400+ HP Toyota MR2

Nov 3, 2009
Kuala Lumpur
Hi everyone,

New Toyota MR2 owner here, got her a while back. Just only finished upgrading and restoring her. Any other owners here?

Here she is just after the restoration.


  • MR2Cover800.jpg
    92 KB · Views: 917
owww yea, u're posting some soft of GT5 mr2 and pretending that u actually owned one? sorry but i got a hawkeye, u failed BIG TIME
lol i think its a toy car .. look at the slits between the fenders & the bonnet .. doors to doors .. no gap at all hahahha .. FAILED .. the brakes are plastics hahha
lol i think its a toy car .. look at the slits between the fenders & the bonnet .. doors to doors .. no gap at all hahahha .. FAILED .. the brakes are plastics hahha

i'm thinking of the same thing :biggrin:

mayb u oughta give us some more pics.. especially the engine bay :burnout:
maybe he implement the photoshop technique to make the picture like that....but...more picture pls.....to narrow down the stories....

(*a picture tells thousand stories)
dudes..give this guy a break...its a real picture...
1) its probably taken with a 50mm prime lens...hence u see a lot of bokeh not seen with normal lens. You can also achieve this with a tilt and shift lens.
2)it looks like a toy model because of the bokeh and angle (high above) view
3)no..i didnt take that pic....i know because I am a photographer.
4)err...can we have more pics to admire your beauty car...
I think the reason why it looks like a toy car is because, the slit/gap of the hood and headlights look like those on a toy car. But it may be due to photoshop or photography technics. Now if we would have more pictures of the car to clear the cloud of doubts here. :biggrin:

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