which one better...make a girl cum faster..or man last longer..

gal cum faster=guy 'high' faster...
gal cum more=guy 'high' more...
gal shout more=guys shiok more..
gal sleep more=guy lick more...

wow..really interesting sex education..kih kih kih..u should sms people about your theory
pillage2001 said:
I did 40+ mins before. She was shouting like mad at the end of the night. I think the neighbor woke up. :(

Lucklily u didnt stuff stocking into her mouth to shut her up...If not after become bondage...:D
i'll choose da 1st option...dont u think it's obvious? :cool:

Tohsan said:
best way to kill away all the stress is go for a kau kau session of sex or go for a spa massage treatment for lady, choose one :D
not no sound la...slower down da volume...or,close her mouth wit ur hands lo...it'll either make her 'higher' or 'not enof O2' :eek:

jeffblazed said:
fuck quietly la....not with no sound......
bikinigal said:
not no sound la...slower down da volume...or,close her mouth wit ur hands lo...it'll either make her 'higher' or 'not enof O2' :eek:
wei baby u still around....in the office ah...btw..i will usually whisper to he nice things...then start doing her slower.then her moans becomes softer....and she cums
now days no need those tarzan and wild boar screw style....girls get bored with this kind of screwing damn extreme rough...ones in a while can la.....
i totally agree...it's all about enjoyin...kakakaka.... :cool:

jeffblazed said:
wei baby u still around....in the office ah...btw..i will usually whisper to he nice things...then start doing her slower.then her moans becomes softer....and she cums
now days no need those tarzan and wild boar screw style....girls get bored with this kind of screwing damn extreme rough...ones in a while can la.....
bikinigal said:
i totally agree...it's all about enjoyin...kakakaka.... :cool:
well baby thats my trademark with the girls......end of the day.....the girls will saying like....jeff how did you make me cum somany times....(just bragging...damn high.now with bos in jb..)
sounds horny n corny... :cool:

jeffblazed said:
well baby thats my trademark with the girls......end of the day.....the girls will saying like....jeff how did you make me cum somany times....(just bragging...damn high.now with bos in jb..)
jeff so perasan. Maybe he is good...:p
I think my approach is more effective.

It's not how MANY times she comes, it's how HARD she comes.

Quality pwns quantity.
Wah so many wanabe p*ssy expert on this thread; maybe they're all mostly females. Come on which one of you all there?
Clarify :
a) wanabe
b) p*ssy expert
:D :cool: :rolleyes: :p :)

QuickShift said:
Wah so many wanabe p*ssy expert on this thread; maybe they're all mostly females. Come on which one of you all there?
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