Toyota Convoy Gatherings


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 9, 2004
Tokyo, Japan.
Ladies & Gentleman,

During the TTT last night it was suggested by some members that we should do some convoy since it has for very long ago and still fresh in mind the last ones was the touge convoy to genting highlands.. as for this round I would like to propose a convoy trip to "Cameron Highlands" for our fellow toyotarians members. The schedule for such convoy trip and details will be as described below. The purpose of this trip is not just for touge but to foster good relationships among toyota members friends and to probably meet some new fellow members that will join along on this trip.

It will be a weekend trip on saturday morning and we shall gather and meet somewhere at a specific locations, having breakfast together before proceed on to the convoy journey which will take us at most about 3 hours. Upon reaching, we will be checking in to the hotels or probably apartments and then gather together for mebbe lunch break, taking photos together with everybody, free leisure around, pick strawberry, steals some vegetables, pick up some Tea Boh leaves, etc. hahahaha! i wouldn't add more..

Ok, so now isn't it all the above seems fun? If you're ok with the idea, then let's join the fun together.. we intend to do BBQ party as well so therefore I'm not really sure how much one person would have to pay to share for the nice chicken wing + many others food so anybody can suggest? Let say I'll just draft the schedule first and as for the money I'll leave it to treasurer which is Alvin @ tom's or yolk @ yoga sifu to propose some answer.. hehehehe! dun shoot me k.. ehehehehe.... Money collected from each member will be use for the BBQ and accomodations so don't worry we do not try to get untung or profit from the collections cause $$$ is alwis a sensitive issue among humans.. so that's the reason I try to be as clear and honest here..

Thank you!

Cameron Highland August Convoy Trip
Date: 19th August 2006 (Saturday)
Arrival Day: Saturday (Overnight Stay at Cameron)
Return Day: Sunday
Time: 7am morning
Location: To be informed later
Convoy journey: Cameron Highlands

Confirmed Members List
1) TRD16v
2) AE82GT
3) Yolk
4) tom's
5) mcfurby
6) Shamburke
7) Banzai
8) EG9
9) Mazeki
10) Chinozie
11) Kevin Hariharan
12) Jae's

If you're interested to joined in for the convoy, kindly post up your name there and there should not be FFK after that. Please make sure that you are able to make it as we do not want people to promise and on the last minute says unable to come and everything has been prepared in hand. Looking forward to co-operation on this matter.

Last but not least, looking forward to more and great participants from toyotarians and hope to made this journey trip a successful one.

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Eh...4AGTE (Ash)... Eh... How about the Kelantan LE club.,.. want to go? We go there only 3 hours nia... so want to go and meet them or not?
can u list down the budgeted cost to reach Cameron Highlands oso...??
the petrol and tol and etc....

sorry to budge in, not a toyota owner. Under the Hyundai thread "Cameron Run" some basic costing, Hope that helps. Have a good trip !
Adeen said:
can u list down the budgeted cost to reach Cameron Highlands oso...??
the petrol and tol and etc....

1 car prepare about RM200 (4AGE. 4AFE, 4E) - RM250 (3SGTE, 4GZE and heavy tuning car) will be enough already
ektony said:

sorry to budge in, not a toyota owner. Under the Hyundai thread "Cameron Run" some basic costing, Hope that helps. Have a good trip !

no prob dude....any info from anybody is good for me whether from toyota owner or not....thnx....

and oso thnx scomatic...

really need to think hard if rm200 since student like me no money....:cry_smile:
hehehehe RM200-250 no enough coz need to order spring chicken over there hehehe Rm$500 okay.
mike: touge trip ah.. wah!!! RESPECT!

i'm confirmed.......... on FFK LIST!!!
Mike.. I got some problem here.

The proposed date clashes with MME, and I've promised to be involved in it.
12th is 3dot6, 5th & 19th are free, 26th is MME weekend.
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ok, exactly when is the date for Time Attack Round 4 at penang? Which date? Do let me know. I'll made the amendment soonest. By the way Chu also told me about the MME and he is involved in as well. Basically 26th August will be cancelled but I'll do the changes once R3TA Round 4 are notify.

Sure no problem. Thank you for supporting the trip. Welcome to the club! hehe!

Budget wise I'm unable to list down at the moment. All i can say its a 2 days 1 night trip and I mean is all for the fun and get to know everybody session. The cost of the stayed at either apartment or hotel will depends once alvin @ tom's has let me know the price. Tol and petrol is basic thing to pay in order to get to cameron highlands so i think those who has been there before should know roughly how much it will cost. Another one will be collection and sharing of $ among members for the BBQ dinner. That's all i can comment now. Thank u.

RM500 is really alot. Why not u oso join us bring miri, sabah and sarawak toyota geng come den u sponsor us also la.. ahahahahahahaha!

In R3 site, faisal mentioned it will be on the 12th of August, USM Penang.

hmm, in tat case.. 19th is actually okay too huh....
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500 is not expensive considering the fact tat mike will be bringing 3 PRCs for gang bang session

hahahaha.....go and cabut....clever la u blackhowling....
serious sheet kaa u guys wanna convoy to cameron ???? slow and leisure drive or what ?? hehehehehee ...
sorry laa didnt come TTT last friday .. ter-bungkus at home liauu .. hahahahaaa
can i join? wanted to join convoy to a long long trip but my club dun have so far...keKEKeke...izzit onli for ur club member? or izzit an open convoy for all toyotarian?
i think it's for all toyotarian bro Jae....if u wan to join oso can lor....

Is open for all Toyotarians Here.....

Hope can see you all join with this Cameron-highlands Trip...

srimudaautoworks & Jae's,
Hi, thank u for the support on the cameron trip. Both of your name has been added into the list at page 1.

Date has been changed to 19th august 2006. Please refer to page 1 for more info.

For sure serious one la after serious discussion at TTT last week.. aijjoooo u terbungkus urself kar.. ahhahahahaahahah!

dun worry if u go to cameron dun say 3 prcs 30 prcs oso i can booked for u den u enjoy wif dem alone la.. we all go play far far.. u 1 person handle 30 ok.. ahhahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahaha!!!! LOL!!!

Yep change de date to 19th liao.. eheheheehehe!

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