RX7 FD3S For Sale


PMs replied.

Sorry for my late reply as I was away these days :adore:
Hello All~ Sorry for late reply as seldom online at zth now..hehe

Thanks to RERider for the update & thanks to MrPenghulu for your comment on my ex car ('',)

Hope to meet up with you guys again~ cheers~ :driver:
walao.... really pretty man, hey RERider, is that lamp Amemiya brand?

Bump: walao.... really pretty man, hey RERider, is that lamp Amemiya brand?
Jessen, how are u buddy? miss your EX? come return to RE....

Hey Joewe,

Can't help much bro..no $$ lar :slug: hehe...btw, really nice mod by the new owner...looking forward to seeing it in fortune kit :itsme:


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