can see a drag race between Evo vs Supra (2000cc vs 3000cc... )
so tell me,is there anythin wrong suggesting that it cud be fun to watch those 2 4wd having a race???
and have you watch an episode on top gear where an Evo VIII cud keep up wit a Lambo??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1EP4bS14mY&feature=related
Evo 2000cc, Lambo 6.5L V12????? i know its not fair 2 compare as this was on a track,and not a drag..but it goes to show that you dont hav 2 have the same make/model/engine to hav fun..
and yeah,i hav seen a 1.6 vtec keeping up wit a 2.0 vtec...cheers
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well said there, chap. you have put it in the most appropriate explanation so that everyone here could understand what it means to be a 'car freaks', not just some technical knowledge about how big your engine has, but the potential of what a car modding/technology is.
so u mean u want to see an Evo vs an Evo, n Impreza vs n Impreza, Skyline vs Skyline, Supra vs Supra, civic eg vs civic eg??? YAAAWWWNNNNNNN :sleep::sleep:.... if drag racing is all abt the same make and model,and not abt the fun of it,motorsport is gona b bored...
i hav seen kancil L2 keeping up wit a 1.6 vtec... 660cc vs 1600cc..
and there's this thing call youtube where u can see a drag race between Evo vs Supra (2000cc vs 3000cc... )
so tell me,is there anythin wrong suggesting that it cud be fun to watch those 2 4wd having a race???
and have you watch an episode on top gear where an Evo VIII cud keep up wit a Lambo??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1EP4bS14mY&feature=related
Evo 2000cc, Lambo 6.5L V12????? i know its not fair 2 compare as this was on a track,and not a drag..but it goes to show that you dont hav 2 have the same make/model/engine to hav fun..
and yeah,i hav seen a 1.6 vtec keeping up wit a 2.0 vtec...cheers

yes whut r u saying is true..even myself 1.6 playing with 2.0...whut im trying to say...with some forumer here saying "IBOH JAK CELEN"?????? tats y i said whut do u want to expect already if by saying like that????belom lombak lagik dah cakap macm2...so how leh?how to comparing???thats y rather i say WHUT DO U EXPECT...??? there expect "IBOH JAK CELEN" mmm if u saying like this,bagus sikboh celen...not yet play already do some commentar,plus i know very well the owner of hilux 2j..he wont play if he know whut he got compares to the rival...if u things its not fair,u talk about evo vs 2j,blabla vs v8..ok good if u said nothing wrong comparing ,how mind u to bring if ur standard wira 1.5 to play with vtec?20v?or smaller 1 cc lah l2s turbo engine???

so u mean u want to see an Evo vs an Evo, n Impreza vs n Impreza, Skyline vs Skyline, Supra vs Supra, civic eg vs civic eg??? YAAAWWWNNNNNNN :sleep::sleep:.... if drag racing is all abt the same make and model,and not abt the fun of it,motorsport is gona b bored...

i think more bored if alot ppl just wanna be spectators..plus talk here n that but nothing..y not joining the race or take challenge daripada commenting others..show up whut there gots if they r so called "CAR FREAKS"...from my point of view...alot more posers i think,its not car freaks..just a hipokrit in car freaks actually..whut we need in motorsports is...spirit of competition.(not to be spectators n commenting n teasing others),attitude and knowledge is power...etc blablabla

Evo 2000cc, Lambo 6.5L V12????? i know its not fair 2 compare as this was on a track,and not a drag..but it goes to show that you dont hav 2 have the same make/model/engine to hav fun..
and yeah,i hav seen a 1.6 vtec keeping up wit a 2.0 vtec...cheers

hahah u shud learn more bro...u have to studied whut diffrent with track n drag...whut is power n skill....whut the point for drag n track...comparing drag n track skill........fyi...track more to handling n skill n the important is ur engine response n handling when u out in hi speed from corner...u play alot shift up n down gear....drag??drag more easier then track bro...never drop gear down...no corner...n just shift up ur car...for track...even ur car r not power but urs engine response n handling r good..sure u can handle all ur rivals big2 cars...i tell u..have u go MME in sepang..they u will realized...how 1.6 satria can bit integra k20a in track?....but how if they palying with drag?????ithink u shud know answer if u r car freaks...in track its not about ur power of engine or how big cc u r...but its ur skill n handling..not like drag...its totally diffrent my fren

