Well...Which daihatsu is the best?


btww extremeRC de safc is workin fine ! cool.. ahahaha thanks
LG...try go to Projet Wangsa Maju every friday night and yell 'daihatsu celup' at those kancil club there and see what happened...
Originally posted by kelisa187@Nov 14 2004, 22:19
LG...try go to Projet Wangsa Maju every friday night and yell 'daihatsu celup' at those kancil club there and see what happened...
hahaha..can't imagine wat will happen to LG....kekeke...padan muka :P :P :lol:
Originally posted by kelisa187@Nov 14 2004, 22:19
LG...try go to Projet Wangsa Maju every friday night and yell 'daihatsu celup' at those kancil club there and see what happened...
hehehehe....pwm? hehehehe

ps: LG, blum cuba blum tau.......?!?! do remember drive ur "originality"

L602s, ur favorite! ;)
iskandar_G100 said:
rileks man..dont gadogado..we all are in the same hobbies rite!!
woit is,thread ni da lama berkubur :_: jgn la korek2 lagi..huhu..thread ni byk menimbulkan masalah terutama budak love_gtti tuh...rest in peace :mouth_closed:
mamat tu le yg bgi kecoh zth nih dlu....gampang tull....sampai skang aku takleh lupe ape dia buat kat kita kan kan kan waakhkhkhaa.....
iskandar_G100 said:
hekhekhek..sori le dieerag..hekhekhekhek..singgah jgn xsinggah..

nak raye dolll....
singah2 lah....
ziarah pusara yg sekian lame terbiar......

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