Stupid shell con my 1 cent...

Just a little comment here. Yes, when customers uses credit card, the merchant have to pay 3% or 4% to the bank. But pls bear in mind that it is the Bank Negara directions. Merchants HAVE NO RIGHT to charge this 3% or 4% to the customers. If they do, u can make a complaint and for sure these merchants will kena one lar....

Merchants should not complain about this. If u uses other people's services for sure u have to pay something rite? That's the fact of life bro. If u dont want to loose 5k-10k a month, then dont use this credit card services. As simple as that.

Bear in mind, there must be give and take in this life. Im not to fire up anything here....just my humble comment... :biggrin:
RPM_freak said:
are petrol statiopn owners RICH ?? ... cos if u complain about paying interest to the bank for people using their credit card .. then your just shooting your self in the foot aint it ? If u dont offer credit card service and another company does .. then .. hehe .. sorry babe .. people are gonna switch .. I wonder how much commison the petrol station owneer gets .. HMmmMMmmMm ....
actually i agree wit that "shooting yourself on the foot" saying.

I used to be a regular mobil/esso user... until all cards uses the microchip, and their system doesn't... they stop cc service. Thatz when i stop using mobil/esso. I started using Projet or Petronas... itz so much convinient...
using CC merchant bank should be inlcuded as one of the operating cost and not lost!!

i donno they know how to do business or not...

if really wanna calculate like that why dont petrol station charge us for their electircity bill..water bill......cost of advertisement......etc...

even when we pay cash i believe the petrol station also need to buy Point of Sales system which is also not also wanna charge us ahh for it...

come on la...
hehehe....good point u have there jason. maybe next time each customer have to chip in a bit to pay the cashier's salary..... :biggrin: :tee:
everyone entitled for their opinion, as long we can debate it in healthy & mature way, well...
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