Bump: if u know bout international motorsports.....can u answer me....y in FIA got competition was made in group????means..got class a,class b,class c.....???u know whut i mean???every each car was fight in same cc but diffrent model,y they dont put 1.6cc in supercar class?y??tell me?.....its international race man...its professional...y not u suggest for this upcoming event in sepang 1000km race that 1.6 can put in class a with big cc cars...so its there more fun for u..commonla...racing is not to bullying others...will end with fight if like that

Bump: if u know bout international motorsports.....can u answer me....y in FIA got competition was made in group????means..got class a,class b,class c.....???u know whut i mean???every each car was fight in same cc but diffrent model,y they dont put 1.6cc in supercar class?y??tell me?.....its international race man...its professional...y not u suggest for this upcoming event in sepang 1000km race that 1.6 can put in class a with big cc cars...so its there more fun for u..commonla...racing is not to bullying others...will end with fight if like that
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and im saying,is it wrong to suggest that it cud b fun seeing both of those 2 4wd having a drag race?? i salute both owner's for doing sumthin different. supra/soarer engine's in their 4wd... and 2me,a 2.5 inline6,turbo vs 3.0 inline 6 turbo.its almost in d same league ba..minus 500cc...at least those"posers" can see that those 4wd's are not 2 be messed with..
im not saying that a L2 kancil 'must' drag wit a 2J machine..thats jst playing stupid..know ur car engine potential.. unless one of those 4wd have done some heavy moddification,and the other stock..
hey bro,i dnt wana turn this in2 an argument...all i said was,it cud b fun watchin both of those 4wd having a race.. i myself hav also played with L2's n a few 1.6.non mivec or vtec's..hey,i lost..so what?? its jst for d fun of it...:biggrin::biggrin:
and im saying,is it wrong to suggest that it cud b fun seeing both of those 2 4wd having a drag race?? i salute both owner's for doing sumthin different. supra/soarer engine's in their 4wd... and 2me,a 2.5 inline6,turbo vs 3.0 inline 6 turbo.its almost in d same league ba..minus 500cc...at least those"posers" can see that those 4wd's are not 2 be messed with..
im not saying that a L2 kancil 'must' drag wit a 2J machine..thats jst playing stupid..know ur car engine potential.. unless one of those 4wd have done some heavy moddification,and the other stock..
hey bro,i dnt wana turn this in2 an argument...all i said was,it cud b fun watchin both of those 4wd having a race.. i myself hav also played with L2's n a few 1.6.non mivec or vtec's..hey,i lost..so what?? its jst for d fun of it...:biggrin::biggrin:

its ok bro..its not arguement its just to make clear so all car freakers realize n will not thinking like kampung styling in motorsports...cheers..bcoz miri not alot pro in motorspots...
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adoh adoh dun gaduh guys..actually,the word "iboh jak" sounds like as if that the jeepra is keen to race the hilux 2j,as if it was spoken by the hilux owner.kesian la the jeep guy tak tau apa kena mention here.hahaah.about theory and explanation yes,theory is important,you read,you apply,but experience is the best thing to back your credentials.i already naik both the jeep and hilux,not really for race but jalan2 around,that is before the hilux change to a manual tranny.asren is indeed a humble fella and does not challenge people around.cool down u guys,no point to argue in this small,stoned headed community.(sad but true)
adoh adoh dun gaduh guys..actually,the word "iboh jak" sounds like as if that the jeepra is keen to race the hilux 2j,as if it was spoken by the hilux owner.kesian la the jeep guy tak tau apa kena mention here.hahaah.about theory and explanation yes,theory is important,you read,you apply,but experience is the best thing to back your credentials.i already naik both the jeep and hilux,not really for race but jalan2 around,that is before the hilux change to a manual tranny.asren is indeed a humble fella and does not challenge people around.cool down u guys,no point to argue in this small,stoned headed community.(sad but true)

