stupid driver!


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Senior Member
Jul 14, 2005
Shah Alam
do u zth-ians think im in fault??

this morning while driving from my house(glenmarie) heading to bangsar to have breakfast....then on the sprint highway after passing eastin hotel heading bangsar....the fast lane was moving i use the middle coz its empty...i was wondering y izit slow?? i move on i saw this wira driving slowly on the fast lane...i was thinking 'wat the heck this guy doing on the fast lane' im about to pass him, he put on his signal lights and switch into my lane!! i couldnt avoid to the left side coz there is a motobike right beside me so i jammed my brakes and hit his car...i dint hit the back..i hit the side back ( rear wheel area)..

we stopped at the side of the car cant be driven anymore coz i tayar went in fender and signal lights was smashed...i came down and talk to the guy..this is wat he said..

me : y u switch lane so fast?? how can u switch lane after 1 sec of putting signal??
guy: i put signal long time ago..
me: did u used ur side mirrors to cut in??
guy: of coz..i saw u driving so fast

i was thinking " if u think i was coming fast then y the fuck u switch to my lane!!?"
he dint wanna admit that he was wrong and he said

guy: no no..u bang me from the back..ur wrong..u should slow down...

i was like wtf!! its not even the back!! and he ask me to report police and let them decide...stupid old man! die in hell!!!

do u guys think im wrong??
Logically he should be in the wrong lah. As you pointed out, he did say he saw you coming mah.
yup, guy is wrong.
I hate those driver who turn on his signal lamp for 0.1 sec then start changing lane. Terrible driving habit.
I had meet few same situations like you before, but luckily no accident la.
Once I met with one "L" kancil, who drove by "sifu" jump queue before toll, almost bumped into him... shit, no wonder nowadays so many ppl donno how to drive.
i think... "guy" is wrong......

sad to hear ur car smash c2pig noob driver.....

I also hate those driver who turn on his signal lamp for 0.1 sec then start changing lane.

Besides that, I also hate those driver who press the brake 1st then only turn on the signal light. Damn danger we follow behind those noobie c2pig car....

sometimes ... this kind of people make people :angry_smile:
dude... very hard to argue la ...

but u kena side... hmm... so can argue itz his fault for switching lane.. he can't see due to blindspot.
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ntc2000 said:
i think... "guy" is wrong......

sad to hear ur car smash c2pig noob driver.....

I also hate those driver who turn on his signal lamp for 0.1 sec then start changing lane.

Besides that, I also hate those driver who press the brake 1st then only turn on the signal light. Damn danger we follow behind those noobie c2pig car....

sometimes ... this kind of people make people :angry_smile:
u call tat dangerous? how bout those that totally swerve into your lane already then only switch on the signal light.

thatz the real dumb ass..
...tell us what happen afterward?....Did you loga complaint? What's the end of the story?... If only you have witnesses.....:sad_smile:
Its the guy fault. Did U ask him to check his eye side ? stupid dum ass.:baring_teeth: :baring_teeth:
pity u la ting,
habislah ur crystal lights!! :angry:
intercooler got kena ah?
stupid idiot driver.

so what was d outcome of d police report?
LoneWolf81 said:
yup, guy is wrong.
I hate those driver who turn on his signal lamp for 0.1 sec then start changing lane. Terrible driving habit.
I had meet few same situations like you before, but luckily no accident la.
Once I met with one "L" kancil, who drove by "sifu" jump queue before toll, almost bumped into him... shit, no wonder nowadays so many ppl donno how to drive.

hey those "sifus" in "L" kancil drive damn reckless..:shocked:
adrianlek said:
pity u la ting,
habislah ur crystal lights!! :angry:
intercooler got kena ah?
stupid idiot driver.

so what was d outcome of d police report?

yalar! damn "sam thung" la...not only the lights..tayar also cacat lioa aaa.. dunno wat kinda of position izit also...fender dangling like the chicken in the chiken rice shop like that..see also wanna cry...hehehe
the police said they will call me in a few days coz they cannot decide who is in the wrong...wth?...they said the "guy" dint wanna admit that he was wrong so this case is sent to the head police...something like now im waiting for the answer from safely guys...this kinda of drivers is everywhere..u wont noe if they just come to ur lane...just drive safely..
the guy is at fault..
wat an asshole..first of all ROADhogging( major cause of Road rage)...
then wanna switch to middle lane when that GUY can see u comin very fast...

i say screw these losers who cant drive, and dont use thier mirrors while they are switching lanes and road hogging.
if we follow by the rule, its the guy's fault. I kena last time. I was in the right lane. suddenly a car from middle lane change lane. I brake and hit the right side of his car. We made a police report. According to the police, if it is a side accident, whoever change lane is the fault.

What you can do now is make that guy confess that he is changing lane and not you in the police report. If he doesn't confess, then susah la...
bro.... if the dude was an old guy... talking from experience... it don't matter if you're in Msia, Canada, or France... they all drive really slow and hog the lane weii... they think they've lived long on this world and its enuff excuse to demand respect wherever the hell they are no matter how ignorant they may be (driving, queuing up for sumthin, etc.)... those faggot old ppl memang just give face one cos hey check it... their time here "limited" only mah... HAHAHA... But honestly, your accident sounds like it was caused by the old man's ignorance wei, its a pity your ride was wrecked cos of it bro...
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