Wrap extractor for longer fan's motor lifespan (& reduce engine bay temperature)


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change fan location lor. Instead of pulling, use it to push air...
This is the photo:


The gap (highlighted in red) between the motor and extractor is (for me) very close. Or maybe I just wrap that particular area of extractor which is closest to the motor? hehe no need to wrap the whole extractor? :confused:

hi ken, my car is 1996 1.6L Satria 4G92, absolutely NA

4G92 oil filter is in such a weird location. Anyway my 4G15 extractor / fan is spaced similar to yours and in 9 years I've only had to change the fan twice. If you want, I have unused titanium extractor wrap which I reluctantly have to sell since my car is going away. Just PM me if you're interested.

What is heat shield made from? Can take an aluminium piece and wrap with aluminium foil or what?

I have a friend who took a sheet of alu, cut out a cardboard template of the extractor cover, using the template cut the alu and installed it like that. Works and looks great. I probably should have done that but I only have steel sheets which is bloody impossible to cut without the right tools (which I don't have).
4G92 oil filter is in such a weird location. Anyway my 4G15 extractor / fan is spaced similar to yours and in 9 years I've only had to change the fan twice. If you want, I have unused titanium extractor wrap which I reluctantly have to sell since my car is going away. Just PM me if you're interested.

I have a friend who took a sheet of alu, cut out a cardboard template of the extractor cover, using the template cut the alu and installed it like that. Works and looks great. I probably should have done that but I only have steel sheets which is bloody impossible to cut without the right tools (which I don't have).

That is why I prefer to use aluminum too. Lighter, easier to handle and does not rust....:driver:
I have a friend who took a sheet of alu, cut out a cardboard template of the extractor cover, using the template cut the alu and installed it like that. Works and looks great. I probably should have done that but I only have steel sheets which is bloody impossible to cut without the right tools (which I don't have).

How your friend install that piece of aluminium sheeting? How to hold it in place?
won't the wrapping trap a moist and cause the extractor to rot?just curious:confused:

unless your car has not been driven for damn long time, with constant high humidity in engine bay.....then there is a chance to rust. However, it wont rust if the extractor is stainless steel.
It definitely WON'T rust if the car is driven daily as the moisture don't have a chance to stay on the heat wrap when the extractor is heated up when engine is running. Go drip water on your hot extractor and see how fast water vapourised.

I would be more worried about crack extractor (due to heat) than rust on the extractor due to water/moisture.

If rust is still your worry on the extractor, ceramic coat it. But mind you, the ceramic coating would possibly cost more money than the price of extractor itself.
I see. Anyway, any idea on how to wrap the extractor without taking it out from the engine bay?:stupid:
I was just considering to change to 4-2-1 but after reading all these, I start to think twice before I change....
won't the wrapping trap a moist and cause the extractor to rot?just curious:confused:

Depends on how it's wrapped and installed... and whether you choose to purposely make it wet
Can wrap without taking it from engine bay? Think quite hard la that way

Can be done if you want a shitty job. Very little space to move around, the mechanic or person doing it will curse you forever
Can be done if you want a shitty job. Very little space to move around, the mechanic or person doing it will curse you forever

haha.. so better let the shop do it. Can you recommend any exhaust shop around shah alam/klang valley which can do a good job for this? :listen:
yeah.....when ppl play-play & mods with cars, I dont think there is such thing as nice and easy way.

In a bigger picture, I sometimes think it is really funny that ppl wants all in their car - uniqueness (barang rare), loads of power, easy maintenance/operate, cheap to buy, high resale value, easy maintenance, easy on fuel consumption, easy spare parts, head-turner car, chick magnet, performance (speed, pick-up, handling, etc), cheap roadtax and insurance, etc.
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