recent pencala link accident fatallity

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Knn, this guy make u-turn just to clap the hands one more time, if not deserved to be whacked, what else? I guess most people will do the same. He was lucky because of the persons who whacked him not much. If there were some more people who stop by, sure kena more.

BTW, the girl cun or not har? :biggrin:
apparently this country is on a downward spiral of morality, humanity, and sanity.
I dread to know what kind of society our children will be living in within the next 20 years.

We voted this country into the state it is today. At least we know that it's not too late and we can make changes as seen in the last election and hopefully, we give a chance to a new government to see if they can do better (which any idiot with half a brain can do).

As for the topic in this original thread, my condolences to the family and friends. It's a very sad thing and definitely filled with emotions. So a lot of words, actions were spoken/done that maybe wasn't thought fully. But Wayne did what he thought was right and it's done. So let's just learn from this unfortunate accident and get on with life. Drive safe everyone.
can afford white honda civic FD (macam TAP R lookalike) and no money to buy tyres?
can afford white honda civic FD (macam TAP R lookalike) and no money to buy tyres?

yes nowday cant afford real thing so try to get AKA lookalike ...
most ppl upgrade their wheels to nice looking design but cheap come 1st
damm i had never imagine there is a ppl behave like this....sorry for the Fd2 victim.
gosh. can afford a type R but cant afford a good set of tires.
Wayne, Bryan.. chill guys... I see where both of you are coming from. I guess for the rest of us, we have the advantage of hindsight. Not that I condone what Wayne did, but if I ask myself honestly if I was in that situation, I oso dunno what I'll do... whack or not to whack... Sometimes, things are not so clear when you r in the heat of things...

Anyways, condolences to the deceased's family n friends.
Bryan, My replies doesnt point to anyone. Just that i hope some of u out there, if u dun agree u dun have to say such thing as "kids nowadays" and so on.

That would be 'me' bro.

Like you said, you did what you thought was appropriate. Similarly, I said what I thought was appropriate under the circumstances.

I'm not offering any retraction or condoning what you did, although I sympathize with the loss of your friends. It's just my personal opinion, but I still think what you subsequently did was a bit over the top.

The Optra guy was an idiot to do what he did, but, all the same, your response was a car chase involving multiple vehicles through public roads, running him down and then beating him down.

You could have all turned really, really ugly. What happens if you caused a crash involving innocents, caused a fatality ? Not something you want that on your conscience.

Quite aside from the potential of getting third parties injured, what happens if you got injured or got yourself killed, either from the crash or from the fight ? Think about your family.

This is not a matter where you got physically stomped on and you went after the guy because he assualted you. It was a case of insulting words and gestures.

We come across plenty of a$$holes with filthy mouths but at the end of the day, it's just mere words. If you are going to go after every guy who said or gestured something insulting, you'll never run out of targets and eventually it will catch up with you. I drive a two-door now and then, and I get heckled by troublemakers occasionally. People just want to bait an incident. Why bother ?

If I had been that Optra guy and understood my legal position, I could have gotten you into a lot of trouble with the law because although what he did was reprehensible, what you did in response was practically indefensible on all legal counts. If he sues for damages, you are going to be made to pay and the sum will be hefty. Beyond the immediate property damage, it is usual that they also go for aggravated damage. You'll get danced you through the court system and that idiot will milk you for your hard-earned $$$. Just ask any competent lawyer if you doubt the gravity of what I'm telling you.

It's not a matter of being cowardly when taking insults. It's not a question of validating your manhood. No doubt a lot of us put it all on the line if the severity of the situation warrants it but if you do plan on risking your neck for something, at least go after something that is meaningful to your life. Before the red mist takes over, exercise some common sense and restraint. If anything, you'd be a happier that way.
yes nowday cant afford real thing so try to get AKA lookalike ...
most ppl upgrade their wheels to nice looking design but cheap come 1st

That would be 'me' bro.

Like you said, you did what you thought was appropriate. Similarly, I said what I thought was appropriate under the circumstances.

I'm not offering any retraction or condoning what you did, although I sympathize with the loss of your friends. It's just my personal opinion, but I still think what you subsequently did was a bit over the top.

The Optra guy was an idiot to do what he did, but, all the same, your response was a car chase involving multiple vehicles through public roads, running him down and then beating him down.

You could have all turned really, really ugly. What happens if you caused a crash involving innocents, caused a fatality ? Not something you want that on your conscience.

Quite aside from the potential of getting third parties injured, what happens if you got injured or got yourself killed, either from the crash or from the fight ? Think about your family.

