zth metal fans/kakis/headbangers

Yup, sunday morning and in the neighbourhood, between the condo's and apartment's road.
Wah....the thread is growing....sorry guys been away the entire last week. My mom pass away last week. So was back in my hometown settling it. Damm how time flies....Anyhow will not be logging in the next couple of weeks...need to take a break from all this. It's stressing me out. Anything or gathering call me..lor Bye guys and gal take care and keep on rocking
Hmmm...Indonesia 2 (Sodom, Suffo), Malaysia 1 (Napalm Death)

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Whoops. this is the latest date for Suffo, to replace the cancelled previous one.


waa..cool DH, going ?
I'm very busy la guys,
Music news, My music will be in the website, already lah but I cant give u the add YET !!! not really ready for you guys...tungguuuuu

My Vtec swap project - engines running, but error code 14 need to troubleshoot & some shaking experience with the left dreiveshaft, hopefully thats all lah
Picture later la guys k.....sibuk gila ni

all the best guys

oh yeah, if you guys like hitting that small ball with a stick, come here to rembau bro heh heh, just a small village driving range....just give me a call

weii , hows that evo III project bai ???

Keropok..Takziah bro, aku punya Grandma pun baru meninggak 100 hari sudah...
Wow!!!! Hope this is going to happen, Napalm Death wei!

Anyway, Chthonic tee anyone?


waa..cool DH, going ?
I'm very busy la guys,
Music news, My music will be in the website, already lah but I cant give u the add YET !!! not really ready for you guys...tungguuuuu

My Vtec swap project - engines running, but error code 14 need to troubleshoot & some shaking experience with the left dreiveshaft, hopefully thats all lah
Picture later la guys k.....sibuk gila ni

all the best guys

oh yeah, if you guys like hitting that small ball with a stick, come here to rembau bro heh heh, just a small village driving range....just give me a call

weii , hows that evo III project bai ???

Keropok..Takziah bro, aku punya Grandma pun baru meninggak 100 hari sudah...
Tunggu, tunggu...poket kena reload dulu, tak reload, project tak jalan, sial...hahaha
chthonic godz!!! wohooo..

wei, any of you guys coming for ND?

Cop car project how? Where are the latest photos?

Jombiee, long time I didn't hear from you. Wahhh... G.O.L.F (GTi) ka?
Old man's game laa.. not my cuppa...tried it a couple of time but cannot laa..hehehhee.. but the the sticks are quite cheap at cash converters.

same like K-A-R-A-O-K-E as well laa.. many of my circle of friends are asking to me to join... ayoo..gotta pass...
Oh btw, the Suffo's will be held by the beachside?

Expect Beaches, Bitches and Whores with the likes of Septriasas, Sastrodoyos, Mayas, Estelles, Renatas, Lestaris clad in leather, jeans and spikes...heheheh..

Man that would be godly.
Hey where to get the t-shirt? Will they come here for a concert

Feel like going to the ND concert...i went for the lasst one....the sound system sucked big time but the lighting was awesome ....
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