Vsixers : Perdana V6 Club Malaysia.

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blackcruzer said:
yo sugaring...come join our tt lah...theres a lot sifus there u can ask...im still waiting ur application form hehehe....then u can go to forum and ask anything bout ur car problem...sure members will answer...next event is maybe a BBQ convoy....in the middle of this month n oso on 29th july we have a AGM (annual general meeting). All the v-sixers from whole malaysia will attend the meeting & at nite we have a convoy for annual dinner n party.

oh yah .. the application form i sudah kau tim .. waiting to meet and pass to u onli ! hehee
davidcnz said:
i dont really know does it look like VIP look or not.... give me some comment guy.. what else do i need ??? any one got idea about the front bumper that look simple,sport and VIP..?

wow, bro.. quad tailpipes! :shades_smile:
how much u paid for cutting the bumper and 2 sides of exhaust tips? the other side is dummy ones?

DC! said:
wow, bro.. quad tailpipes! :shades_smile:
how much u paid for cutting the bumper and 2 sides of exhaust tips? the other side is dummy ones?

the exhaust's mekanik do the cutting for me..just a normal cutting...the other is not dummy.. i put 2 back box on each side... and do "Y" the piping.. :) it cost me around rm1k ++ ...
bro davidcnz,

then ur exhaust must be "vroom-vroom" lor?
mm.. i personally prefer the original bumper with BB4's front lip..
(got it from the zth pv6 owners for ur reference)
this 16th pls come support go kart track along plus highway..at usj...
drift demo and auto show....start around 4pm....:)
davidcnz said:
i dont really know does it look like VIP look or not.... give me some comment guy.. what else do i need ??? any one got idea about the front bumper that look simple,sport and VIP..?

front need to put spotlite and custom lips to make it look low
rear put vip spoiler lor..like tis for example :regular_smile:
is that ur car?
wat is that spoiler made of? PU? or custom made fiber ducktail spoiler?

the pic in your avatar, is it your car?
can show us your front pic? looks like u're using Galant front bumper.. not too sure, pic is too small and blur.. :)

DC! said:
is that ur car?
wat is that spoiler made of? PU? or custom made fiber ducktail spoiler?

the pic in your avatar, is it your car?
can show us your front pic? looks like u're using Galant front bumper.. not too sure, pic is too small and blur.. :)


its fiber..this ducktail spoiler style for perdana.. can get from acc. shop

yup my car bt not wiv galant part its new v6 bumper lor but i put promote lips on it..will lokk like attach pic lor...some pic for vip style for ur ref hehe
the vip Perdana looks not bad, Love the rim!! but too bad is editted ones.. hehehe.. :Þ

oh ya.. i believe that, in vsixer's forum shd have more pics for ur reference..
just that u need to submit your appln form and attach with some other documents (photocopy of log card, licence and IC) then can have the access.. Hopefully the vsixer's Admin can change the rules and open for public.. :)

lan_eterna said:
hehe yalor..btw da rims for 18" in klang around 2.4k -2.6k

must be some imported rims.. :_:
it is common for 18" rim at tat price..

DC! said:

oh ya.. i believe that, in vsixer's forum shd have more pics for ur reference..
just that u need to submit your appln form and attach with some other documents (photocopy of log card, licence and IC) then can have the access.. Hopefully the vsixer's Admin can change the rules and open for public.. :)

bro, i thought joining the V-Sixers need to pay some fee in..? do u mind if you copy paste some of the pic out and post it here..?? i am still stuck with the front bumper stuff.. hehehe... either using the ori v6 bumper + a lips OR change to another bumper...well, anyway, thanks for all your suggest bro....
lan_eterna said:
front need to put spotlite and custom lips to make it look low
rear put vip spoiler lor..like tis for example :regular_smile:

bro lan_eterna, is there any way for me to make the car low, and comfort..?? with small budget??? will it be bumpy if i just go lowered for the spring ?
DC! said:
bro davidcnz,

then ur exhaust must be "vroom-vroom" lor?
mm.. i personally prefer the original bumper with BB4's front lip..
(got it from the zth pv6 owners for ur reference)
bro, it wont be a loud sound le.. hehehe... but then the lips look too simple... dont really realise if there is a lips on it ... bro, DC are you in the V-Sixers Club..???
bro davidcnz,

haha.. sorry to say this, i'm not their member either..
tats y i hope the vsixers admin can change the rules lor.. hehehe..

about the front lip, it is bcos the lip is not made of fiber tats y i recommend to u..
maybe u can open a new thread called, "Perdana V6 Photo Gallery".. then hopefully our Perdana owners can contribute some of their ride's photos lor.. :D

By the way, whr r u from?

hey guys,

i recently changed all abs to kayaba gas, wanna know which set of springs would suit the kayabas more in terms of handling without much compromise of comfort. spring such as eibach, tanabe and sparco.

dear sifus, which would u recommend.

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