Sepang Open Track Day - 10 Jun 2011

understood. i know to some guys, when they say they cant afford things, they are not talking about the money hehehe :biggrin:

i guess we are alike then... even bomb-proof, properly built + tuned engines will melt in our hands hahaha!!!

No lah, money as well. Can't spend everything on cars. Sediakan payung sebelum hujan, etc haha.

But yeah, I think engines are allergic to us or something hahah.

Anyway, its Friday so time to head off. TTYL dude.
Eh.. just noticed.

This is not an 'open' trackday per se. It's an RCA track day..

RM300 is cheap compared to SG160 before 27th May..
Eh.. just noticed.

This is not an 'open' trackday per se. It's an RCA track day..

RM300 is cheap compared to SG160 before 27th May..

as i said, dont expect to see any SIC-organised trackday any time soon... next scheduled SIC trackday (1st this year) is in september or something and come that day, i'm pretty sure the session will be cancelled due to "safety reasons" or some other lame excuses hehehe
hahaha when talking about friday prayer..hmm at 120pm ill off to friday prayer then 210pm continue back insyallah hehe can?

---------- Post added at 05:13 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 05:10 PM ----------

FYI the calender has been useless since day 1. when SIC was under the previous chairman, there were regular trackdays held (at least 1 every month except super-GT & F1 months) so we would be calling Kumar every week to check if there's any trackday. no point checking the calendar. sometimes we would go without even calling and there would be trackdays held. very very rarely we would be disappointed if we went without calling.

under the new chairman, less than a handful of trackdays held annually due to concentration on financially bigger clients. still no point checking the calendar. well maybe as a whole, SIC may gain more under the management of the new chairman but we definitely lost lots of track time... thankfully there are organisers like RCA or Ignition still interested to cater to people like us.

i was a regular in 2005 & 2006 (almost 100% attendance in all SIC open trackdays), cooled down from 2007-2009 with only a handful of trackdays participated during that period. back in action from 2010 and only missed 1 or 2 trackdays since hehe... but looks like i'm gonna miss this 1 cos i dont think i dare to miss Friday prayers just to join a trackday.

bro lets join the track day..the we together go to friday prayer :proud: then BAU...:burnout:
there should be a prayer room in SIC i guess?

eh bro dont bully me with ur tomato again ah!! i got phobia towards anything with red now days :(
there should be a prayer room in SIC i guess?

eh bro dont bully me with ur tomato again ah!! i got phobia towards anything with red now days :(

Doesn't quite work that way bro. For normal prayers a surau or prayer room is fine but for Friday prayers you'd need a minimum congregation of people and then there are other issues like the sermon for example. Back in the day, sermons differed from place to place as they were personally written but now its prepared by the government so that the message remains in line with the teachings of Islam as well as the government's position on certain issues.
wow thanks man i nv know that hehe..

anyways no one is interested for the track day yea?
Bangkai. U join or not? The deadline for rm 300 is tomorrow. Let me know ya. Some of our slots already taken by zth drivers. Fyi lot drivers from singapore will join this event.
im interested but seems like i will be alone if im going........ will let u know later in the day bro.
im interested but seems like i will be alone if im going........ will let u know later in the day bro.

Feez says got lotsa cars la bro, where got alone. Who wants to open Sepang just for you to go play. :thefinger:
yeah far zth alone registered under me (non skyline) already 11 also on i ada teman you hehe..
priority to skyliners but im the only one going (if..) :bawling:

btw feez, are u taking ur gti? if yes then you have to take me for a ride lol
No la bangkai. Ill drive my skyline too. Come la. Btw bro. What is your contact no?

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