Nuclear power

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1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 13, 2006
my answers are in BLUE.

My idea is at least a decade or 2 behind the technology available today. I don't really expect something to build exactly like this to be honest.

looking at the "scale" of your ideas, i think it would be more cost effective for our engineers to replicate the amber containment solution created by the genius scientist Walter Bishop in Fringe.

my idea to use Walter Bishop's idea is at least 2 seasons behind the technology available in Fringe. i sincerely hope something like that can be built.

The whole purpose is just to show people the correct attitude and spirit when facing a problem. Not like some people like to cry like a baby or spread the fear to the public to create chaos or etc.

if showing correct attitude and spirit = sharing ridiculous ideas, while debating with facts = cry like a baby and spreading fear, then i think i went to the wrong school... oh wait, maybe YOU went to the wrong school instead :biggrin:

Besides increasing the power supply, we can also reduce the power demand, by having better town planning, introducing (or creating) more energy saving product (LED buld for toilet?), designing energy saving home/office structure and etc.

there are already plenty of energy saving products out there. it is the attitude of the people that counts at the end of the day.

for example, refusing to debate with facts while continue to spew loads of crap = wasting ZTH storage and bandwidth = consuming more power = back to square one on energy saving. the best and most efficient blade server technology would not even help in this case.

Alternatively, we can also introduce something like soft loan for solar/wind power energy system for home or company. There are many ideas or way to prevent the need of nuclear power. But based on today's average Malaysian way of thinking, I have no choice but have to support for it. Millions of rakyat are still earning below average and we need to put them into the picture other than our own financial status.

and what is "today's average Malaysian way of thinking"? have you interviewed 28million Malaysians to be able to say you KNOW the average thinking of all Malaysians?

Time will not wait anyone. By the time we start needing it, usually will be a decade too late. If can know earlier, there will be no beggar. In stead of waiting till the last minute, why not make it happen when we still have chance.

i fully agree with you BECAUSE by the time YOU need clean and renewable energy instead of nuclear, your pubic hair could have also fallen of due to prolonged exposure to radiation.

I can't imagine what the cost gonna be when the world is greatly demanding for it, be it fuel or nuclear.

did you know that demand can be manipulated? ever heard of oil futures? remember when the price of oil spiked to over USD160 plus? everyone can make sweeping statements but if you really want to appear as if you ARE sharing knowledge with correct attitude and spirit, at the very least, read up on oil.

oh btw, scientists have proven that oil is not derived from fossilized dinosaurs. this means that you dont have T-rex blood and bones flowing in your engine.

read up on peak oil debunked. it will open your eyes to a whole new world of discoveries.

But I only know if the electricity price can be lowered, then we can see electric powered vehicle on the road sooner.

you really like to dream the impossible. i envy your correct attitude, spirit, and most importantly, FAITH in our TNB to reduce prices.

If we think we have plenty oil/gas reserves and no need to worry, it is ok. Throw the problem to our next generation is a good idea indeed. We enjoy whatever available, since life live only once.

you are NOT ok with your next generation facing power shortage but you are OK with your generation facing possible death through radiation exposure from a nuclear reactor?

i think it is SAFE to say that you went to the wrong school. have a nice evening.


500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 5, 2007
My idea is at least a decade or 2 behind the technology available today. I don't really expect something to build exactly like this to be honest.
If you admit your ideas are either obsolete and not feasible, why then are you wasting our time aggresively pushing your propositions and being completely anal about it when someone disgarees with you ?

The whole purpose is just to show people the correct attitude and spirit when facing a problem. Not like some people like to cry like a baby or spread the fear to the public to create chaos or etc.

It's like the Devil quoting Scripture.

You're the one idiot here who has been continually shown to be factually lacking and technically inadequate and you accuse 'us' of spreading fear and lies ? Now that is hilarious :thefinger:

For a change, how about you try debating within the bounds of factual plausibility and not try to dress up your outlandish BS with an air of respectability by calling anyone who disagree with you a liar ?


Known Member
Senior Member
Nov 6, 2008
Good comments you guys have here...

But,whatever you guys said,either you agree or not,malaysia still will continues with the plan to build nuclear reactor...


Because i'm working on it right now with government. If they cancel the project,then i will be jobless....TQ.:bawling:


500 RPM
Senior Member
May 7, 2008
Johor Bahru
Good comments you guys have here...

But,whatever you guys said,either you agree or not,malaysia still will continues with the plan to build nuclear reactor...