This is not a matter where you got physically stomped on and you went after the guy because he assualted you. It was a case of insulting words and gestures.

We come across plenty of a$$holes with filthy mouths but at the end of the day, it's just mere words. If you are going to go after every guy who said or gestured something insulting, you'll never run out of targets and eventually it will catch up with you. I drive a two-door now and then, and I get heckled by troublemakers occasionally. People just want to bait an incident. Why bother ?

If I had been that Optra guy and understood my legal position, I could have gotten you into a lot of trouble with the law because although what he did was reprehensible, what you did in response was practically indefensible on all legal counts. If he sues for damages, you are going to be made to pay and the sum will be hefty. Beyond the immediate property damage, it is usual that they also go for aggravated damage. You'll get danced you through the court system and that idiot will milk you for your hard-earned $$$. Just ask any competent lawyer if you doubt the gravity of what I'm telling you.

It's not a matter of being cowardly when taking insults. It's not a question of validating your manhood. No doubt a lot of us put it all on the line if the severity of the situation warrants it but if you do plan on risking your neck for something, at least go after something that is meaningful to your life. Before the red mist takes over, exercise some common sense and restraint. If anything, you'd be a happier that way.

nicely said bro.
ego/rage/anger over common sense nothing will make sense.
I don't think wayne need to drive very fast to chase down the guy. I have a same car with him as well as an optra. And I felt lucky for that optra guy because still alive. What will happen if someone mark down the car reg number and revenge later on? A well prepared move will turn out to be something big. Although personally I'll not simply whack people but in his case, I don't feel he is doing anything really bad. If say people staring at his girl friend and he whack people then you can say he is kid. But in this case, it was no different than people spit on your own brother face in front of you then laugh and say "what can you do on me? Report me la stupid" sort of provoke thing. Laws, are there to maintain the society peacefulness. But laws have no rights to give permission for people to start up any problem. When a person did something that beyond the culture tolerances, like the optra guy did, he should be automatically unprotected by the laws and responsible for what had he done. Besides that, there is something call sentiment within laws. Because law is created by human and is meant for human. If someone don't behave like what he should be as a human, and the laws are there to protect him, then we are all no longer as a living soul. We are technically just a full biologic based android with intelligent logic programmed nano tech brain cell that came out from a factory.

What wayne did was technically consider wrong from the book of laws. But his intention of the action did saves all our culture value from being fallen. Also save the laws itself for being disrespected because of protecting something which against the human soul, against the culture, and shameful to the entire human race. I'm not saying I'm proud of him, but if a thief fell down from a house then injured, and he is entitle to sue the house owner for not maintaining the house properly, I think it will be most shameful and darkest day for the entire country. If I'm a judge (ok, I day dreaming), I'll announce wayne not guilty due to the reasons above. Meanwhile, I do respect the rights of you for defending what you think is right. The judges only appear in our own heart and tell us to accept or not, since everyone also has their own thinking and way to handle things.

What happen, happened. We cannot change the past. But we can change the future. Whatever we put in a forum is an alternative record besides the standard history, culture and education literature. People can read, think, judge and learn (especially those young newbies) for a better tomorrow.

So for the conclusion, next time if happen similar thing, either tahan and hit own chest or whack kaw people. Just don't go too far until killed someone or involve with weapon or other prohibited things. (this conclusion is fake one :biggrin: . The real one let everyone to make themselves). BTW, the girl cun or not har? :biggrin:

---------- Post added at 05:10 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 05:00 PM ----------

Tire still got flower mar, some more looks like expensive type. Source:
Photo244.jpg (image)

I think they are avoiding something/someone (maybe someone swap lane without looking at the back and no signal) because the road is not small and quite straight. Source = Photo252.jpg (image) and Photo253.jpg (image)
fuhh hot discussion here. jom teh tarik I blanje :)

---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------

ohh its Potenza tyre btw ;)
semi slick tyres + wet road = bad combination
there u go, its semi slicks... and its an olijinel TAP R.

truly sorry for this accident to happen and RIP for the victim.

owning a TAP R doesnt mean u are on top of everyone, one still has to drive responsibly on public roads..even u own a felali or R35 u still have to follow traffic rules and respect all other road users...

public roads is not for race or to show off ur skills, wanna show skills go SIC or join autoX events, know n manage your car capabilities b4 showing ur driving capability.
my condolences to the family and friends of the deceased. accidents can happen to anyone at anyplace. drive safely and responsibly.

about the optra guy, the devil in me thinks the optra guy actually got off lightly. as another forumer has mentioned, they could have marked his license plates and tracked him to his house. then the optra guy's family would be involved and might even get hurt as well. what was there to gain by clapping and sneering at an accident scene not once but twice? normally violence begets violence but in this case, stupidity begets violence. act like an a-hole of course will kena treat like one... :stupid:
I think I saw this car just before the accident.
there u go, its semi slicks... and its an olijinel TAP R.

truly sorry for this accident to happen and RIP for the victim.

owning a TAP R doesnt mean u are on top of everyone, one still has to drive responsibly on public roads..even u own a felali or R35 u still have to follow traffic rules and respect all other road users...

public roads is not for race or to show off ur skills, wanna show skills go SIC or join autoX events, know n manage your car capabilities b4 showing ur driving capability.

