What are our rights? - Can our homes be raided just like this?

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okie, i understand.. the mother is trying to get custody for their daughter after their divorce, she got temporary custody of her. the thing i dont understand, why is the father summoned under the court of syariah? i hope the matter wud be resolved soon, and peacefully for the sake of the girl. kesian kat dia tu..

i cant express how sorry iam on this matter sir, doesnt seem fair to me.. :(
it doesnt say what religion the daughter was tho...if the daughter is non-muslim, can a syariah court grant custody? shouldnt it be granted via a civil court?
civil court may outrule syariah court according to malaysia civil law, sumthing like dat. we have undang2 syariah for family, but i dont understand why dis case had been dragged to the syariah court. i think it was because the mother went to syariah court for the case hearing? i dunno sir, law isnt one of my fave subject, but i do study it a lil
Hi. Sorry to hear about your misfortune but you are considered lucky that it happened in Malaysia.

I was in Dubai, UAE in 2007-2009 & there are much worst incidents there;

1. There was a time when the government was all out against prostitution & their operation were to the extent of raiding apartment units rented by the prosti & arrested them despite the fact that they can't really prove that they are prostitute as these ladies entered the country as tourist & only pledge their trades in discos or customer's residence. Those who resisted were punched / wallop there & then.

2. There was another incident where 2 Brits (non muslim) were making out at the beach (accused of screwing there by the authorities but both denied that) were arrested & locked up for over a month 'pending further investigation' & finally the Brit consulate stepped in with both agreeing to the charges, then only they were released, fined 1k each & deported.

3. There was a case where a young guy (20+ gwailo, forgot his nationality) were arrested for kissing 1 40+ China lady at the hotel lobby & charged for indecent behaviour (fined 1k)

4. A colleague of mine was arrested while driving home after a drink session & was locked up for 18 days before he was released (with some help from influantial ppl) & was charged in court a month later where he was fined 25k. Offence committed, drink & drive, driving without license & the best 1 is DRINKING WITHOUT LICENSE.
Hi. Sorry to hear about your misfortune but you are considered lucky that it happened in Malaysia.

I was in Dubai, UAE in 2007-2009 & there are much worst incidents there;

1. There was a time when the government was all out against prostitution & their operation were to the extent of raiding apartment units rented by the prosti & arrested them despite the fact that they can't really prove that they are prostitute as these ladies entered the country as tourist & only pledge their trades in discos or customer's residence. Those who resisted were punched / wallop there & then.

2. There was another incident where 2 Brits (non muslim) were making out at the beach (accused of screwing there by the authorities but both denied that) were arrested & locked up for over a month 'pending further investigation' & finally the Brit consulate stepped in with both agreeing to the charges, then only they were released, fined 1k each & deported.

3. There was a case where a young guy (20+ gwailo, forgot his nationality) were arrested for kissing 1 40+ China lady at the hotel lobby & charged for indecent behaviour (fined 1k)

4. A colleague of mine was arrested while driving home after a drink session & was locked up for 18 days before he was released (with some help from influantial ppl) & was charged in court a month later where he was fined 25k. Offence committed, drink & drive, driving without license & the best 1 is DRINKING WITHOUT LICENSE.
interesting sir..
I think this type of thing must use your wakil rakyat to bring it on to the newspaper. Today another case happen. A wife went converted to muslim and don't know how can get a piece of paper from syariah court or something, bring few people including police escort to the school and took her daughter then disappeared. The daughter all the while stayed with her father, both non muslim (how come muslim law can apply on a non muslim and how come the muslim law can overwrite the Federal law?). KNN, WTF is going on in this country. I'm a Najib supporter but if this type of cases happen and happen again, I think I have no choice but have to vote whatever party that opposes BN, be it PAS or PKR or roket or even independent. We are not in Iran or Iraq. Why wanna make a beautiful and peaceful country become so aggressive like them? Why can bypass all the procedure and just drag someone from somewhere to somewhere? Are we treated like a slave or what?

You seriously think that if BN was no longer in power the Syariah laws would change? Highly unlikely especially if Pakatan Rakyat want to have PAS as part of their coalition. Plus, repealing any law involves AG chambers, etc - a majority in Dewan Rakyat is not enough. Don't forget it needs to pass through Dewan Negara as well.

---------- Post added at 07:05 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 06:55 PM ----------

hahaha, glad to hear dat sir.. he is a pilot? cool!!

Yeah, two of my nephews are pilots; one with Air Asia and another with MAS so healthy rivalry during Hari Raya :biggrin:
sir, islamic laws are based on the alquran and hadis, it cannot be changed. its not subjected to what party is ruling over malaysia, never get dat wrong. the law is just and suits all, its just the way people implement it. sum people like "the fekker" exist, because.. the just do, everywhere..