Because i'm working on it right now with government. If they cancel the project,then i will be jobless....TQ.:bawling:

Owh the irony of it all...:bawling:


500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 5, 2007
Good comments you guys have here...

But,whatever you guys said,either you agree or not,malaysia still will continues with the plan to build nuclear reactor...


Because i'm working on it right now with government. If they cancel the project,then i will be jobless....TQ.:bawling:

How comfortable are you to discuss in more detail ?

Can you at least tell me how the AELB plan to play a leading role in all this.....not that I have much faith in their abilities and leadership (or more accurately, their lack of it). After all, how good can they be after the way they sat on the sidelines during that colossal goatfuck that became the A.R.E case.


Known Member
Senior Member
Nov 16, 2009
Kuala Lumpur
Good comments you guys have here...

But,whatever you guys said,either you agree or not,malaysia still will continues with the plan to build nuclear reactor...


Because i'm working on it right now with government. If they cancel the project,then i will be jobless....TQ.:bawling:
Good lord, with a design that submerge the reactor, contaminating the water and no way to contain the contamination, if the plan really go through it will most likely abandon half way when constructed due to unable to meet international nuclear safety standard.

It will be totally waste of public funds, not that it is not a waste to begin with since Malaysia doesn't have uranium deposits.

If the plan goes through, it will be worst than PNB building "white elephant", the white elephant waste our public funds, the reactor waste our public funds + radioactive exposure for Malaysia future generation :thefinger:


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 19, 2010
Good comments you guys have here...

But,whatever you guys said,either you agree or not,malaysia still will continues with the plan to build nuclear reactor...


Because i'm working on it right now with government. If they cancel the project,then i will be jobless....TQ.:bawling:
Dude... Whoa!!! Are you a nuclear engineer or something? Can share more to educate us? It would be enlightening to hear form somebody directly involved in this mega project. :burnout:


Known Member
Senior Member
Nov 6, 2008
Sorry,i cant tell much about it because it is confidential...but i would like to read you guys opinions...I'm still waiting for the government decision about the NPP...Base from current situation,M'sia may need to build NPP because we are run out of source such as coal,petrol,and natural gas...But everything depend on gov rite now...So,just wait and see...

And one more thing,my mistake because i told that M'sia will continues the NPP...Actually we have proposed for NPP 20 years ago...until now no decision made but gov keep on sending our people for NPP training...They are many expert actually in M'sia,and dont worry,the gov will make sure that we have enough knowledge before we can proceed with this Mega Project. IAEA is there to help us if we decide to build it...

Thats all I can say....but its good to read you guys debating on this least there is someone realised about NPP in Malaysia after Tsunami in Japan.


500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 5, 2007
Sorry,i cant tell much about it because it is confidential...but i would like to read you guys opinions...

until now no decision made but gov keep on sending our people for NPP training...
Govt. actually sending you for NPP training ?

Are you with the AELB ? You sound like you are someone from there. LOL

If you want our opinions, most of us here have spell out our views

But we have not heard anything substantive from you.

How about you giving me your opinion ?

Not much point for you to walk into a thread like this, tease us with a few general statements on your involvement with the NPP, and then keep quiet under your cloak of confidentiality.

Given someone in your position, at least try to put 'csl' out of his misery by giving some thoughtful analysis on his submersible nuclear reactor. LOL.

You can start by telling the forum what you think of his submarine monstrosity.

Next, answer me this........ what is your opinion on this country's trackrecord on the handling of issues involving radioactivity and radioactive substance ? If BN is so strongly behind the issue now, were they always this supportive before (after all, you said the NPP was proposed 20 odd years ago) ?

Answer carefully. I will reply once I read your comments.


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 13, 2006
Sorry,i cant tell much about it because it is confidential...but i would like to read you guys opinions...I'm still waiting for the government decision about the NPP...Base from current situation,M'sia may need to build NPP because we are run out of source such as coal,petrol,and natural gas...But everything depend on gov rite now...So,just wait and see...

And one more thing,my mistake because i told that M'sia will continues the NPP...Actually we have proposed for NPP 20 years ago...until now no decision made but gov keep on sending our people for NPP training...They are many expert actually in M'sia,and dont worry,the gov will make sure that we have enough knowledge before we can proceed with this Mega Project. IAEA is there to help us if we decide to build it...

