RCA Sepang Track Day 22/5/10 2pm-5pm


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Nov 22, 2003
RCA Track Event Saturday 22nd May 2010, 2-5pm

It's time for another RCA track day! As usual, it's at Sepang full F1 circuit and limited to 55 cars, so do be quick to make your booking!

Following are the details:

Track : Sepang International Circuit
Date : Saturday 22nd May 2010
Time : 2-5pm
Price : The same, no change: RM 380 entry, RM 100 for 2nd driver, RM 100 for a transponder, RM 120 deposit for transponder upon registration.

Confirmation/Registration by payment on first come first serve basis and closes 20th May 2010.

Instructors are also available on a 'per 30mins slots' -Terms and Conditions apply.

Track Cars Rental : Proton Satria / Putra / Honda DC5R / FD2R - Subject to availablity.

Compulsory safety briefing at SIC at 1pm

Slots are non-transferable but can be sold back to RCA or deferred to the next RCA track event.

Kindly contact me Adian Yein Khalid +6012-6881200 / [email protected] for payment and registration details.

Hope to see you there!

Visit Race Craft Academy in facebook! http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=28522543626

There are still spots available, first come first serve but not many left.

First time i attended an RCA TD. Loved it! Despite not having some club rules on overtaking, whole TD no red light! Found the organizing staff friendly without airs. Keep up the good work RCA. Looking forward to the next TD!

BTW, saw many photographers on that day. Wondering if they did capture my ride. Would love to see them... :)
Attended Saturday's RCA in my Race Car. Good session. Most were well behaved. No red flag incidents. Everyone gave each other enough space to pass. The slower cars didn't hinder the faster cars. The Faster cars didn't bully the slower cars.

Well done RCA.

Very good 'give n take' between the faster n slower guys, n the track cars. I enjoyed the session very much. Looking forward for the next one.
Attended Saturday's RCA in my Race Car. Good session. Most were well behaved. No red flag incidents. Everyone gave each other enough space to pass. The slower cars didn't hinder the faster cars. The Faster cars didn't bully the slower cars.


Yeah i couldnt agree more....

Race car? which one? I see many track cars! i am the one in the blue ctr :) hope i din obstruct you... :)
I was shaking down my blue Celica racecar with my teammates.

Nope, you didn't obstruct me :-)

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