Yeah, two of my nephews are pilots; one with Air Asia and another with MAS so healthy rivalry during Hari Raya
sumday, i hope i'll have the chance to maintain the aircraft dat the are flying sir, but for now MAS HR considers me to be incompetent and too od for the job. those bastids!!!
Hi. Sorry to hear about your misfortune but you are considered lucky that it happened in Malaysia.

I was in Dubai, UAE in 2007-2009 & there are much worst incidents there;

1. There was a time when the government was all out against prostitution & their operation were to the extent of raiding apartment units rented by the prosti & arrested them despite the fact that they can't really prove that they are prostitute as these ladies entered the country as tourist & only pledge their trades in discos or customer's residence. Those who resisted were punched / wallop there & then.

2. There was another incident where 2 Brits (non muslim) were making out at the beach (accused of screwing there by the authorities but both denied that) were arrested & locked up for over a month 'pending further investigation' & finally the Brit consulate stepped in with both agreeing to the charges, then only they were released, fined 1k each & deported.

3. There was a case where a young guy (20+ gwailo, forgot his nationality) were arrested for kissing 1 40+ China lady at the hotel lobby & charged for indecent behaviour (fined 1k)

4. A colleague of mine was arrested while driving home after a drink session & was locked up for 18 days before he was released (with some help from influantial ppl) & was charged in court a month later where he was fined 25k. Offence committed, drink & drive, driving without license & the best 1 is DRINKING WITHOUT LICENSE.

Bro, sorry to say that all these incidents are made by ppl who are not respecting the law at UAE. Its against their culture as most of its people are Muslims and they hold a lot to their tradition.What would you do when somebody came to your house and get drunk, making out in your courtyard? There are rules and regulation for visitors to follow. Once we are their land, we have to respect and follow their rules.

Professionalism, Attitude, Knowledge... is the thing that we dont have much in Malaysia regardless of the government servant or the private sector. SUMA HANTAM SAJA.

My suggestion is that complaint it to Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) and cc to Biro Pengaduan Awam(BPA) as you are being treated in such way. Maybe this is a lame resort but at Biro Pengaduan Awam, every complain is taken seriously by the Government.

- Just My 9 Cents not My Nonsense -
A lot of things are not right. But non from BN's wakil dare to bring it out and correct it. Including the recent sausage case. They have muslim and non muslin parties. 1 don't dare to challenge and another 1 don't even give a sht. Both chose to be blind and deaf. We respect people's religion and end up with created more and more people try to force us to follow their believe and rules. I don't know what to say.
No point to politicise that topic AFAIK that case is settled before it was bring up to the Parliament. That fella admit his wrong doing and apologise plus investigation is already on the way. I believe the same thing will still happen even when the other party govern the country.

Some people when out of their way cause of their little knowledge and experience.

- Just My 9 Cents not My Nonsense -
1 case settled but more to come. Those not exposed one even more, just like how my wife kena in the teacher training. As long as nothing officially come out from the parliament and officially instructed by the related ministry, with black and white, and also action taken on those people, these type of case will never end. *thanks to TDM's 20 over years of discriminating policy.

If want people not to do, then there must be some punishment for those who don't listen.
If want those who don't wanna listen to get punished, then there must be a law/rules and people to look after.
If want the law/rules and people to look after, then the ministries have to do something.
If want the ministries to do something, then must have approval and orders from Parliament.
Who are in the Parliament besides politicians?

Back to the root, it is still goes back to politics. And because the unfair politics, youngsters tends to do something funny to revenge and the little butterfly effect will ruin the country in many ways and it will be timeless. Why not just give us a better place to live? Why not give our children to grow up in a healthier environment?

Our Utopia looks so near, but feel so far away.
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1 case settled but more to come. Those not exposed one even more, just like how my wife kena in the teacher training. As long as nothing officially come out from the parliament and officially instructed by the related ministry, with black and white, and also action taken on those people, these type of case will never end. *thanks to TDM's 20 over years of discriminating policy.
i dont understand sir, what happened to ur wife back then? what funny things sir? iam sorry, but my brain may not be functioning at full capacity today, it tends to do dat occasionally these days, lol?
Due to some personal safety reason, I don't wanna say which party involved. New gov servant and those gov servant who make mistake, will visit them.

In front of a badge of new people, including all races, the kock sucker say plenty of racist thing. what what china mari also got. Of cause, bumi thing will not be missed. sum up, it was something to brain wash newbies, non bumis are 2nd grade citizen and etc. The person who sat next to my wife at the moment also shake head after the section finished. She said shame to see her people say such thing. The only thing not mention was non bumi also born in this country and is also a citizen for generations, plenty way before merdeka. Last time there was similar thing came out from the newspaper also. But straight away closed. Maybe that time not election time. Now at my wife's school, she also got discriminated a bit. more work load than other teacher. Besides telling her to take it as a challenge to improve, I can't do nothing. Now I may ask her to quit and stay at home.