Thats all I can say....but its good to read you guys debating on this least there is someone realised about NPP in Malaysia after Tsunami in Japan.
adoi... dun pancing us like this la... :banghead:

anyway, the crux of the matter is that no one is disputing the fact that energy demand would increase in the future.

we just want cleaner and renewable energy, like what many countries (17 if i remember correctly) are doing.

their "talk" about green cities/sustainable cities are not just isolated 'islands' of green projects here and there.

i read somewhere that 90% of vancouver city in canada is powered by hydroelectricity on top of harvesting wind, solar and wave energy.

malaysia has so many dam projects, where the Bakun dam alone can produce 2,400MW of electricity.

aren't we going "ga-ga" over nuclear for nothing? of course, the environmental and social impact of building dams is just as bad due to deforestation and displacement of the real native bumiputeras, it is certainly a "lesser evil" to me compared to a NPP.

we also have solar, wind, wave energy options and we can also consider biofuel to provide power.

i'm not sure what are the $$$ costs involved but i sure as hell would not want something as dangerous as NPP in the country, be it in my home state selangor, or whatever state they decide to build it.

even if we have the right people with the right attitude to operate the NPP, what about our emergency services?

the panic and helplessness caused by a radiation leak far exceeds those of the flash floods that engulfed the northern states end of last year.

can the authorities handle the pressure, especially the public anger if an incident really takes place? :hmmmm:

there is a saying in chinese "don't wear too big a hat if your head is small" and i think the government is taking on more than they can chew. :stupid:


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Thread starter
Aug 22, 2005
After many weeks of looking for >5000 sq/ft house, finally I can found 1 and can take a breath.

I read through again from the 1st post.

Still lacking of comparison of failure rate, fatality rate, and etc of Nuclear power vs other things like transportation, machinery, racing and etc. Wanted to find but too lazy.

BTW, it is not so difficult to google some pics + some documentation and post here and make them up become a strong point. My time wasted to make something stupid so that I can see peoples' respond. Since this thread had stopped a month + ago, I think I can make a quick summary and close the ceremony:

Malaysia is still not yet ready for nuclear plant. The limitation is not on the technology available or financial capability. But rather on other factors like politics condition/culture, public living standard and etc. Good side is that we can live in a less radioactive environment. But there will be a price to pay. Generally, it will slow down overall country development. mid term effect, rakyat, especially mid and low income group, will be suffer a lot because the country productivity can't catch up with the subsidies and eventually goods price will raise due to chain effect. Long term effect, if nothing to revitalizing the economy before other countries economy pickup, when they start wake up, we will have no chance until something big happen next that can effect worldwide.

There is no right or wrong by choosing support or not support nuclear power. Even make more dams and damage the environment is the same thing. The only thing is that, if we decided to do something, we must do it with full force. Don't become afraid of ghost in front of the ship and worry pirates at the back of the ship. Life must move on. Every decision come with responsibility. We chose it, we face it and don't blame others. On this nuclear plant thing, I reckon the gov should make a proper plan and announce it to let people see the whole picture, then open debate with professional and politicians and several common rakyat on TV, then get people vote. Let the vote decide to go ahead or not.

Lastly, I felt sorry for my semi submersible sht that had diverted some attention. But it served what it meant for. At least many people now knows how to spell and key in the word Walter Bishop in google search without taking a big round to find the idea of the nuclear plant that malaysia gov planning to build. The biggest upset I have is this thread still can't spark up a great fire. Not many people willing to commit themselves to take part of debating or discussing some major direction of the country development. most people just care about their own living circle and direct related thing. Thanks for those who spent their effort and time here.



1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 30, 2007
Kuala Lumpur
Some pieces of recent good news:

Germany Will Close All Nuclear Plants by 2022

Making money from electricity
Under a soon-to-be-introduced scheme called the Feed in Tariff (FIT), the government will help households get loans to install solar panels on their roofs to harvest electricity from the sun.

That electricity the government will buy from the household at a guaranteed price of RM1.49 per kilowatt hour (kWh) over a period of 21 years.
Making money from electricity - The Malaysian Insider

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hey guys i need help getting a radiator. curentlly my radiator is not good enough, it a 2 core one and the longest that would fit my engine bay. of late it leaks often so i think its time to get a new one. i was thinking of getting a aluminum 2 core radiator. where can i get it? or is it possible to change the core to aluminum? my current cores are rusted badlly. pls advice..
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