ZeroToHundred Girls TT~!!!

no more eterna tt lah fat... engine blow edi... sad woooo... *sob sob*... now at home with no engine... think of going flintstone style lah... save fuel :) but if go tt... i'll the be the last to arrive lor... hahaha... ur car more scary... sure got lots of mod... where got stock like dat wei... silvia or v-tec... i still kalah one...

aiyah nic... u park ur car in front of the entrance... sure got ppl check ut rides one (sumore the only car with 3 chicks)... with the big exhaust... your name behind the car... and a "chick modder" sticker at the side of ur car... hehehe... vroom vroom...

aiseh... all want to park far far away one... how lah... hehehe...
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Try get and evo engine in ur perdana.. as i know some perdana owners.. they said evo engine good responds then the twin turbo engine.. even the body is heavy but the pick up still damm good.. consider it bro and u also can catch up with us in convoy's.. hehehe

u park far far or near near ppl also know wan.. kenot hide.. kekeke
Junsupra: How come no pretty pictures this time meh?

Wei, I didn't know 34-GTR comes in non-Vspec meh? Besides, vspec and non-vspec does not makes much difference leh, at least to a pro-driver.
damn.....sounds like i really missed a lot from the TT, cool rides n all the sifus. can i join the convoy as well, but wait for me la, cuz my is a stock car, very slow.......
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dont' worry loolick... the convoy can have 2 groups... the crazy ones are right in front... while the stock one cruzin behind... hehehe... once there... the first car u need to check out is the spectra (wif SR20 turbo eh???... power lah!)... hahaha... oh yes... not forgetting to check out the spectra driver + passengers, if any... :)

fat... maybe i opt for the eterna v6 engine... no more turbo for me... migrain to maintain the car edi... eterna v6 is a nice cruzin engine... (i hope!)
noti ar u.. cheak nicole's car..after next TT u will be smelling Russ GTR burning tyres.. *scared scared!

no worries bro.. will wait for ya! =p

hie! hie! hie! hie! *shit going to turn myself into a buaya soon! *control *control
Fat, u are a buaya! lol..
and it's not russ's GTR only.. it's MINE too! muahahaha...
fat... next tt i make sure i arrive early... then cabut early oso... before the GTR chase after me... hahaha... maybe i tumpang loolick's car... if anything happen won't feel malu alone... hehehe...

eh... hola jesz! hehehe... jesz oso got a nice ride... got her name written behind her car...
Fatality, the GTR hustler ...

Now, where did I put my T04R? Muuuaah Hahahahaha ...

No lar, no checking for the unicycle specs ... Btw, I have decided to make everyone even ... We race backwards next time - see who's got more backward hp's ...
~~~ I surrender!! no one beats u riding unicycle while going backwards.. ahahaha
chinonet, i dun wan to smell russ's burning tyres la, but u still can tumpang my car la. we flash the double signal n stop at the road site ma okie already lor......rite?!?!

hello jesz........
hailat.. now nicole label me buaya kenot escape already.. been caught now.. kekeke

u dun malu but loolick sure damm malu.. hahaha
eyong, racing backwards????then the neck sure damn tired....else will need a big mirror.
i m sure i will be damn damn malu.......will need to send in application form to Russ b4 checking out nic, her ride and the passengers........rite?!?!
Fatality said:
~~~ I surrender!! no one beats u riding unicycle while going backwards.. ahahaha

I mean driving car lar ... All got monster car sure little kuaci like me die lor - Smell smoke also cannot mah ... :mouth_closed:
eyong - No pics cause we forgot our cameras!!!

Hey... is normal for radiator/coolant water to leak ar? Lolz

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