How much does Desmond charge on his auto foam luxury package har? :rofl: or got lubang to get custom roll cage with a cheaper price :biggrin:
I don't think wayne need to drive very fast to chase down the guy. I have a same car with him as well as an optra. And I felt lucky for that optra guy because still alive. What will happen if someone mark down the car reg number and revenge later on? ]

You can qualify an action as much as you like, but a 'car chase' is a 'car chase' no matter how differently you want to phrase it. Obviously he feels it is within his right to do something he thinks appropriate.

At the same time, other folks have an equal right to the use of that piece of public road which was turned into a venue of a car chase and a fight. So it's also fair that other people voice their concerns over what has happened.

And if you use a public forum such as ZTH to air your views, you become fair game to all sorts of opinions that come your way, irrespective whether those opinions are good or bad. That is something you need prepare for and to accept if you want to engage in a public forum.

As to whether the Optra guy had been deemed lucky that it was Wayne who dealt with him and not someone else, well...all I can say to that is there are two sides to a coin. It can also be so easily assumed that Wayne might have been the lucky one on that day and at that time for having chased down some guy who is less aggresive. You go into the jungle often enough, you will eventually meet a 'tiger'...or even a pack of them. It could so easily have turned out that he was the one getting the beating instead of the other way round. And if you happen to get one guy who's doped out or who carries a weapon in his vehicle, you might even get more than you bargained for.

Laws, are there to maintain the society peacefulness. But laws have no rights to give permission for people to start up any problem. When a person did something that beyond the culture tolerances, like the optra guy did, he should be automatically unprotected by the laws and responsible for what had he done.What wayne did was technically consider wrong from the book of laws. But his intention of the action did saves all our culture value from being fallen. Also save the laws itself for being disrespected because of protecting something which against the human soul, against the culture, and shameful to the entire human race.

What you think how the law ought to be, is entirely different from how it works.

For one thing, it does not allow someone to beat the crap out of another just on account of a hurtful remark. If the law allowed that kind of retaliation, you'd be in a position to kick the daylights out of anyone just because they happened to be disagreeable to your sensitivities, on whatever issue and subject matter, whether it be on politics, sports, table manners, etc.

Let's not kid ourselves that when the chase was conducted, he had it in his mind to protect culture and country. It was pure and simple an overwhelming desire to clobber that a$$hole in the Optra.

Look, I'm not trying to hang your friend for what he has done. What's done, is done and thankfully things turned out OK for him at the end.

All I'm telling you is this .....and maybe in the process some of you can wise up a little the next time you think of pulling a similar stunt. If it had been me in the Optra, and you assaulted me the way you did, if I had been in a position to defend myself, I could have ended up killing you in self-defence and a court in all likelihood would still have ruled it as justifiable. I could also have easily put you down on charges and then sue your for hundreds of thousands on aggravated assault, mental trauma, loss of livelihood etc. On severe cases, compensation running to millions can be claimed. The way the legal process works is that it allows these claims. You just have to make a good case of it and it won't be hard in a situation such as the one we are considering here. Like I said, if you doubt what I'm saying, just check with a competent lawyer and see whether I'm just blowing sunshine.

I'm not saying I'm proud of him, but if a thief fell down from a house then injured, and he is entitle to sue the house owner for not maintaining the house properly, I think it will be most shameful and darkest day for the entire country.

If you are not legally inclined.....and I'm assuming you are not......, then you should not make assumptions about operation of law that has no prior legal precedents. You cannot sue the owner of a premises if you get injured at his premises whilst you were robbing it. That would be unheard of in any court of law because it is tantamount to a court giving due protection to individuals during the course of committing unlawful acts.

And while you brought out that remark, it will also highlight why your friend will similarly not be protected if he assaulted the Optra driver. Your friend cannot tell the court that he assaulted on account of hurtful remarks because assault in itself is unlawful. If it is lawful then it won't be called 'assault'. It will be referred to as 'self-defence'. In your friend's case, it's not self-defence.
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