White Myvi SE PHE 9389 disamun!!!!!!!

y is she driving witout license in the 1st place...its vr vr vr dangerous...its not about her skill...but is like wat will happen 2 her if sumthing goes wrong...like now...car stolen...cannot claim at all coz of this main reason... n if say sum1 ram the red light n killed her also tat guy no fault...serious....
coz i know a fren's fren also tis kind of case...at high speed...1 car made u turn at a place where theres a sign wit no-u turn...hit hard...driver flew out...die....tat guy u turn not guilty...the 1 who drives wit no license is...

but anyway its sad to hear more n more of those fucking !@#$%^&* asshole goes 4 robbery snatch etc...and everyday police newspaper come out they catch how many kg n kgs of drugs but din c them catch tis kind of mother fuckers...catching drugs get more under table money la...:mad:

u expect police to be everywhere at every minute in the country? :hmpf:
u expect police to be everywhere at every minute in the country? :hmpf:

no but we do expect the police to at least take action within the first 48 hours of the report with at least sending a few petrol cars or setup some roadblocks to at least try to fish them out.After 48 hours no sign then we'll just have to wait till we get lucky.

not just ask to fill up the report send one car of rela workers go rounding.
y is she driving witout license in the 1st place...its vr vr vr dangerous...its not about her skill...but is like wat will happen 2 her if sumthing goes wrong...like now...car stolen...cannot claim at all coz of this main reason... n if say sum1 ram the red light n killed her also tat guy no fault...serious....
coz i know a fren's fren also tis kind of case...at high speed...1 car made u turn at a place where theres a sign wit no-u turn...hit hard...driver flew out...die....tat guy u turn not guilty...the 1 who drives wit no license is...

but anyway its sad to hear more n more of those fucking !@#$%^&* asshole goes 4 robbery snatch etc...and everyday police newspaper come out they catch how many kg n kgs of drugs but din c them catch tis kind of mother fuckers...catching drugs get more under table money la...:mad:

bro she was hungry that nite and decided to go out to tapau food coz me n my frenz werent home and this happend...long story la but it has already happend so no point harping on that issue...now its all about us trying to spot this myvi and be wary of it!
ur friends Myvi was suspected to be used in a robbery at approx 10.30pm in bangsar by 2 indian assailants which hit my friends bro's car Silver Honda Civic with honda bodykit WPV 8668. they whacked him stole his stuff n drove both cars off....police said its most prob d same myvi


will take note on JB side, btw which type of honda bro?? latest model? KL plate not familiar:bawling:

this ppl are really sampah masyarakat, jus go end d** :mad::mad::mad:
btw luckly nothing happen to both ppl car stollen.
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