gaduh?? no la..jst getting my view out,and abit clearer. coz i wud luv 2 see both 4wd having a friendly drag race..thts all. i think we all wud like to see that rite? week in week out,we hav seen b16a,b20b,4g93/63, 4agze,sr20 etc challengine each other.. a 1j vs a 2j..wud b a welcme scene..and it is powering a 4wd...hahahaa...tat is sumthin really different.. wud'nt it b???
it not about showing off,and looking down on other ppls car,(dont know abt other ppl though)but knowing ur own car potential,and having fun ...those who laugh at the losers,well,their just playing lame..those ppl,dnt knw stuff.. noobs..hahaha.
haha,im cool...no hard feelings ...:biggrin:
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i think we should held a TT, so we could get to know each other better. what i mentioned about 'iboh jak la celen' i pointed it directly to ACQ, not to other ppl who has a monster ride in their porch. and yes, I've known ACQ for God-know-how-long and we usually crack jokes like that.

and saying that some ppl are being hypocrite about cars, i think it's not appropriate way to put it, since it's up to the individual whether as to compete with each other or just stay put being a spectator, talking cock as they wish cos we as a Mirian here have to realize we don't have a proper authorized/official track/drag strip. maybe we ought to make a petition to the authority to provide us a legal track to promote motorsport scene here. for example like bintulu, the old airport strip (located at the middle of the town summore) is being used for funfair, parking space - which is kind of waste. why not utilize it for weekend drag activity? just weekend la, it's not daily that ppl would drag their cars there.

MTX has a good views regarding the motorsport scene, i believe some of us do too. but then it has come to a level that - sometime the Gomen said we should enrich our motorsport scene/arena more, but ended up building tracks for the peninsular only - not quite supportive in s'wak so we just don't care anymore. pasang ekzos besar with very2 quiet sound also kenak saman. i thought if you kenak saman ekzos it is suppose to be because it is loud kan? but ended up stated "mengubahsuai ekzos kenderaan" in the summon sheet. cuba lah put into detail how many decible the ekzos produce, then baru saman. what's wrong with ubahsuai by the way, it's my car what? anyone who really like car modding be the new mayor? :nurse:

and what's wrong with kampung styling? :biggrin: Sabah there a lot of old car own by kampung fella but with monster inside their bay, what say you?:rofl:
bro qmk9133...i know alot sabah car enthusiast for so long already...yeah thre r kampung style...but until when do we want kampung style..car everyday makin hari makin laju bah...hehe i think u shud see how does shumpei ohura HKS from japan tuning the car n his advise,i meet him and talk in person with him..from that u will know y...im play wit kampung style also for long time already..but just i realize nowsdays...until when kampoung style will be stand..i when c peninsular,sarawak,sabah n brunei scene...thats y i realize

ya like u said,but for me its our mirian atitude only...i know alot tuner in miri here...whut can i say they got problem la.i mean...just like katak bwh tempurung...arrogant,n thinks they all knows...we have drag airstrip here..but our mirian here..hehe how to say ah..not using the advantage we have...tats the problem..if u go to kch...waaaa i really salute to them...i more refer there motorsports scene in kch...drift,track,drag,n street drag at nite time also have...but in miri here..wut i can say..got alot sport car..but just for frame only lah...bout wud to do..its thre money not us..cheers

Bump: the gomen problem i think that the risk we have to face bro...wut can do...syg pak jib:banghead:
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very true bro - but till we have an official/legalized track of our own, ppl would still have less or maybe no spirit at all, cos ppl can come out with so many reasons not to compete, safety reason being one of the utmost reason. at lutong airstrip there if accident, mana boleh caim insurance? things like that la - but if we have a legal track/strip, there's no more excuse/reason not to compete, true? and when there's legal weekly drag, ppl would tend to go and watch it and then open their eyes and thoughts seeing all those car dragging and speeding, in the end there will be more high-end cars roaming on the road - so unless we have a proper/legal track like what I've stressed before, you can't really blame all those ppl who has a kampung style in car mods.

but somehow sometimes it's fun watching all those old skool cars compete. looks old, but speed gila babas. haha.:biggrin:

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