anyone here driving r34?
anyone here driving r34?
:hmmmm:anyone here driving r34?
Yes. I think there are a few R34 owners here but majority here drives the R35.
anyone here driving r34?
Yes. I drive an R(35-3).
And you know what? we all took the trouble to reply...the joke is on us..
may i know whats the major different about the V spec II and the V spec ? its it something different on chassic ? or shall be a normal GTR34 stick with aftermarket products will better worth to buy than this two? (V SPEC / V SPEC II)
Thanks alot for answer,CHEERS
she quite active in skyline forum last time hehe...or you wanna find somebody here :p
RR I x lupe you. Still remember you bang that guy until xjadi dia nak beli Skyline! Haha
anyone here driving r34?