I don't care the bumi status thing or even got money for a new born baby and etc. I'm not disable and I don't need any help from the gov or any donation from any society. Let my own hands determine my life. No money can ride motor. No motor can still walk. What I want is just some respect from the gov, and also not disturbed by religion or skin color thing. Of cause, I'll not tolerate when talk about education.

Seems like those less development states' policy more respect people than moderate-well development state. Luckily most bumi are good people. I'm trying hard to make my son to become a good people too, so hope the environment can become better. The gov should progressively stop creating problem between all races. If I vote BN, it will because of their rep actually doing their job + the positive image of Datuk NJ. If I vote opposition, it will because of of BN are heading back to the TDM's route. Hope the survey group will see this post and let the leaders know what we are after. Nothing besides peaceful, respect, justice and freedom.
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i cant express how sorry iam sir, to tell u the truth i dont feel anything special being a bumi pun. ive been fecked up kaw2 in all sorta things jugek inspite being a bumi pun, same as everyone else ler kot.. i dont understand sum bumi who think they own the land, i just hope i wont have their fecked-up mentality ever. god willing, things are gonna get better sir.
99.99% bumi are ok. Only few are carrying some sort of thinking. If you are lucky, then you may not met any but if you are in bad luck, then always encounter. My wife's luck is not as good as me. Everyone I met seems to be ok. But end of the day, we can search all races culture in Malaysia, all are telling people to be polite, to be calm (sabar), tolerate, respect people and etc. If we take this into our mind, many misunderstanding can be avoid, especially when facing some so call sensitive issues.

BTW, NEP only favor on elite group. For normal bumi, very less effect. That's why got many non bumi group asked to revise the NEP thing. Not to abolish but cut off the support for rich bumi and focus on poor bumi. Example, when a bumi can afford to buy multi million ringgit house and drive million dollar car, why he should have the bumi discount on other thing? And when got this bumi status, he/she can buy lots of houses/shop lots with 30% discount (maybe share investment with some non bumi friend), then sell out later to earn money. When the house/land in an area have price rise due to these peoples' investment, low income bumi where can bear the cost, even though have 30% discount. Those people who is in the low-mid income, regardless races, all will suffer at the end. When someone put this up, some parties always twist the story and say non bumi attempt to challenge bumi's benefit and etc. And this is prohibited to discuss openly. I think I had reach the limit that allowed. So, you can go figure out and discuss with your friends privately.
Bro, no matter "kad kuasa" or wat they cant jus come in and search your hse be4 showing you the warrant. In this case they are wrong no matter wat. Even if tangkap "basah" also they have to show warrant to search. this is the law. JAIS normally have police to escort incase the ppl dun believe or in serious case try to run away. Jus beware next time and dun panic. Its your hse and your property, even though your renting the palace.
AFAIK so long the child is under 7years old will be under mom's care...i know..im going thru same shit...but mine 2 diff countries...imagine my headache...
actually hor, all my malay friends never once uttered any racism remarks... neither has other malays that i come into contact with whether in school or in college or at work.

it is only those people in parliament who very pandai dramatize everything.

all we can do is wait for the next general elections to vote all those drama kings out of parliament so we can have politicians that will really help the people address national issues. :wavey:
i agree with u mizu...

i just got news from my fren's lawyer.

  • they dont need a warrant. all they need to enter your house is that kad kuasa.
  • if they find a muslim in the house of different sex, they have the right to summon whomever is in the house as witness(no choice)
  • the have the right to bring us all to the police station for questioning and we are obliged to be witnesses
  • they however DO NOT have the right to with-hold your IC. if they do so, u have the right to ask them am I under arrest and if so show me the warrant n bring me to the nearest police station. (the guy said i can launch a police report cos i was forced to hand over my ic to the fekker.) they have NO right to hold on to your IC. only a police officer can do so.
  • if no muslim of the opposite sex is found in the house, u can sue them for mental damages but chances of winning are nil since this is boleh-land.
all this is right out of the mouth of a practising lawyer. he also said there are so many such cases but none of the suing party he knows has ever won in court.

there it is. end of speculating. if anybody is a lawyer or has discussed this with a lawyer n has conflicting info, pls post up. we need to know our rights.
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thank you for the info arturo, i sumhow cant believe they can do dat without a warrant.. its like anybody with a kad kuasa can go anywhere den, i believe the police also cant do dat? or can they? these are scary shite i tell you..

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